Sister Death Poem

Death Of Sister Poem

For my sister Sandra. She passed away July 29, 2007, at the tender age of 30. A beautiful girl who equaled as my best friend. Love you always, Sandra.

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Although born 7.5 years apart, my older sister and I were telepathically close. Our children, until adulthood, believed we were "bopsie twins"! From 1 to 5 times a day we spoke, texted, and...

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Our Hearts Are Broken Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

Our hearts are broken forever.
People tell us that in time the pieces will eventually come back together.
If this is true, though hard to believe now, there will always be a space,
The piece to which has your name on its place.
Tears have been falling now for so long.
When we think of your beautiful face, it all seems so wrong.
You had so much to look forward to and so much left to do,
But God needed somebody in heaven who is as special as you.
Nothing is the same now, and we doubt it ever will be.
You have been released from pain and suffering; you have been set free.
Your story has touched people, all ages, near and far.
On the night you were taken from us, in the sky was a lone twinkling star.
Was that you to tell us that you had reached home now?
And from life as we knew it, it was time for you to take your final bow.
We miss your voice, your infectious laugh and hearing you sing.
Fashion you loved, and now you have new accessories - a pair of angel's wings.
The world has lost a wonderful girl, a true and amazing friend.
But maybe her goodness was needed to help and from heaven she needed to send.
You are always around us, engulfing us with your love,
Giving us strength, keeping us close, and watching over us from above.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Pam Spears by Pam Spears
  • 5 years ago

Although born 7.5 years apart, my older sister and I were telepathically close. Our children, until adulthood, believed we were "bopsie twins"! From 1 to 5 times a day we spoke, texted, and emailed. Our 5 hours distance from each other was never an issue. Even without FaceTime, we still "saw" each other EVERY day. Our hearts consisted of - she the left ventricle, mine the right. Since her unexpected death (not due to her M.S. or host of many other health issues), 10/26/19, I have cried myself sick. As a Christian, and her too, I know she is safe in our Heavenly Father’s arms, fully restored, redeemed, made whole. How can I begrudge her for complete happiness now? She loved every ounce of me and me of her. Yet, each moment of every day since, it’s like being in a fog, in a place unknown to me. I would give ANYTHING to have just 1 more minute with her. Not even my most painful medical procedures equal this heartache. Please God, comfort my heart. LOVE you always and forever.

  • Maira by Maira
  • 3 years ago

I feel your pain. My sister and I are also 7 years apart. She passed away last week. I miss my big sister so much. I am in complete depression mode. Does this ever get easier? You explain exactly how I feel.

  • Carrie Isaacs by Carrie Isaacs
  • 5 years ago

My sister died April 27, 2019. We were best friends our entire lives. Even sharing a room in a 5-bedroom home with only 3 children. We did everything together. Then in our forties, we weren't getting along. We were best friends for 42 years. I was not told until much later and I was not allowed to go to any services. No one spoke up for me, and no one helped me. She was my big sister, and no matter what had happened that past year, it had nothing to do with her death. The hurt, the pain that I live every day is unimaginable. I have to try and get closure. I don't know where to begin, but I know she would not have stood for it. She would be so mad that I was not allowed, and no one spoke up for me. She was my sister and my best friend. I knew her better than anyone. She was more honest with than she was with anyone. But what I would give for one more moment to share. I will never be the same. Give her back, please! I promise to never fight if you just let her breathe again. I love her!

  • Ayu by Ayu
  • 6 years ago

I lost my sister suddenly on May 2, 2016. Sometimes it feels like she’s still here. When people say she was a kind girl, my tears always fall. She’s the only one I had. See you in heaven, my sister. We always miss you so much. Today’s my sister’s birthday (October 28). Let’s pray for her.

  • Isabelle Oliver by Isabelle Oliver
  • 6 years ago

At the age of 2, I lost my twin sister to leukemia, and then 5 months ago, I lost my sister during complications in pregnancy, so I can relate.

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 7 years ago

I lost my sister Deborah back in 1986 from bleeding in her brain. I recently lost my other sister Becky in 2016 from cancer. I can relate to the loss of a sibling. It hurts like crazy. As hard as it is, you will get through it. Going through the loss of sister or brother or parent makes you a lot stronger because it's really hard to do. No matter how they die it's hard, if not impossible, to handle. It's okay to cry, write letters, or do whatever you have to do to help you cope as long as it doesn't hurt you or others.

