Missing You Poem

A child wonders what it's like up in heaven.

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My friend died March of this year. She was a good friend the best friend that anyone can have. We have had some good time together on days I could call her and talk to her about anything she...

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When You Died


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

When you died my whole
World came crashing down
On me
I see you in my dreams,
Everywhere I look are the
Memories of you
It's been ten long years, but
It still feels like yesterday
That I lost you forever
I blamed myself, but I learned
That God needed you more than
We did, but why then?
I've been wishing I was dead for
A long time now, so I can join you
Up in heaven, is it really that?
The day you died my life ended,
and I was only six.

*a true story about my mom,Roxane. R.I.P. mom*


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Cordele by Cordele, Georgia
  • 10 years ago

My friend died March of this year. She was a good friend the best friend that anyone can have. We have had some good time together on days I could call her and talk to her about anything she would speak what was on mind and heart. She would give you some good advice she will never tell you nothing wrong so I am really missing her because I can not talk with some peoples because they don't know how to keep things without telling the world. So I can say that this lady that they call BIG WILL you are Truly Missed.

  • Kayla by Kayla
  • 11 years ago

When I was 14 my grandma passed away, my whole life, my best friend. I saw her everyday, and called her every night to sing her favorite song to her for her to go to bed. She moved in with her sister and I never could see her or talk to her, just heard she was sick, and I got a phone call and it said she died. I stayed in my room for about a week to myself. Only left to use the restroom. It was the worst pain ever.

  • Ashtyn Settles by Ashtyn Settles
  • 11 years ago

My grandpa died this year, January 5th, 2014
He was a good man people tell me I am strong, I blamed myself that he died. I was sent away when I fount out he was sick. I came down to see him it was horrible, I couldn't stand to see him so sick, the first day I came in I realized that he couldn't talk or see or move, I didn't know how to tell him I loved him, I didn't know if he even knew I was there. Before I left I told him he was going to get better and that I would see him the next day, I went and saw him and then he passed away'

  • M.Molinar by M.Molinar, Lockney
  • 11 years ago

Everyone says I am strong, after losing my husband in NOV. 2012 my brother, FEB. 2013, my mother, MAR 2013. What they don't realize is that I still need them. My kids haven't let me down, but my one brother and three sisters have, and I need them to.

  • Christy by Christy, Illinois
  • 11 years ago

My baby boy was only five when God came for him, why why why. I wonder every day why did God take you from me. You were my little man, my best friend, my everything. After dad went to work and you brothers off to school, it was just you with me. Till the day you went to your aunts to stay. I can't understand what happened or why but I didn't even get to say good bye. I miss your laugh and our together days. And even though the time has come for us to part, son you was the joy in my heart, my little man we'll be looking for you in the sky, so we get that chance to say good bye.

  • Caitlin by Caitlin
  • 11 years ago

My mum died seven years ago when I was six as well and I still feel like that

  • Priscilla by Priscilla
  • 12 years ago

Everyday I wish you were here talking to me. Telling me don't let anyone get in your way. I need you very much. All the times you told me that I had a choice in life that's why I made it in life and I am happy to have a angel like you looking after me through thick and thin because without you I have nothing to guide me.

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