I Love You Poem

You Bring Peace To My Life

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Peace In Love


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

Peaceful is the wind.
Peaceful is the sea.
Peaceful is the moonlight night,
That you're sharing with me.

Being with you now,
In your arms so warm,
Everything feels so right.
Like nothing could go wrong.

I never want to be without you.
Not in a million years.
You keep me at peace with myself
And you chase away all my fears.

Alone with you in the world,
Never thought it could get better,
But now, there aren't any distractions
And all we've got is this chemical reaction
To one another.

Some call this love,
Some call it fate.
All I know is that I can't wait
Until when you ask me that one question.

I know I'll say yes.
I love you more now than ever.
You are everything I'll ever need.
And we're going to be together forever.

I love you, babe.


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