  • Christy by Christy
  • 9 years ago

I lost my oldest sister on June 23, 2015. She took her own life after a long battle with depression. She left no parting words or goodbyes. Just gone in the blink of the eye. This is something that happens in the movies or to other families but you never expect suicide of a loved one to touch you. No way to prepare for this and almost impossible to process. So many questions unanswered and a huge gap to fill when you lose someone so dear. So many emotions run thru you at the same time. Guilt, sadness, anger, is a never ending nightmare you wish would end. One thing I do know is that my life will never be the same.

  • Susan Davis by Susan Davis
  • 4 years ago

Christy, I just lost my sister to suicide as well. I am heartbroken and confused and many other emotions. How are you doing now? Please tell me this gets easier. Please tell me I will be able to go on. I miss her so much already. I am broken.

  • Maureen Figueroa by Maureen Figueroa
  • 8 years ago

I lost my younger sister on April 7, 2014 and the pain still takes my breath away. She was my everything and the one person that loved me unconditionally. She suffered from depression, diabetes, and a severe heart condition. She wore an insulin pump and when I saw her April 6, 2014, I noticed she took the pump out and when we found her the next day, the pump was lying on her desk. She left no notes, just her choice of funeral music on a CD. I wonder if she woke and wanted to change her mind...but it is selfish of me to wish she were still suffering, so I stumble through each day because my heart is so heavy. I look forward to seeing her again and I try to honor her by living a compassionate life. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you find peace.

  • Jayme Potter by Jayme Potter, TN
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my sister Grace. She was only 28 years old. She died from an enlarged heart and went peacefully in her sleep. I miss her so much and it pains me too much to go on without her. She died on April 19th 2014. It still feels like one day I'll come home and she'll be on the couch waiting for me. It pained me to eat, sleep, or just do anything without her. But I know I'll be with her again. Rest in peace Lauren Grace Cohea. I love you and I'm waiting for you.

  • Lansdale Pa by Lansdale Pa
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my sister 11/18/2014 it's been the hardest thing I ever felt. I can not go on the pain is so bad. She was my best friend a wonderful mother. I miss her so much I can not be around her kids without falling apart it's so hard to hold myself together let alone keep her kids together we are all a big mess. Your poem is beautiful just hope the pain will go away.

  • Anggie by Anggie
  • 10 years ago

This poem has truly touched me. I lost my older sister at the age of 33 in 2009 and her name was Sandra. This is such a beautiful poem. My sister has been gone almost 5 yrs. now and it's still hard to cope with daily. I love you sis and missing you like crazy. R.I.P. my angel

  • Cindy Hoeffel by Cindy Hoeffel
  • 10 years ago

My sister Nancy died last night. We were very close and talked everyday around 10 times a day. I am so sick over this and I just can't cope. I just don't know what to do. She just stopped breathing. What do I do?

  • Jfort by Jfort
  • 11 years ago

I lost my oldest sister December 26, 2013 from a heart attack it hurts so bad I will never get over this feeling of empty, depression, broken pain. This is the worst in my life I pray that she watches over me and helps me cope with her being gone. I love you my tee tee my butterfly in the sky.

  • Jeni by Jeni, California
  • 11 years ago

My beautiful sister Tricia died a little over 6 months ago, on April 27th, 2013. She was only 41, and died of a brain tumor. Tricia was the most exceptional person I have ever known. She had a lot of hardships in her life, even before the tumor, and always dealt with them with such grace. She deserved so much more than what life dealt her, and that is why I know God took her home early. She communicates with me in funny ways...perfect dew drops on a leaf, a hummingbird dancing right in front of me, the sun streaming through a window on my face, doing something or saying something stupid and immediately hearing her laugh at me. I treasure these moments, just don't know when they are going to come. Have faith, you will all see your sisters again. I will sign off as Tricia always did..LLAD...or love, love, angel, dove.

  • Tsumeb by Tsumeb, Namibia
  • 11 years ago

I lost my sister on 08 December 2012, her name was Sandra, at the age of 42, so hard, when I read your poem, everything is so her. I found myself weeping. I miss her but want to let her go. Thanks a lot for this beautiful poem.

  • Susan by Susan, London
  • 11 years ago

This poem has hit me in more ways than I least expected. I lost two of my sister in four years my elder sister died instantly in a motor accident at the age of 28 and left behind a son. My younger sister died of cancer at the age of 13, this has left a big hole in my heart. The pain has never gone away. I miss them both dearly as I do not have a sister to confide in.

