Sister Death Poem

A Poem About Heaven

Poem about my sister Kimberly Bush O'Connor. Missing my sister on the 3rd anniversary of her death, I wanted to do something special. I visited her gravesite, and as I sat in the cold, I started writing a poem for her. She loved writing, poetry, and the beach. She was just 49. I miss her more every day.

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I love your poem about you missing your sister! It was very beautiful, a great tribute in her memory. I also lost a sister in 2014 to ovarian cancer. She loved the beach here in Oregon! We...

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The Beach In The Sky

© more by Jackie Bush Holcomb

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2014 with permission of the Author.

I closed my eyes,
Felt the warmth of the sun on my face.
All the grief and pain
Was simply too hard to erase.

I could smell the ocean in the air.
I opened my eyes only to see you far off in the distance.
I knew it was you there.

I called out your name
As I ran to you.
My prayers had been answered.
It was all too good to be true.

Beautiful as always,
You smiled and held me so near.
This moment was happening;
It was all perfectly clear.

You laughed and said,
"I'm happy you're here. Welcome to my beach in the sky,
But you can't stay forever,"
As a big sister always knows why.

"You see there is a little place at my beach in the sky.
It's called Heaven and that's where I live.
I am happy and content
And have no one else to forgive."

"I dance in the sun and play in the waves.
I collect seashells as I watch the sun rise and set
All of my days."

"I know no more hate, sorrow or grief.
I only know love and peace.
And I stand firmly with my God on that belief."

"You have not yet learned what it takes.
You can't be with me on my beach in the sky.
Just because you think you have faith,
You still have not learned why."

"Go back to your world and do what you can.
Be kind and gentle to each and every man.
Have a compassionate heart.
Remember my words as we now must part."

"Little things matter.
Be the best you can be.
Take great care with others
As you would a seashell at sea.
Be helpful, be strong
And never ask why.
That's all it takes
To reach my beach in the sky."

I opened my eyes
And felt the mean spring-winter cold.
It was all an illusion,
Everything I had just been told.

The snow flurries fell.
I was not on a beach
But was back in my hell.
It could have all been a dream
Until I looked down
And discovered a seashell.


more by Jackie Bush Holcomb

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

I love your poem about you missing your sister! It was very beautiful, a great tribute in her memory. I also lost a sister in 2014 to ovarian cancer. She loved the beach here in Oregon! We spent a lot of time walking the coastline, collecting sea shells and enjoying the beautiful sunsets! I was brought back to these days through your poem! I want to thank you for this poem because many heartfelt memories came back to me! Keep writing and touching others with this gift of yours!
Lisa in Memory of my older sister, Vicki.

  • Michele Dezi by Michele Dezi
  • 1 year ago

I also lost my sister to ovarian cancer in 2019. She was my younger sister. Her favorite place was the beach. This poem brought me to tears. It brought me back to the days we spent together at the beach. Thank you!

Lisa, thank you. When I wrote my words, I was lost. In putting the words and memories together, it gave me strength to remember the good times together and hope to be with my sister again sometime in the future. Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope it brought you comfort and fond memories of your deep connection to your sister Vicki.

  • Destiny Aguilar by Destiny Aguilar
  • 4 years ago

My sweet dear sister Crystal, 39, died unexpectedly 2 weeks ago in a tragedy. This poem reminds me of her so much, her love of the beach and the words of what she would say to me. I want to thank you for creating such a beautiful piece. I will be reading this aloud at her funeral this Sunday. Thanks again.

Destiny, I am so very sorry for your loss. I still have a hard time reading my own words. I hope this gave you comfort at the most horrible time in your life. A year has now passed since your beautiful sister moved on. I hope and pray that you still carry your sister in your heart and continue to believe that she is always with you. That will never be taken from you. Deep in your heart she will forever remain. With love~ Jackie

  • Ramona by Ramona
  • 5 years ago

I am sobbing as I read your poem. The one place my big sister, Kim, and I loved to be was at the beach. She passed away 2 months ago on March 23, 2019, at the age of 59 from complications of diabetes - too young, too soon. I lost my very first best friend in the whole world. I know that she would never have been the same had she lived. We never would have walked along the beach again. We lost our only (younger) brother in 2010, but my big sister, my only sister, was a different loss somehow. Maybe because our brother passed away, we tended to cling together and cherish each other more. All three of us were only a year apart in age. I am lucky that Kim and I told each other how much we loved each other whenever we talked. We texted or talked to each other every morning, and I miss her little comments and our laughs. I know that when people grieve with me and tell me that she's better off, it's supposed to help, but it only makes me miss her that much more. Thank you, Jackie.

