Boyfriend Poem

You Will Forever Be In My Heart

How much you mean to me! I want to dedicate this poem to Tyler Bryant.

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I love someone. I know he likes me too. He is younger than me. I love the way he looks at me (full of love). His voice provokes me. His smell makes me crazy. I know he is perfect for me. It...

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You Mean The World To Me


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2008 with permission of the Author.

You mean the world to me.
Nothing will ever come between us.
No matter what anybody says or does,
You will always be in my heart,
Forever and ever.
Your spot will never be replaced.
You hold the key to my heart,
And you have since we met.
I will love you forever,
And no matter how much we fight,
Things will be okay.
Like I said, I will love you forever,
No matter what.


  • Stories 21
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  • Rating 4.32
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Wueen by Wueen
  • 7 years ago

He's my first and only love. When I first met him, I already knew he is my destiny. Even though we're apart right now, I am still waiting for him because I believe in our hearts and our love. It's been more than a year, and my love for him has never changed.

  • Prynka Singh by Prynka Singh
  • 7 years ago

I love him a lot, too. He always understand me. He is a quick tempered guy, but when I'm angry he keeps himself calm and listens to me. I love him a lot.

  • Love by Love
  • 7 years ago

I love someone. I know he likes me too. He is younger than me. I love the way he looks at me (full of love). His voice provokes me. His smell makes me crazy. I know he is perfect for me. It has been a month or so since I met him. I didn't realize it in the beginning, but later when we started talking to each other I felt like we are kinda similar with similar likes and dislikes. My favorite songs are his favorite. I love the time I spend with him. I can just look into his eyes and live forever. I always thought I am not a kinda girl who can be loved. But now I feel I'll be the luckiest person alive on earth to be loved by him, but somewhere in my heart I feel this is not gonna work out. I can't let him go. Before you are just a person. Now you are my world. I'll love you for eternity. I miss you, my bae.

  • Kierra Lake by Kierra Lake
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year. It will be a year on Christmas. He means the world to me. He's my R.O.D, my other half, the reason I'm happy. He's completed me in so many ways. We met on Facebook and he lives 2 hours and 27 minutes away from me and we were planning on meeting last summer when we started dating. Well my mom was always talking to someone on the phone and I couldn't figure out who, so I just thought it was one of her old friends from high school. So I just ignored it. But anyways, I went school that morning and it was a pretty good day, and when my mom picked me up from basketball practice around 5:30pm she was happy and just kept looking at me with a smile and asked how my day was and I said good when we pulled into the garage, she rushed in the house and I was a little curious why she's been acting crazy, so I go inside go up to my room and then I go to open the door and Mark (my boyfriend) was sitting on my bed. I've never been so happy!! <3

  • Hannah by Hannah
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 years. I want to say I love him so much. He treats me like a queen and loves me. I am mad at him for something so dumb. No matter what, I will always love him.

  • Nicole by Nicole, NY
  • 10 years ago

Me and my bf has bee together since June 24, 2013. We are so glad to be with each other. But I don't know what to say to him. We oovoo and facetime and see each together and talk on the phone for 2 hours strait. He would every morning call and leave a voicemail or write me a morning text massages so when I woke up and look at my phone I will have a messages from him. I know that I will not lose him ever because he told me that he doesn't want to lose me, he wants me to be the one who marry him. I love him so much. He is there when I need him and I'm there when he needs me to. <3

  • Sarah by Sarah
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year now which was last year and he is the love of my life and heart. I am disabled I walked with a walking frame and for long distances I use a wheelchair. We were really good friends in 2012 and I told him about FaceTime and iMessages and then I give him my FaceTime address for FaceTime and I said to him on FaceTime do you have a crush at school and he said yes and I said who is it and he said don't tell anyone and I said I won't I promise and he said it's you and then he said do you have a crush on me and I said yes and then we chatted for like a couple of day and he helps me get my frame in the car he is very helpful.

  • Jessica by Jessica, UK
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been together for nearly a month now and ever since that day when I first went to meet him I could feel a connection between us both. The day after that we saw each other then we decided to get in a relationship together. He is my best friend, sole mate, lover, my everything. He has the key to my heart and he always will <3

  • Perth by Perth, Western Australia
  • 11 years ago

My boyfriend and I been together for 4 years now got 2 beautiful boys we been though a lot together a lot of our family's have tried to break us up. But our love is too strong because I believe he's my soul mate, best friend, lover, my rock, The air I breathe he is my everything!! :)

  • Tawanna by Tawanna, Atlanta
  • 12 years ago

I read the thinking of you and our relationship poem and it was truely beautiful. My lover and bestfriend been together 10 years and there isn't a day that go by I don't say I love you and I appreciate you. I pray everyday thanking God for this once in a lifetime real love. Happy holidays to everybody :-) and I wish nothing but love, peace and happiness to all. Because we all deserve it.

  • Jade by Jade, Walsall
  • 12 years ago

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months now and it has been so special. He's my rock my everything and from the first day we met I know he was the one for me. He's been there for me on my lows and made me smile with his funny jokes and his funny dance moves :) he is the only one who has every had the key to my heart - I love my man so much and yesterday he ask me to marry him so I'm on cloud nine and this like means a lot to us because no one could ever take his place in my heart. I love my baby boy so much <3. He's my world

  • Tacoma Wa by Tacoma Wa
  • 12 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year now. We have a beautiful baby boy on the way on March 15 2013 and he is very special to me. Family loves him but not as much as I do, he is my heart soul, life, world, my everything. I love this man more then I could ever speak he makes me smile everyday and that means the world to me.

  • Butterbabe by Butterbabe
  • 12 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been together for just 4 months. nothings more special to me than him. He makes me feel so special. He is the perfect match for me. he loved me so much and so do I. and I love this poem. He means the world to me :')

  • Ariel by Ariel
  • 12 years ago

Me and my boyfriend were together for 8 months and those were the best 8 months of my life. We've been separated for the last month and it seems like my worlds falling apart. But it seems like no matter where he is in life I'll always love him!! I miss him like crazy I've tried to work things out but when he wanted it I did not so now that I do he doesn't want it!!

  • Monica by Monica
  • 12 years ago

This is awesome poem my boyfriend loved it we are together for almost 2 years. Our anniversary is November 24 2011. We love each other so much.

  • Cheyenne by Cheyenne, Wynne
  • 12 years ago

Me and my boyfriend are miles apart but he said that to me and this poem just relates to us so much! Even though me and him are miles apart we are super close I know him and he knows me and I love him with all my heart!!! Well really he is my fiancé I have to get use to being a fiancé to him too! I am so happy we are together and soon to be husband and wife!!!

  • Orienne by Orienne
  • 13 years ago

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months and he means the world to me but I don't know how to tell him that. I tell him everyday like 7 times a day that I love him. I just cant loose him I would die if he left me.

  • Haley by Haley
  • 13 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years and I love him with everything I got! I showed him this poem and he smiled I smiled and we hugged. I couldn't be any happier!

  • Kari by Kari
  • 14 years ago

I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. Our anniversary is on September 11, 2009. I love him with everything in me and I need to write him a poem for Valentines Day and can't think of one... HELP!

  • Alexez by Alexez
  • 14 years ago

The story/ poems touched me. I thought this boy was my everything but it turned out so wrong. he still is my everything. When I think of him I smile but I still have regrets.

  • Tressa by Tressa
  • 15 years ago

That is exactly what me & my boyfriend said to each other..I wouldn't let anyone replace him no matter what..he is the only one who makes me feel secure and loved around..Love him more than words, thoughts & actions

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