Teen Crush Poem

What you've been looking for has been right in front of you.

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I really like this guy. He's my brother's best friend, and he's like two years older than me. I don't think he sees me as a girlfriend type because I'm his best friend's sister. Every time I...

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When Will You Notice Me?

© more by Kayla

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

What do I have to do to get you to notice me?
Change my hair, the way I walk?
My clothes, the way I talk?
We've known each other for some time now,
Yet I'm still invisible to you. 
My feelings run deep and how
I wish you only knew.
I see your face every time I close my eyes.
To me, you just seem so different from the other guys.
To you, I'm just a friend,
Nothing more, nothing less.
I settle for friendship in the end
Because I don't want to make a mess.
Instead, I'll keep my secret to myself
And take my pride back off the shelf.
Until one day you finally see
That you and I were meant to be.
I'll wait for now but not too long
Because sooner or later I'll be gone.
So when will you notice me?


more by Kayla

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Avni by Avni
  • 3 years ago

It was the first day of clg when I saw his eyes looking into my eyes. Then I came to know he is my batchmate...then I came to know his roll call is just before me, so he sits in front of me every for every lecture and exam. We then became friends, but I still have those butterflies in my gut from the first day. I was so confused, but I even loved that confusion about him. Then I forwarded your poem, and we are now in a very happy, beautiful relationship. Thanks for your poem. Lots of love for making my love to be loved.

  • Angelina Pauline Hird by Angelina Pauline Hird
  • 4 years ago

I am in 11th grade. I like this guy but he never talks to me when i say hi. I get really nervous every time i say something to him. I feel like i am going to say something stupid. I don't know what to do. I need advice. I have tried to put notes in his locker, he doesn't care. I really like him I do want him to know, but do I even dare.

  • Genesis Rios Moran by Genesis Rios Moran
  • 5 years ago

I am in 5th grade, and I like this guy. He considers me a friend, but for me, he's the best. Some girls in my school said that he broke up with his ex to be with me, but I really don't know. When my friends ask me if I like him, I say no, but truly yes, I do really like him.

  • Ian Fischer by Ian Fischer
  • 5 years ago

Oh my gosh. You have no idea. This is exactly what I'm going through with a girl! I've known her for about four years and we've been great friends. I hate to admit it, but she has always been really close to me deep down and I've started to like her.

  • Anna by Anna
  • 5 years ago

I really love this boy. He sits right across from me, and I so relate to this. I was passing notes to my best friend, and he was watching, and then my best friend said, "He's weird and is a nerd," and then she looked at him. Now he thinks I have no interest in him.

  • Shagun Agarwal by Shagun Agarwal
  • 6 years ago

He was my classmate since grade 1, but this year, nearly after 8 years, I noticed him the way I never did, but he looks at me as a friend probably because I still can't express my feelings to him but he should feel them.

  • Rachel Rieger by Rachel Rieger
  • 6 years ago

I have known my crush for a long time, since middle school. Now I am a sophomore and he is a junior. Sometimes when I am talking to him, I feel like I might explode if I can't tell him how I feel right that second. I know he doesn't like me though. He has asked out 2 girls since I've liked him, and he thinks of me as a friend. I still really want to tell him though. I'm just scared of what will happen after.

  • Benita.a by Benita.a
  • 6 years ago

This is the same thing that's happening to me, but don't ever give up. Just be who you are and never change for nobody.

  • Astro Mirra by Astro Mirra
  • 7 years ago

This poem describes exactly the way I feel. I really like this guy, and we've known each other for about five years now and have become 'friends' I guess in the past three years. He went to my primary (elementary) school, but this year we started high school and we're at different ones. About a week ago we started texting each other and talking over the phone, sometimes with some other people. I really like him, but I feel like if I told him what I felt it would destroy our friendship. I don't think I have a chance with him because I only see him once a week, even though we text every day. The thing is that I don't know what the situation is like at school and it's killing me not knowing. I want to tell him but it's just so hard. I don't know what to do.

  • Evelyn by Evelyn
  • 7 years ago

I have a very talented crush in school. He can build robots and draw amazing technology. He even has a farm! I sent him this poem, and I just hope he feels the same. When he arrived at my school as the "new kid," I was assigned to sit next to him. I would make small talk, and eventually I broke through his shy barrier and became his friend. We go to separate schools now, as we just graduated from sixth grade. I wanted to tell him my feelings so badly, but I didn't have the nerve to. He was my best friend! And to him, at least I think, I'm just a friend. I hope he understands because it is very hard for me to let out my feelings like that.

