Sister Death Poem

Poem On Losing A Sister-In-Law To Depression

Depression often goes unnoticed by people close to the person affected until it is too late. This poem is about a sister-in-law who died after battling depression and the feelings associated with that for those left behind.

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My younger sister, number 3 of our family, was a very polite, down to earth, and kind-hearted lady. Three years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. She had a complete treatment and was cured,...

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Without You


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

What could I have done
To be the one
To help you through your darkest hours?

I wish I knew
What troubled you
And gotten ridden of your demons.

But I was blind,
I could not see,
And now you're gone forever...

Why did you leave?
A wave of grief
Relentless, merciless, and endless

Has hit us hard,
And in its might,
I'm devastated, hurt, and shattered.

Please understand
You are my friend,
My intelligent, beautiful sister

We shared so much,
But I misjudged
And did not see your struggles.

If I could change
What fate arranged,
I'd do it in a heartbeat.

I never knew
That without you,
My heart would ache so badly.

Know that I will keep you close to me,
No matter where I go or where I'll be.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Farooq Bhatti by Farooq Bhatti
  • 6 years ago

My younger sister, number 3 of our family, was a very polite, down to earth, and kind-hearted lady. Three years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. She had a complete treatment and was cured, but my nephew (her elder son) who went to Germany for higher education passed away a day after joining the university at the age of 26. He had sudden cardiac arrest. After that, her disease developed again, and on February 11, 2016, she left us all to her journey to heaven.

I arrived home after being abroad just hours before she passed. I proceeded directly from the airport to the hospital where she was in a coma. I just kept looking at her and wanted to say that I was there beside her death bed. I spoke to her, but she was having her last breaths. I cannot explain the agony and helplessness that one faces at that time. My brother-in-law was standing beside me and holding my hand firmly as we said goodbye forever. Love you, sis.

  • Angie Queens by Angie Queens, NY
  • 9 years ago

My beautiful sister went to heaven six years ago today and it feels like yesterday. Cancer invaded our lives and tried to tear us apart. Although this horrible disease ate at her like a famished lion she still believed when I didn't!

In the middle of the night she would tell me it's God will! It's God will!.. We all have to go and my time has come....
She worried about me when I needed to worry about her...She comforted me when I needed to comfort her...She told me she loved me when I needed to tell her...She gave me back faith when I didn't believe ....She gave me strength when I didn't have. She knew how in denial I was!
She tolerated pain I never saw anyone tolerate. Courageous she was! She fought & pushed up until the last minute.
I am surrounded by angels she would tell me & we all have to go and my time has come....
I go to bed thinking of you my beautiful Fatima & wake up thinking of you...I miss you terribly more & more each day. Till we meet again....I love you!

  • Azuka Osiegbu by Azuka Osiegbu
  • 10 years ago

I lost my immediate elder sister in 2012. We were in the same university at the same time and she always helped me through the toughest times. After school she got a job and I lived with her for years until I got mine. I didn't realize how close we were until she passed after the birth of her first and only son. The grief this brought to me never gets lighter with time like I was told it will. I wish she was here to smile still with all of her siblings. I console myself with her smiles and never wavering defense for me whenever I was threatened. God rest your soul Mrs. Marilyn Ogorchukwu Osiegbu and we will see again at the glorious resurrection by our Lord Jesus.

  • Lavassel Aria McCorrin by Lavassel Aria McCorrin, Wisconsin
  • 10 years ago

Back in January of last year I lost my dear sister-in-law Erin. She was 33 and she had battled with cystic fibrosis all of her life. She was told that she couldn't have kids. Yet she beat the odds and had two wonderful kids. I didn't realize how much she meant to me. Until she was gone. If I could say one thing to her, it would be I love you and you're the best sister ever. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her. I will regret it forever.

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