Teen Crush Poem

Poem To A Boy I Fell For

My poem is about a boy I had fallen deeply for. At a dance he came to me during a slow song but blushed and walked away. I was mortified, but I came to the conclusion that to get him hooked I needed to tell him how I feel about him. Let us hope it worked.

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It happened to me too but now I'm in college and he's in another college in Singapore, so I can't really see him, but sometimes whenever I'm feeling lonely and depressed, I would always close...

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A Hoping Crush

© more by Parker C. Blair

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2014 with permission of the Author.

Your smile makes me smile,
Your laugh makes me laugh.
Your eyes are enchanting.
You make my thoughts seem daft.

Since the day I first laid eyes on you,
My feelings grew and grew.
In that first conversation, my knees clicked and clacked,
And those butterflies flipped and flapped.

And as I spill these simple rhymes,
My mind goes over time and time.
Why didn't you ask me to dance
During that slow song of endless romance?

I hope this doesn't seem to creepy.
Please don't think my thoughts have flown too freely.
Just know that what I speak is true
And that I have fallen deeply for you.



Look at my work,
Please smile,
Or cry.
I wish I could convey better.
But I'm good for my lines.

Don't call me a fake,
I know you like trolls.
But my life is mine,
No matter the tolls.

Feel your heart.
Let it play.
Here is my work.
Forever will it stay.

I will one day be forgotten,
Be it in ten years or...

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • John Velez by John Velez
  • 5 years ago

So I have a crush on this girl, and since I'm not so romantic, I looked up this poem, and hopefully it works.

  • Jane by Jane
  • 6 years ago

I have a crush on this boy I went to middle school with, and now we're in high school together. We played opposite each other in a play last year, and I'm good friends with one of his friends. I feel like this friend has been hinting that he likes me, but I'm not sure. I've never liked telling people when I have a crush, and I have always felt the need to keep it hidden. But this time, I really want to tell him. I just don't know how it would go over. He's so funny and kind, and there's no possible way he would ever like me, but I hope he does anyway. He's always awkward around me, and I would really just like to talk to him normally, but I can never do it. I really hope he likes me back, but the only person that knows who his crush is is our mutual friend, but she won't say anything about it. Anyways, thank you for this fantastic poem. You've really summed up how I feel.

  • Sarah Tan by Sarah Tan
  • 4 years ago

It happened to me too but now I'm in college and he's in another college in Singapore, so I can't really see him, but sometimes whenever I'm feeling lonely and depressed, I would always close my eyes and think about all our pleasant memories that we had together. And it always seemed to make my day better (only a little bit though). I still remember the day that we met. It was in grade 3 in school. When my eyes laid on him, I was literally standing there motionless and speechless. It felt like there were thousands of butterflies flying around in my stomach. It was such an amazing feeling to have!

  • Raymond Cross by Raymond Cross
  • 6 years ago

I am clearly head over heels
One glance, one feel
Gives my heart a soulful chill

  • Alessa.Macey.25 by Alessa.Macey.25
  • 6 years ago

I have feelings for a boy, and I don't know what to say so I can tell him how I feel. I know he doesn't like me, but I would be happy if we could at least be friends. He's always trying to talk, but I get butterflies, so I run away, and I don't know what to do. :(

Sometimes the best way to talk with someone isn't really with words. You can say so much with a gift or a poem or an action. Sometimes all you need are your eyes. If he really likes you, then he's as nervous as you are, maybe more! He'll totally understand your jitters. Or he thinks you don't like him.

  • Mica by Mica
  • 8 years ago

I met you 3 years ago, and the time I saw you I knew you already had my heart, but I couldn't believe that I will be this loyal to you.

  • Jaekob by Jaekob, California
  • 9 years ago

I met this girl at a camp and I cannot stop thinking about her. We are just friends but I have a feeling that we will be more than just friends in college. She is pretty cool and we have a lot in common. She is the coolest person I have ever met. Nothing can replace her.

  • Raul Arteaga by Raul Arteaga
  • 9 years ago

Well I've had a crush on a girl since my junior year in high school but I never talked to her. Now we are seniors and we went together to prom. The best memory I have is the show dance talking about love. Junior year she messaged and said to just be friends but till now I still like her and it's hard to explain Well I just want to wish her the best because we graduate in less then 4 weeks.

  • Daria123 by Daria123
  • 10 years ago

This is like heaven but with a devil. I like a boy yes I do but the hardest thing is to get to him and when I do I'll ask him yes but now I'm the only thing he can not see. His best friend is my ex but that's no reason to ignore me I'm not in his class or school but I see him everyday what's the problem I don't know if you don't want to listen to me, speak please say something, don't make me look like a geek.

  • Alessa.Macey.25 by Alessa.Macey.25
  • 6 years ago

I have feelings for a boy, but he doesn't want to even be friends, which makes me upset, and his friends found out, so now my whole grade yells his name at me.

  • Kinjal Gaglani by Kinjal Gaglani
  • 7 years ago

I am actually in the same situation as you right now. Exactly the same. My ex is HIS friend, and my ex just told me that he wants to get back together with me. So I don't know what to do. Should I go to my past or my present?

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