  • Ihlrxx by Ihlrxx
  • 7 years ago

I really like this guy. He's my brother's best friend, and he's like two years older than me. I don't think he sees me as a girlfriend type because I'm his best friend's sister. Every time I see him all I want to do is go up to him and tell him how I feel. We barley talk to each other. Around him I can be myself. I feel comfortable when I'm around him, like I don't have to act like someone I'm not. It hurts me when he's with another girl, but that's my fault, right? It's my fault I couldn't tell him I wanted to be with him...

  • Mics G Soguilon by Mics G Soguilon, Philippines
  • 7 years ago

I can relate. I have crush on this guy. We know each other, but we're not close or even friends (even on Facebook, ouch). I'm waiting for him to notice me, but I don't think that's ever gonna happen. :( But I'm still hoping and I'll keep on waiting!

  • Megan by Megan
  • 5 years ago

Hi, I have exactly the same problem. I wish I could have a future with the one I love. Hope you find the one you are looking for.

  • Anonymus by Anonymus
  • 7 years ago

Hi! I'm a soon-to-be 8th grader who has a crush on a soon-to-be 9th grader. I just hate it because I had feelings for him since I was in the 5th grade and I never got to tell him because I'm always hiding in the shadows, watching him from afar. I've always seen him going out with other girls, and I do feel a bit jealous. It's my lost after all. :( *sighs* When will I ever get him to notice a plain girl like me?

  • Ricardo Perez Cax by Ricardo Perez Cax
  • 8 years ago

I'm this guy who like this girl, but I'm too shy to even say hi or hello, so the best thing that popped to my mind was sending her secret poems of love, but every time I send her a poem I feel that this is going to break my heart. I really don't know what to do.

  • Charlize by Charlize
  • 10 years ago

This is soooooooo cute but can you write a poem about this guy liking a girl please, I am in such a situation that I don't know what to do, I like this one guy that doesn't like me back and then there's this other guy that makes me feel really special but I don't know what to do...........

Your poems are really cool

  • Amber Rider by Amber Rider
  • 11 years ago

This poem has touched me because there is this guy named John-Michael and he has had my heart. I wouldn't call us friends, but there is the every once in a while "Hey! How are you?" This poem has told what almost every teen girl goes though. I have had a crush on JM for sometime now but he has a girl friend. I don't know what to do. He is perfect and I am a geek.

  • Diamond by Diamond, California
  • 11 years ago

This really made me happy and inspired because there is this boy who I have liked for three years and his name is Xavier and I know him and he knows me and he knows that I like him but sometimes he acts like he doesn't remember me so I feel like I could do anything but I still don't wanna ask him to go out with me because I feel like it would be weird and that I will be sad at the end but I feel like I will have to move on because it didn't happen and it probably never happen any way so I gotta move on.

  • Shardai by Shardai, United Kingdom
  • 11 years ago

I've had a crush on this boy in my school and he knows I like him but I've always wondered if he notices me. I'm in year nine now and he's in all of my classes and he's my friend and I haven't talked to him for ages and this poem has helped me a lot and I might just show it to him :)

  • K.Lee by K.Lee
  • 11 years ago

This poem is really good I'm a teen and I can relate to it. I think most teens go through the same phase I'm going through, please keep on writing more of these poems.

  • Wafa by Wafa, United Kingdom
  • 12 years ago

It's like amazing...this is what I want to tell to my crush...it have been 4 years I have been waiting to him...hope this poem will make a end to my hope :)

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, United States
  • 12 years ago

I have this big crush on my best friend and we used to like each other but I don't think he likes me anymore. I've been writing poems and this just really inspired me because maybe if I show him this he will get what I am trying to say! Please keep writing these types of poems!

  • Mary by Mary, Landover Maryland
  • 12 years ago

This has really touched me I feel the same way about someone I know but he doesn't notice me at all.

  • Aubrey by Aubrey, London
  • 12 years ago

HI I wanted to make a song out of this poem. I'm just 15 but I really like it, I'll mention you in the video on YouTube please

  • Sade Stewart by Sade Stewart, Chicago Illnois
  • 12 years ago

I went through this same situation with my friend, it's like what do I have to do for this boy to recognize me. I said to myself do I have to change everything about me, for he can recognize me because this ain't working right. I did thing's for this person to notice me & he did at times. But every girl try to get in his way & asking question, & they asking me question like what's going on, I just say it in a funny smile way & be fun by saying it. It's not they business anyway I like your poem Kayla keep writing these type of poem I like this.

  • Shimy by Shimy, Kissimmee Fl
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. ' really cool it actually inspired me so much that I showed this poem to my crush and he loved it! Then like two days later he asks me out!!! I was so happy!

Thanks for writing this poem!
You rock!!!:)

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