Boyfriend Poem

Thinking Of Our Relationship

Thinking of you and our relationship.

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Thank you for those encouraging words. I haven’t even met the man I’m with face to face yet. But I honestly can’t help but know and feel in my heart that he is my forever love. We communicate...

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Thinking Of You

© more by Katie

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2008 with permission of the Author.

I thought of you today, but that's nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too.
For every day, good or bad, you'll always be in my head.
I hope you've understood everything I've said.
This isn't just a joke or a silly lie.
I'd never do anything to make you wanna cry.
I'm sorry if I do something to make you really mad.
It only comes back and makes me really sad.
I really do love you and everything you are.
I hope this relationship gets really far.
I'll never get you out; I simply don't know how.
In fact, I'm thinking of you right about now.
You're everything I need and everything to me.
You know exactly who you are and what you want to be.
You always make me smile just by being there.
I hope you know how much I really do care.
Every time I think of you, my stomach seems to twist.
This is why I love you; I've made a huge list.
The list goes on forever, and never will it end,
neither will our relationship; you'll always be my friend.
Not just a simple friend but a special friend; at that,
I want to spend my whole life with you.


more by Katie

  • Stories 61
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rj Official by Rj Official
  • 3 years ago

I, too, have dealt with depression most of my life. I have learned two things. Feelings are just that. They are fleeting. They come and they go. I have also learned to rely on my rock, my faith. I fought my belief for a long time, wanting to control my depression myself. I realized it was something I could not do by myself. So, I died to myself and gave my life over to God. Together, day by day, we fight, struggle and conquer. On most days, I have peace. On the days I don't, we weather the storm together. Knowing I am not alone makes all the difference. When you said tomorrow is only a day away, you write truth.

  • Thembisile by Thembisile
  • 7 years ago

Nice poem. It reminds me of my lovable boyfriend. We've been in love for 9 years. I'm 26 years old, and we have a 7 year old daughter. I love him and hope to marry him. I could never fall in love with another person. Thanks to the writer of this poem.

  • Pragati Mahajan by Pragati Mahajan
  • 7 years ago

I really appreciate your poems. They are awesome. There are so many poems I have read in my life, but these poems are something else. I was remembering that person whom I love the most for the last 5 years. When I was reading these poems I start feeling that feeling I got when I first met that person. Thank you for making me happy.

  • Michelle Donovan by Michelle Donovan
  • 8 years ago

I found all the poems inspirational. I found the one I love, yet I fear he doesn't feel the same. How can life be so cruel? I don't believe I will find another man that I share such intensity. I am glad for you all.

  • Riley Stringer by Riley Stringer
  • 7 years ago

Hey, Michelle. I definitely know how you feel. I really liked this one guy, so I had one of my best of friends tell him for me. A couple days passed and then a couple weeks had gone by, and I just sat there every day and wondered what he was thinking and if he cared that I liked him tremendously. So one day I gathered up all of my courage I had to talk to him, and I approached him and his friends as they were all gathered in a small circle just talking. I asked him if Molly told him that I liked him. His response was, "Yeah, she did." I was completely heartbroken to think that he didn't reciprocate those feelings for me. As I walked away with tears filling my eyes from straight sadness, I felt a very soft and heart-warming hand on my shoulder. I turned, and there he was staring right into my tear-filled eyes and asked me out. I guess my story's purpose was to tell you that there is always a light after the dark.

  • Kagi Leboea by Kagi Leboea
  • 7 years ago

Never ever believe that you won't find the one you love and who loves you back. If he doesn't feel the same way you feel about him, he is not the right one for you. He will come along, and when he does you won't even remember the one who didn't love you back. Keep your head up. Your Prince Is On his way!

  • Brooke Vutts by Brooke Vutts
  • 8 years ago

Even though my boyfriend and I have been dating for a week, we were deeply in love in the past 3 years. We weren't allowed to date because of our mothers. Now we can do whatever we want.

  • Michelle by Michelle
  • 8 years ago

My Husband and I have been together for the past 6 years. He and I moved in together after 2 months because of the intense feelings. I met him and knew right away. He and I now have twins and got married on our 1 yr anniversary. 5 years later, we are even better than ever. We still love each other as much as that first day of our relationships. Don't let your fears keep you from living your life. Love who you love, be with who you want to be with and don't let anything deter you from your love.

