Sister Death Poem

A blood clot suddenly stopped my sister's heart one chilly November day, which was caused from emergency surgery 3 weeks prior to her death. I found her lying face down on the floor, between her bed and her favorite rocking chair, which sat in the corner of her bedroom. It's funny how a rocking chair becomes more than just a place to sit for those sorely missing its former owner. It still sits quietly in the same spot, 4 years after her death, because of the sweet memories it evokes.

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I was doing a job in Lahore, and my mother lived alone in the village. On July 28, 2022, my sister came to visit mother. She was fit in every way. On July 30, I received a call at 3:00 in the...

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My Sister's Rocking Chair

© more by Belinda Stotler

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.

Over in the corner sits an empty rocking chair,
Yet my mind's eye can still picture her there,
Gently rocking to and fro at a slow steady pace,
Wearing a soft loving glow upon her sweet face;
As the rocking seemed to carry her worries away
And eased the painful weariness of the long day.

My sister's old rocking chair sits so quietly now
But seems to revive my grieving heart somehow;
For it stirs fond memories of talks we once had,
Which gave us such comfort when we were sad,
Or helped us recall funny stories of childhood years
That brought glorious laughter mixed with joyful tears.

To many, it's just an old forgotten chair in the corner,
But it is so much more to this solemn mourner;
For it is where a beloved sister would often sit,
Sharing her humorous stories with charming wit,
Or giving advice that came from a compassionate soul.
Oh, how these lovely memories now serve to console.

Sometimes I will sit in my sister's rocking chair,
At moments when missing her is too much to bear,
And I need to feel closer to the kind, generous heart
To which I was forever bonded from my life's start;
She was my most trusted confidante and loving friend,
Who I will always cherish beyond my life's end.

How lonely and forlorn that old chair seems to be,
But I realize it's not the chair that is lonely - only me!
For I miss the dear sister who once graced the chair.
Oh, how I wish she were still quietly sitting there,
Gently rocking to and fro at a slow, steady pace,
Wearing a soft loving glow upon her sweet face.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Asad Usman by Asad Usman
  • 2 years ago

I was doing a job in Lahore, and my mother lived alone in the village. On July 28, 2022, my sister came to visit mother. She was fit in every way. On July 30, I received a call at 3:00 in the morning that my sister had passed away. It was as if the ground came out from under my feet. When I came to the village early, there was a strange atmosphere. This incident was very heartbreaking for me.

  • 5 years ago

I received a call from my mother saying my sister asked her to call me and come over ASAP. When I arrived, my sister was on the bathroom flood and couldn't get up. I had my mother call 911 and rush her to the hospital. We found out she had a stroke due to a bad reaction to medication for gout. I just knew they would fix everything and I would bring her home again. Months of hospital stays, many setbacks, trips to emergency rooms, and medical procedures later, and she slipped away. The pain and sadness I feel is so deeply painful that some days I can't get out of bed. I thought putting this in writing might help.

  • Donna Stepensky by Donna Stepensky, Ct
  • 10 years ago

I found my sister ill in her chair. I took her to the ER. She never returned home

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