  • Charlotte Edwards by Charlotte Edwards
  • 11 years ago

My sister died on the 5/5/2013. She died of a serious illness cancer & all I can say is that I love her & she will always be remembered & never forgotten. I'm 13 years old & she was 20 & just starting to live her life! We all believe dying isn't fair not just to my sister to everyone person but god picked then because they are special R.I.P Carly-ann Luck!<3

  • Lydia by Lydia, New York
  • 12 years ago

Today, October 31st is the 17th anniversary of the passing of my little sister Cindy. She died at the tender age of 16. We had just celebrated her sweet 16. She died of a brain aneurism. I am not a poet and came across this poem. It hit me right in the heart. It was exactly what I was looking for to explain what I was feeling. I re-posted it on Facebook to share with all my family who were also hurting. Thank you very much!!!!

  • Pam by Pam, NY
  • 12 years ago

I think I am so so angry at myself and everyone around me, because of my sister passing, after battling with cancer for eight years. More so my father did not came to her funeral, one of my brothers did not come, they have their citizenship here but did not come. My oldest sister couldn't come because she couldn't get a visa, I don't even think she tried for one. my family thinks and do things very differently from me. I cannot forgive them for this, you know the sad part of this, they don't see what they did was wrong. My sister begged to see my father her last days, but saboo and andrew did not bring him. Sins and shame on them. Why now, why now they want to be nicey nicey to the children when they did not full fill my sister's desire. It would have cost daddy nothing, because we would have paid the passage and keep him for a little bit.

  • Pam by Pam, NY
  • 12 years ago

I have 2 older sister I am the youngest, my second sister passed July 18th 2012. I don't know how to cope. I am so angry I am scared. I know I will not see her again but cannot face reality. Today I came back to work since and I promise myself to change. I want to be half my sister and half myself, part of her will be me and this may make me feel better. I am willing to try this approach first.

  • Nikki by Nikki, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my big sister this morning due to cancer. When I got the news, I just broke. These words will comfort me through the days & nights to come. She was the type of person who would encourage me to reach for the best. We bonded through so much such as her having kids, me having pity parties, the woman with the issue of blood, relationships, pregnancy scares, suicide attempts, the choir, and life in general. She was a TRUE woman of God whom I've had the pleasure of knowing for the past eleven years. May her memory gone on living forever.

  • Grace Bourke by Grace Bourke Poet
  • 12 years ago

For those of you who feel as though you cant take it anymore and you're grief is overwhelming you, I would say to you, to hold on. It has been five years since Sandra passed away and this year has seen me turn a corner in dealing with it. I have been able to overcome any trivial and material things that surrounded everything. Instead of feeling guilty for smiling and being happy, I have decided to live my life the way Sandra would have lived the rest of hers and the way she would have wanted me to live mine. I have accepted she is gone. I still have the constant ache in my heart but what people mean when they say time is a healer is that it doesn't really get easier but the longer you live with it, you learn how to deal with it. I miss her and talk to her everyday and I carry her with me wherever I go and I still get a pang of pain when I see two sisters sharing a moment. I had an amazing sister and I know I will see her again but until then our relationship will live on.

  • Christy by Christy
  • 8 years ago

Your words inspire me as we just reached the one year anniversary of my sister's death. My story is posted above and she chose to take her own life but I've found myself caught between guilt and sadness since I haven't convinced myself that there was nothing I could do to make things better. This has been the most challenging year of my life. It feels like it just happened. I still reach for the phone to call her and it does get overwhelming. Nothing gives me comfort. I miss having a sister who was also my best friend. She was so special and I'm lost without her. Leigh was the only person who understood me and loved me unconditionally. I have no one to call during those times and our memories make me even sadder because I know there won't be anymore and she left with so much more to do. I have not gone one day without crying and I only miss her more. I just want her back and I know she's with me in spirit but it's just not good enough. When does it get better?

  • Heather Kobzan by Heather Kobzan, Ontario
  • 9 years ago

My twin sister Sandra passed 3 years ago Nov 2. As a twin we were so connected and losing her I feel like part of me is gone. This year I feel some pain lifting and like you, not feeling guilty when I smile and laugh. It is so true when you say they would want us to live our lives to the fullest and enjoy all that they couldn't. We will never forget but we can take them with us on the rest of our journeys.
I will never forget all the special times we shared and even though we won't have anymore of those times, I still need to live life and do what I can to fulfill my promise to her.
Thanks for posting such a beautiful poem and writings. We all had special sisters, and we aren't alone in our sorrows.
Thanks Grace

  • Susan by Susan, Illinois
  • 12 years ago

My friend lost her daughter after a year long battle with cancer. I was searching for a poem to express my thoughts and prayers for the family. This poem was a true expression of the grief that we are going through. Mindy was only 26 and our hearts will be broken for ever. Thank you for posting the poem.

