Boyfriend Poem

New Relationship Poem

I dedicate this poem to my boyfriend. =-D

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My boyfriend and I have been together since 2010. We have been through so much together. We have three children and lost two. He walked out on me in 2016 when I was pregnant with our youngest...

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Since The Day We Met

© more by Jenna

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

I remember the day we met
Both shy, but wanted to talk
Even when we tried
We didn't know what to say

Day by day
We took it slow
And our conversations began to grow

Since the day our conversations grew
I became very fond of you
Hoping you felt fond of me too

One night we had a talk
And now look where we're at
In the happiest place we can be
That is, in the relationship between you and me


more by Jenna

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Belle Linky Sithole by Belle Linky Sithole
  • 6 years ago

In 2012 he had a crush on me. I took it for granted, but I finally told him I loved him in 2014. He took care of me. He loved me, and I love him so much. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years now. I will always love him as I’ve promised.

  • Paula Williams by Paula Williams
  • 8 years ago

My boyfriend and I have been together since 2010. We have been through so much together. We have three children and lost two. He walked out on me in 2016 when I was pregnant with our youngest daughter, Anna, saying he needed to focus on himself. I don't blame him really because my other two children were a handful, trust me. He was always coming to see us and helping me. I had a breakdown while being pregnant because I thought I lost him for good. We were always fighting over things like him going with two different woman, but that doesn't matter now. I've forgiven him for all of it now. We are back together with our three children, and he is coming to live with us in Scotland to have a fresh start with me and the children, leaving the past behind and looking forward to the future. I love him with all my heart, and I'm glad I'm spending the rest of my life with him.

  • Mahubane Lethabo by Mahubane Lethabo
  • 7 years ago

That was painful, but it shows that both of you know something about love, and I just want to tell you, my sister, you have a heart. You got through a difficult situation that a woman who has fear can't. Love is something that you can't explain. Sometimes you lose or win, and in relationships we have good times and bad times. Thank you very much.

  • Lady by Lady
  • 7 years ago

I was with my guy almost a month when he didn't love he would just say it and then ran. I love him all my heart. I hate it not being with it was like a piece went with him. That was in 2015 in August.

  • Yvette Vera by Yvette Vera
  • 8 years ago

I never thought that I was able to love again after I left my ex husband. Then I met this wonderful man that showed me that I could love again and it's worth living the life to the fullest. Ever since I met him we both had this connection that brought us together. We both have kids. He has a boy that is so wonderful and I love like he was my own. I have 3 kids and he loves them like if they were his own kids. We both have a lot of things in common and every day I talk to him. He makes me fall more in love with him. We only been knowing each other not that long, but he is so wonderful that we are planning to live together and get married soon. I love, love him with all my heart, and I know that he is the love of my life.

  • Seana Rasberry by Seana Rasberry
  • 8 years ago

I never thought I would find love again after my husband passed, but it happened one day on June 20th 2016. I met this wonderful man, and at first I was real scared to open my heart and let anyone in. Then we talked night and day for a few days and I started noticing myself continuously thinking about him and when I did my heart felt like it was skipping a beat. I finally had the nerve to tell him how I felt and he said he was feeling the same way, and before long I could say those words that I never thought I would say or feel again. I told him I loved him and he said he loves me too. Now we are together, and planning to spend the rest of our lives together. I am going to live in England with him, to start a new chapter in our lives. He is wonderful because he accepts me the way I am. You see I am 7 yrs older than him and I am a full figured women, but all that doesn't matter to him, he loves me for me. He makes me so happy.

  • Amani by Amani
  • 8 years ago

I am so happy for you, and it's nice to see someone chose you over everything else and will love you unconditionally. He is a true man, and I wish you all the best in whatever the next chapter brings. It's very rare to find that special person. Anyway, I wish you the blessings you deserve.

  • Nikki Sherman by Nikki Sherman
  • 8 years ago

Your story is so inspiring. We have not been able to meet face to face yet as he is working overseas. But we email daily, and when a day is missed (as was today), I feel lost without his words. I totally understand how you feel. Though I didn't lose a husband to passing (sorry for your loss), I am currently going through divorce #2. I took this most recent divorce and turned it into a positive--I started practicing what I preached. The new man in my life has only made me feel me feel more loved and beautiful again. Thank you.

  • Fallerone by Fallerone
  • 10 years ago

My boyfriend and I have known each other for a few months. My best friend introduced him to me and we started off as friends then we became very close that we spent most of our time together. Then one day he told me how he felt about me, since then we are loving each other more and more each day. I really love him, every night we send each other messages to show that we are always on each others minds.

  • Hoechlin by Hoechlin, Kenya
  • 10 years ago

I met a girl and we had a lot of problems. The day I first kissed her we nearly fought but, after I read these poems and told her what she meant to me, we started leading a happy relationship

  • Sharleen by Sharleen, Kenya
  • 11 years ago

I met my baby through my best friend. We never used to like each other and we would constantly fight. We never lasted a day without talking which always ended up with arguments. Weirdly, I always looked forward to talking to him, even though it was arguing. I grew to like him even though he was the most annoying person I knew and still know. One day he told me he likes me and he'd like to talk without us bickering. He took me out and I have never shared so much with someone as I shared with him that day. We kept on seeing each other and before I knew it. I was in love. I love my baby. He annoys me and we argue over stupid stuff, but that's how we love. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  • