Sister Death Poem

Emotional Poem About Death Cutting Young Life Short

I wrote this emotional poem when I started thinking about the things regarding my sister Mencia Gawanas that I took for granted. I thought that she'd always be around, so there were all these things that I thought I would always have. I thought she'd always text me, or smile at me, or call me. I thought I would have her in my life forever. Alas, God had a different plan for us. I just wish I knew that I would have her for so little a time, for she was only 20.

Featured Shared Story

May 2, 2016 I lost my little sister who was only 45. Every day brings the challenge to go forward.

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Analysis of Form and Technique

If Only I Knew

Sennette Gaoses ©

Published by Family Friend Poems February 2014 with permission of the Author.

If only I knew that our time would be so brief,
Spoiled you rotten I would have done.

If only I knew that would be our last phone call,
Just to listen to you speak, held on longer I would have done.

If only I knew that would be your last text,
Kept it in my inbox I would have done.

If only I knew it was the last time I was seeing you,
Called you back and hugged you tight I would have done.

If only I knew it was the last time I would see you smile,
Stood longer and watch you smile I would have done.

If only I knew that I was seeing your face for the last time,
Memorize all its features I would have done.

If only I knew that God would take you away so soon,
Spend all my time with you I would have done.

There are a lot of things I would have done differently
If only I had known.


Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • It is made up of couplets, which are 2 line stanzas.

    If only I knew that our time would be so brief
    Spoiled you rotten I would have done

    Read more about stanzas
  • This poem evokes strong emotion by showing what the author would have done differently had she known it was the last time to share moments with her sister.

    If only I knew it was the last time I was seeing you
    Called you back and hugged you tight I would have done.

  • There is a strong sense of structure. All but the last stanza start with "If only I knew..." followed by what the author would have done.

    If only I knew that God would take you away so soon
    Spend all my time with you I would have done

    Read more about structure in poetry
  • The author uses the senses of seeing, touching, and hearing when adding descriptions. This helps the readers feel as though they're a part of the experience.

    Just to listen to you speak, held on longer I would have done
    Called you back and hugged you tight I would have done
    Stood longer and watch you smile I would have done

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rachel Blaclick by Rachel Blaclick, Ohio
  • 10 years ago

I, as well just lost my baby sister. She was 21. I felt we would have our whole lives to grow old together. There are no words to explain the loss you feel in your heart when someone you love passes. Your words give me great comfort. Thank you truly xoxo

  • Karen Carron by Karen Carron
  • 8 years ago

May 2, 2016 I lost my little sister who was only 45. Every day brings the challenge to go forward.

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