  • Nikki Sherman by Nikki Sherman
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for those encouraging words. I haven’t even met the man I’m with face to face yet. But I honestly can’t help but know and feel in my heart that he is my forever love. We communicate daily, even if it’s only just a few thoughts. They make my day complete, honestly. Some people may look at a relationship like yours--how fast things happened between you two or mine--and think how crazy we must be to know in our heart of hearts that we love these men and will never understand how we could/can feel the way we do. Thank you for sharing your story; it has inspired me to continue the forward momentum with this budding new relationship that seems to have come about after so many “frogs” that I've had to kiss.

  • Lily Nesbit by Lily Nesbit
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 2 months...I know its not a long time but if you change the word "love" to "like", this poem is perfect. I'm not sure what love is but if it's thinking about him all the time, loving just being next to him, loving talking about him, and getting butterflies in my stomach when I hear his name...then I guess I'm in love. :)

  • Brittany by Brittany, Kentucky
  • 10 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 4 months tomorrow. He was and still is my best friend for 5 years now. This perfectly describes how I feel about him.

  • Rapunzel by Rapunzel, New Mexico
  • 10 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together one and a half years. I was looking for a poem for our anniversary and I came across this one. I told him I loved him, and gave it to him. Forever and Always Love...

  • Melanie by Melanie, Indiana
  • 10 years ago

I've been hopelessly, undoubtedly, in love with my boyfriend. We have been dating for three months and it's truly been the best! When I'm away from him I can't stop thinking about him.. When I'm with him I can't stop thinking about him! We could just look at each other for the longest time. Every time we see each other we smile. Every time we hold hands, he rubs my hands, moving his fingers just perfectly on my hand. He really knows how to calm me down even when I don't realize I'm stressed out. He always makes me feel ecstatic. I want to do the same for him. I want to some how make him as happy as he makes me every day. I am for now and forever hopelessly, undoubtedly, in love with Trey.

  • Autumn by Autumn, Utah
  • 11 years ago

I was looking for a good poem for me and my boyfriend's 8 month anniversary and I found this one and it truly sums up my feelings for him.
Dallas, if you're ever reading this, I love you more than you could ever imagine.
Forever and always Love.

  • Thando by Thando
  • 11 years ago

This poem is like I wrote it because this is the same way I feel about my Man. We were friends like 6 years he always had a crush on me and so did I. The thing is I come form a very strict Family so I could hardly go out or anything but he waited for me all of those years and now we made it official and we love each other so much we enjoy each others company he's always there for me throughout and so am I

  • Angiee by Angiee
  • 11 years ago

This made me cry so much, I am with my boy for a year and half, we love each other, I love his so much this is crazy, this poem described me so much that's it's unreal !
I love you William for ever, ever after !!!! :) :) :) :* :* :* :* <3 <3 <3

  • Danni by Danni, North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

I have dated a few guys and I just wasn't happy, then I met my boyfriend. We hit it off right from the start, He is my life, my everything he says "I love you more than I do myself. I would die for you if it meant that I could save you from being out of this world. I am nothing compared to you, you are amazing and I love you baby you are my life and my world, my one true love." I love my boyfriend so much!

  • Precious by Precious, Sebokeng
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend really love each other, I've been through many relationships but this one is the best. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world and when I'm around him I feel so safe.....I really love him and I don't want to lose him.

  • Naila by Naila, New York
  • 11 years ago

I really like this poem so much it reminded me of me and my boyfriend. We have been together almost 2 months now. This reminded me of when my mom found out that we are going out. At first I taught that thing were going to end but they did not. And I love him so much.

  • North Carolina by North Carolina
  • 11 years ago

I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 weeks now. We met in Spanish class and I gave him a note that said I like you and the next day I was really nervous but I come to find out that he liked me too. So, after a month we started dating and I am going to be moving soon so and it is around the corner. For Christmas he is giving me something on Friday because I may never see him again and I am getting him something also. My mom said that she is not taking me anywhere so I can buy him something so I'm making him a card and I have a love poem on it and I texted him what his favorite animal was and his favorite color and sport and he said dog, purple, football. So, I am going to have a purple dog playing football on the cover so yeah that's my story LOVE YOU CAMERON<3

  • Maddie by Maddie, St.Charles
  • 11 years ago

I have been with my Babe for about 3 months now. Last month he took me ice skating. This month, he is going to take me to a party in the woods and we will have a candlelit dinner by ourselves. I am soooo excited!!!!!!!! He also told me he is getting me a Kindle Fire HDX for Christmas! I love you Keegan!!!!!