To say I am sorry for your losses seems honest and heartfelt but somewhat hollow. My heart hurts for you. We grow to accept loss is a part of the circle of life, but certain losses make our hearts literally drop within.....never to be the same person we once were. I lost my sister Kim on 3/24/2011. I miss our memories of growing up together and becoming the women we once were. I know Kim would want me to be the best I can and ultimately be happy. At first I was lost knowing that I would forever miss the one person who "got" me. As time has passed, I now embrace the feeling that she will forever be the only person that ever "got" me. No one can compare and no one will ever replace that special bond. I am sending love to you and the promise that time will help. Please take care of your tender heart. Your sister Kim would want that for you, so please don't ever forget that. Thank you for your heartfelt words. Love to you.

  • Eddie Buttram by Eddie Buttram
  • 7 years ago

Just lost my sister 1 week ago. She was my best friend. She was 47 years old, and she lived the beach. Your poem touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes...

Eddie, I am so very sorry for the loss of your sister. Having also lost my sister, I found some sort of peace in writing...thinking about happier times we spent together. I'm sending you love and a prayer that God gives you strength. - Jackie

  • Chris Smith by Chris Smith
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. I also lost mine on April 8, 2016. She was 42 and my best friend. Your poem is beautiful.

Chris, I am deeply sorry for your loss. I hope my poem gave you a bit of strength. My loving thoughts are with you. Thank you for your kind words. Jackie

  • Joannie Kellum by Joannie Kellum
  • 9 years ago

Jackie, please accept my condolences on the death of your sister. I too have lost an older sister, Karla, exactly 11 months today unexpectedly to heart disease at the age of 54. We were only 2 years apart and it has been the most difficult thing I've ever endured. I truly believe my sister had a hand in me finding your poem. Her home had been the beach for many years and that is where she passed. Your poem expressed a lot of the same emotions I have had. The beach is where I feel the closest to her and every time I found a beautiful seashell, I knew she was there. Thanks so much for sharing it! I would love to share it on my sister's Facebook page with your permission.

Joannie, I am so terribly sorry for your incredible loss of your sister Karla. I know the deep hurt and pain. It is so hard to accept. I found that writing something inspirational helped ease the pain a little bit for me. Please share my poem. If it helps you in the slightest, then that makes me happy. Love to you.- Jackie

  • Michelle Hulme by Michelle Hulme, Johannesburg
  • 9 years ago

My beautiful, amazing kind, caring and hard working sister passed away on 14th of February 2015. Lucklily for her she went very peacefully a virus attacked her heart and she died in her sleep. The hardest part is the fact that she was the central fugal force of our family and now we have to learn to work together without her! She was the most generous giving person you could ever hope to meet and life will just never ever ever be the same without her in my life!!!

Michelle, I'm sending so much love to you. I am sorry for your loss. Peace, love and strength to you. Become your sister's central force in your family.

  • Holly Murray by Holly Murray, Alabama
  • 9 years ago

My sister Cindy passed away on May 23, 2015. She battled colon cancer for 9 months, she was strong brave and devoted to her family and friends. She had the most beautiful smile that would light up the room. She lived life to the fullest always even up to the end of her precious life. God surely has a special angel now. I miss her so much!!! Love you sis!!

  • Donna Pursell by Donna Pursell
  • 6 years ago

My big sister passed away on the 4th of July from colon cancer. I just can't accept that she's gone and that I won't see her again or hear her voice. When does the pain ease? Will a second pass without her in my mind? Do tears ever stop? I'm totally broken-hearted. There were only 2 years between us and we both went through breast cancer 7 years ago. Sorry to sound so low, but that's how I feel every day.

  • Martha Salzsieder by Martha Salzsieder
  • 9 years ago

Yesterday, July 1, 2015, my sister Cindy passed away after battling breast cancer for 17 years. She loved the beach and when I read your poem, it brought back all of our many beach trip memories with sister. She was a special lady who was devoted to her family. I will miss our every day phone talks. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

Holly, I am sorry for the loss of your sister. Hoping my poem brought some peace to you during such a sad time. I lost my sister-in-law Kathy to colon cancer 1/15/15. Yesterday 9/5/15 would have been her 59th birthday. Sending love to you.

Martha, I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss of your sister. It makes me happy to know that my poem brought back so many special memories of your time with Cindy. I hope my words brought you some comfort and happy memories. God Bless.

I am so very sorry about your sister Linda. I am touched that you found my poem. I hope it brought you some sort of peace. God Bless.
Jackie Bush Holcomb

  • Donna Stepensky by Donna Stepensky, Ct
  • 10 years ago

My sister Linda, 50, died on Sept 26, 2014. I found this poem the day she died. I see her in every word. I read it at her funeral.

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