  • Elizabeth by Elizabeth, Indiana
  • 9 years ago

That was really thoughtful of you to share and probably hard to, I hope you all live in peace.

  • Laura by Laura, Chicago
  • 12 years ago

My Sister 41 and my Husband were both murdered June 19, 1994 on Fathers Day. Jude was shot twice in her head and Michael was beat, he died several hours later. Both by unknown gang punks with no connection to each other. My Brother 42 died 6 years later. I can not move on. I've always been known as a strong person but the grief controls me. I cry EVERY day. We were abused as Children, neglected, and so many secrets only we knew. I'm sick with hate and anger. I don't want to be here. If a person is in so much pain for so long why must we remain here. My Life means nothing to anyone. I make no difference to anyone and I'm really just so tired. I lost 3 of my Best Girlfriends too within the last 7 years, all only in their 40's.

  • Barbara by Barbara, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

I read your poem and reminded me of my grief for years and years. My sister was named Sandra too. She was only 31 and died of breast cancer. She had 2 precious children a girl and a boy. They have beautiful red hair and they still do. She was a very, very good friend of mine. We would laugh and cry together. She might have been my little sister but, she was always there for me. She was all ways thoughtful of others. I couldn't have asked for a darn better sister. I miss her very very badly even though she died 13 yrs ago this week.

  • Kelsey by Kelsey, North Carolina
  • 12 years ago

Well, at a young age, my parents and grandmother always spoke of my 'sister' whom I had never met. Eventually I understood what was all going on. My sister Morgan died at birth two years before I was born, and I never had the chance to meet her. Lately, I've felt terrible and cried myself to sleep just thinking about it. I am 16 now, so I think it has to do with wanting someone I can always count on. I just want to feel better, and I've tried talking to her, but it only seems to upset me more. What can I do?

  • Jay by Jay, MO
  • 13 years ago

My sister died when she was 1 years old. I never met her but knowing that I am missing such an important person in my life really hurts me.

  • Ellie by Ellie
  • 13 years ago

My sister died when she was in P.E. in school she was 12 and I was like 6.
This was shocking news.
She died 9 days later in hospital xxxx

  • Mary Obrien by Mary Obrien
  • 13 years ago

My big sister just passed yesterday, reading your poem. She had been ill for a very long time I would look into her eyes and see how much pain she was in. God help me I am going to miss her so much.

  • Holly by Holly
  • 13 years ago

This poem really hits home. In 15 days it will be 3 years since I lost my sister. I was 16 she was 13. We were best of friends. Sometimes I wish that I could have her back and there isn't a lot of support out there for women like us.

  • Preetha by Preetha
  • 13 years ago

I am touched by all the poems. I lost my younger sister to a heart ailment. She was just 33 and has left behind her precious 2 yr old daughter and husband. The family misses her terribly!

  • Julie by Julie, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my sister 17 years ago today, she was 27, on her honeymoon and her husband fell asleep at the wheel, it was such shock and loss, as we had suffered a bad childhood together, we were like each others parent, I wish I had the gift of writing such beautiful words to remember her by. No one ever fills that space in my heart. your poem was touching. Thank you

  • Grace Bourke by Grace Bourke Poet
  • 14 years ago

I am so pleased that my poem has been able to help you with your losses as I know only too well that it is the hardest hurdle to overcome and I hope that you will all find some peace of mind eventually. It is the most difficult journey.

  • Donna Sherman by Donna Sherman
  • 15 years ago

I just lost my younger sister and my best friend on July 29th she just turned 41. Every year we were always the same age for two months because mine is in August, but this year for my birthday I buried my best friend.
God, will the pain ever stop?

  • Delilah by Delilah
  • 16 years ago

I just lost my sister
She had just turned 29
This poem hit home so very much.
It has allowed me to find the words I couldn't. I mean how do you? To just do it and not create a novel. For fear of leaving something out. I am very thankful to the person who had the courage, strength and creativity to capture how I feel.

  • Nixie by Nixie
  • 16 years ago

I lost my younger sister in a car crash just a few weeks ago and was looking for a poem to help me through things and I came across this poem and fits so perfectly. She was only 29 and so similar to things in the poem. Thank you for posting this poem. And to my sister, Jess, we will always love and remember you. Too young and wonderful to be gone. RIP sweet sister.

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