  • Isabel Joburg by Isabel Joburg
  • 11 years ago

I have a really big crush on this guy and he is the last thing I think about at night and the first thing I think about in the morning's BUT some one told him that I liked him and it turns out that he likes my friend even though she does not like him at ALL.

  • Amber by Amber, Michigan
  • 11 years ago

I feel the same way about my boyfriend we have been together for almost a year in November. He had some problems when we first started dating so my older brother don't like him so he tries his hardest to keep me away from him. But my boyfriend always tells me to keep my head up one more year and he can't do anything about us. He always sends me sweet text in the morning before school and will even wake up and call me in the mornings before I go to school. I say the he's the best thing that's ever happened to me even when he was having problem. They just made me want to be with him more and never give up on us!(:

  • Selina by Selina
  • 11 years ago

Wow when my bf read this he cried. We've been dating for almost two years and he hugged me and gave me a big great kiss I love him when he is happy.

  • Kitty by Kitty
  • 11 years ago

I am just a typical teenage girl with an amazing boyfriend. I have only been with my boyfriend for nearly a month but I have known him for nearly two years. He is so sweet and we have been through a hell of a lot together including family problems. He is always there for me, he is my best-friend, as well as my boyfriend and lover. He knows how to make me smile when I'm down. I really love Jason so much.

  • Desiree by Desiree, New York
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend were perfect for each other until he dumped me. I asked him why? He never replies. I follow him to all his classes wait outside the door until the bell rings. He faces me and looks at me as if I'm a crazy person. He runs away from me to his next class, but I follow him silently trying to make him think that I'm not there following him. That's when I lost him and had no idea where he went because it was extremely crowded. Sadly I walked around the corner to go to my class and surprisingly he came up behind me and kissed me on my lips for at least 2 minutes I was so happy because that's when I realized that he did not care about what anybody else thought or what had happened that made him ignore me for a while but it made me realize that I love him more than ever and that's all that matters.

  • Limpopo by Limpopo
  • 11 years ago

Well I know its so late for this comment. But I am a poem writer I am only 15 I have a boyfriend named Karabo, I told him this poem and it made me feel whole the way it is it is so touching and free and kind. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 weeks 6 days and I feels good he completes me I love him.

  • Stephanie Berrios by Stephanie Berrios
  • 12 years ago

This reminds me of me and my boyfriend Jalani we've been together for a year and 5 month's . He is my boyfriend and also my best friend I could tell him anything. We understand each other and have a lot in common. I'm always thinking of him and I think this is a great poem to describe us.

  • Laysia by Laysia, Mississippi
  • 12 years ago

Whoa! That made me cry it reminds me of my boyfriend and how we're going to spend our lives together and how he's always on my mind no matter what the situation is no matter what were going through we'll always love each other

  • Anonymouse by Anonymouse
  • 12 years ago

OMG I love it! In fact, I was sent to this website by a friend. He told me to read this one poem, so I did. It was his way to ask me out! :D I have had a crush on him forever!!!!!! You inspired me to write a poem about <3 love.

  • Shauna by Shauna
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry because when we're not together I think about the happy and sad and funny moments we had together and when I'm with him I feel like he's by my side all the time but wherever we are he will always be in my heart LOVE YOU FOREVER !!! xxxxx

  • Shannine Wright by Shannine Wright, Birmingham
  • 12 years ago

This is such a great poem I wish my mind was this creative. Also I've been with my partner 1 year and 6 months now admittedly I didn't want to date because I thought our relationship would never last, I eventually took the risk and now we have an 8 month old little girl, a place we can call home and hope some day soon we will get married. I love him so dearly.

  • Dana Shiell by Dana Shiell, Auckland
  • 12 years ago

My best friend and I met four years ago. I loved him from the moment we met. Now four years later I finally took the courage and told him how I felt after he admitted he has loved me since we met. We are now so happy together. We aren't perfect, who is. But finally I can say my best friend really is the love of my life.

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together 10 months and it has been a bumpy road. There was another guy who was being all kind and nice to me and trying to get me to fall for him and the thing was I kind of was falling but then my wonderful boyfriend found out and I noticed I was hurting him really badly and I thought he was going to end our relationship right there, but he did not we sat down and had a really long talk about whether or not we love each other and it turned out we did and here we are so many months later engaged and in love!! and I would not have it any other way.

