Lonely Poem

Poem About Being Left Alone On Valentines Day

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This poem is how I feel. I have been married to my husband for 22 years, he is the love of my life! He has abandoned me and our 3 sons and has been running around with a disgusting tramp...

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Valentine's Day

© more by Ronita Lee

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2008 with permission of the Author.

Today is Valentine's Day,
A day to show a loved one you care,
But how can you hold them, kiss them, console them
When no one is even there?

Today is a day of us together
And not a second to be left apart,
But knowing today won't bring those things
Continues to break my heart.

I know I'm supposed to be happy,
And I really look the part,
But how can I smile
And pretend that I'm happy
When a piece is missing from my heart?

Today won't change the crying.
Today won't change pain.
Today won't change the fact
That heartache is now a part of my name.

Today for me is lonely.
Today for me is untrue.
Today for me is wishing
That once again I still had you.

But wishes are like fairy tales;
They rarely do come true,
So today is a day of loneliness
And me being sad and blue.

Today for you is laughing
Because to you, my love is a game,
So while you're happy spending time with friends.
I'm left to drown in pain.

Today is not a day anymore.
It's a waste of useless time.
Today for me is
Loneliness, heartache, crying, praying
That soon again you'd be mine.


more by Ronita Lee

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Dee by Dee
  • 12 years ago

This poem is how I feel. I have been married to my husband for 22 years, he is the love of my life! He has abandoned me and our 3 sons and has been running around with a disgusting tramp from work. I still love him and want him as my Valentine. I have always felt like I celebrate this holiday alone too. So this poem says a lot to me...

  • Margaret by Margaret
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem which strikes a cord with me, except that the guy passed away April last year. Is it okay Ronita if I posted your poem on my fb but tweaked it a bit to suit my situation??

  • Caboverdish by Caboverdish, Eastbay
  • 13 years ago

I have never celebrated V-day with that someone special. This poem speaks exactly how I feel. Except I don't have someone I want back. It's more like I just want someone new. Good write.

  • Ronita Lee by Ronita Lee
  • 14 years ago

Hi I'm the writer of this poem and I'm thankful that you all like it. It was written from the heart. I have never been happy in a relationship. Lately I have given up but I pray more and more about it, Chelsea no one should ask you to change you are who you are if being shy is your personality then that's fine. You have to be comfortable being you so that when you find that special someone that fall in love with the real you. Not the you that you changed to satisfy the wants of other stay strong James You shouldn't feel that way you are somebody. and everyone deserves love. sometimes you have to find love in things other than people sometimes I feel like I'm not important Being hurt inspired these poems but it turned them into something beautiful. I found love In dance in my whole heart is dedicated to every movement, step, beat, and performance find something you love to do Inspire you Thanks again you guys

  • Chelsea by Chelsea
  • 14 years ago

I cried when I read this poem because recently I told a guy that I liked him and he told me I needed to change drastically before he'd ever think of dating me. The problem is he wants to change my very personality from shy to extremely outgoing. He wasn't the first one to tell me if I'd just change then people would love me. I hate Valentine's Day because it's just another day for people to shove it in my face that I have no one there by my side.

  • James Phillips by James Phillips
  • 14 years ago

This poem especially touched me although nobody would even care because I am nothing but a paralyzed person. But, I do have an especially big love for beautiful poetry like this. anyway thanks a lot for this poem!

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