  • Natalie by Natalie
  • 12 years ago

I have been seeing my bf a month, we have been very good friends for 14 years now and after both being through some difficult times we got close and fell hopelessly in love. I worship the ground he walks on as he does me x

  • Aebe by Aebe
  • 12 years ago

I have been with my lovely boyfriend for 2 years.
He has been by my side through losses and heartache. he persistently battles my PTSD and depression with me, and I would undoubtedly be lost without him. He will never see this post but I pray he continues to be strong for the both of us. He has Changed his life to be the man I need, and I am confident he will do so regardless.

I have NOT found the perfect man, NOR DO I WANT TO

  • Ruth by Ruth
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminds me of my boyfriend. We have been dating for 6 months and he's everything I ever wanted in a guy. He's caring, sweet, funny, a dork (me too) haha. He is just pure perfection in my eyes. We almost broke up a month ago but we worked through it and it has made us stronger :) I believe if you are arguing, just relax and talk it through, it'll make you guys stronger as a couple :) and this poem is pure amazingness and beautiful.

great poems

  • Kaylee Taylor by Kaylee Taylor
  • 12 years ago

I really love this poem because it makes me think about the one I love. Lance baby, I really do love you and I want to think you for always being there for me. You are the first boyfriend that has made me feel this way with you. I want to be forever you are my everything. Te amo = I love you <3

  • Ruwanthi by Ruwanthi, Sri Lanka
  • 12 years ago

We were together for two years me and my boyfriend. He is 53 years old and I am 26. He is lovely man I liked him very much ..but these days he is always blaming on me and getting angry. I can't understand why it is happening like this night I wrote down this poem and put it on his pillow. I slept before him because we were in upset mood that night also. He found the paper and read it, he felt very sad and he kissed me..soo I'm very happy to thank you who is the writer. Now we are living happily.

  • Jantelle by Jantelle, Va
  • 12 years ago

This poem reminds me of my boyfriend. We have been dating for 6 months and he's everything I ever wanted in a guy. He's caring, sweet, funny, a dork (me too) haha. He is just pure perfection in my eyes. We almost broke up a month ago but we worked through it and it has made us stronger :) I believe if you are arguing, just relax and talk it through, it'll make you guys stronger as a couple :) and this poem is pure amazingness and beautiful.

  • Australia by Australia
  • 12 years ago

So me and my boyfriend have been going out for few months. We were together before but after I sent him that poem we are finally an item:D I love him so much its not even possible xx We both 18 which makes my rents fine with us going out!! He's truly amazing!! Lexi?Matt

  • Frances Phillips by Frances Phillips
  • 12 years ago

I really enjoyed this poem so much that it touch my heart it touch my heart so deep inside that I had to share it with all my loved ones. It made me smile and it also made me cry but this describe the guy that I really like way down deep inside and he makes me happy and he also make me smile everyday.

  • Valendia by Valendia, Atl
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend is the best, but we are not allowed to talk. I have to sneak and call him. He lies to my parents a lot, but he doesn't have a choice. It's only because he is older than me. We are only 3 years apart, it would be two but my birthday is late.

  • Dina by Dina, Kathu
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem its expresses how I feel... I've been in a difficult relationship just because of family they always try to come in the way but I love him 100% and words can't even explain how I feel when I'm with him... it's just to amazing I can't live without him. We are going for 2 years and 5 months now and each day with him is just another fairytale... I hope you all are very happy and you will always be happy... P.S JAUN I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!

  • Anna by Anna, Kentucky
  • 13 years ago

Me and my boyfriend's first monthiversary is tomorrow!! So I wrote down this poem on a note and he is going to get a pleasant surprise at his locker tomorrow!! Oh I love my baby so much!!!

  • Samantha by Samantha, Californa
  • 13 years ago

I am very young to have a boyfriend I admit but I feel like we could make this last a really long time. We met while playing soccer. I was on his team. I didn't know that he liked me but we became really good friends. I started getting feelings for him and he did for me. My soccer team made it to Bakersfield and we went to this pizza place after a game. We ate dinner together and got each others phone numbers. We hung out together the whole time we were there. He had to leave and when we got back home he and his sister invited me to go to a coffee shop with them. We started hanging out more alone and he asked me out. It was the most magical thing ever. I can hardly stand being away from him and I think of him all the time. I love him so much and don't want our relationship to end. We call each other all the time and I really think this poem describes me. Thank you so much for writing it. I'm glad I can share my story with someone because my friends get tired of hearing about us.

  • Kim Poole by Kim Poole
  • 13 years ago

I love my boyfriend to bits we have only been together for four months nearly five. I have never felt so happy or found the right one but now I have met him I'm over the moon. I'm so happy being with him and I'm always smiling. I do love him and hope we stay together forever.

  • Davita by Davita, Tupelo MS
  • 13 years ago

This poem is describes me & my boyfriend perfectly. :).We've been together for 2 and a half years..pushing for 3 this year. I never knew him before we got together but now it seems as if I've known him forever and he feels the same way. I love him so much, not just with my heart but my soul too!

  • Sammy by Sammy, Alabama
  • 13 years ago

This explained all the feelings I've had for a while about my boyfriend. You see, we were together two years ago- but we broke up over a huge misunderstanding that I still don't understand. We have gotten back together after all this time. But he is different then before. He never talks to me and we never see each other because he is two years older and in a different part of our school entirely. He lives right down the road and so far- he has made no move to see or talk to me. I think about him every single day. His sister is the same age as me and he still hasn't told her that we go out- and me and her are friends! I feel like I'm cheating on her with her BROTHER or something! And he used to say the sweetest and coolest things to me and everytime I even get to see a GLIMPSE of him my heart flutters and my stomach twists. I don't know what to do! Will someone please help! Even if they won't let me post my e-mail in this message... I just want someone to try and understand.

  • Shona by Shona
  • 13 years ago

I always think about him but sometimes he says that I don't love him. It hurts so much when he says that.. Because I know that I love him a lot..a lot... But how can I make him feel that what I am telling is true. I want to tell the whole world that " I LOVE YOU MY DARLING. YOU ARE THE ONE I THINK ABOUT EACH AND EVERY DAY"

  • Tina by Tina, Capetown
  • 13 years ago

Reading this poem made me think someone was writing about my boyfriend, because all the words are the same as those in my heart about him, he's really an angel, it's like when God made him he was thinking about me......I really love him....hope one day he gets to read this, Love you S'bu

  • Brianna by Brianna, Texas
  • 13 years ago

That was beautiful. I loved it a lot! My boyfriend and I are only going on a month but we've cared for each other for over 3 years. He just truly expressed his feelings in April and asked me to be his girlfriend in August. I always think about him and this is exactly how I feel about him! Again I loved it so much:)

  • Laurine360 by Laurine360
  • 13 years ago

Till this day it feel like I'm in a sweet dream and I don't want to wake up from, Diego and I been together for almost a year now, everyday with him is anew. When we're together it feels like time is frozen and it's just us. It just feels like my soul has met him before. I guess only 3 little words come close to what I'm feeling. I love you Diego B for always.

  • Lacey by Lacey
  • 13 years ago

I have been with my boyfriend for almost three years now And will be living with him soon :) he's the best thing ever to happened in my life

  • Anna by Anna, SC
  • 14 years ago

This is a awesome poem I feel the same way about my boyfriend! I've been with him for almost two months but He's been my best friend for two to three years now. I love him with all my heart. He has changed my life so much. Even people's comments on this poem touches my heart! We have gone through a lot but he's always been there. He's my everything. Awesome work:)

  • Alexisjune by Alexisjune, Minnesota
  • 14 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and a month. We've been through a lot and I love him with all my heart. I was looking for a poem that summed up my love for him and this one is perfect. Love isn't a word to be thrown around but when it is its caught by the right person and felt deep within the heart.

  • Krystal Lamphire by Krystal Lamphire, Seymour In
  • 14 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been going out for about a year and a half, but for the first nine months my mom kept me from him, but he waited for me everyday when I would sneak a phonecall to him. He would help me with problems from my mom. He would always tell me to stay strong and hold on because after I am 18 there would be nothing she could do about it. I think it is because of his race, why she doesn't like him, but we are so in love that it is not even funny. The times we couldn't be together just made us stronger, and each day I love him more then the day before.

  • Sara by Sara, Raleigh
  • 14 years ago

me and my boyfriend have been dating for about 10 months now and its been the best ten months of my life :) he is my forever and I love him. it feels like were married and I know everything about it but it still feels the same as the day I met him! I love you so much Tim!

  • skittles by skittles
  • 15 years ago

This poem made me think of my best friend that I have the hugest crush on. He doesn't know it yet but I really really like him. I invited him to one of my school dances and also to my b-day party. I hope that he realizes that I like him. I don't really want to make the first move so I will have to wait until he is comfortable.

  • karly by karly
  • 16 years ago

wow that is amazing

  • Cissy Frank by Cissy Frank
  • 16 years ago

I feel the exact same way about my boyfriend we've been dating for about a month and 7 days and it is like we've been together for ever it's different with him not like any of my other relationships I really do truly love him

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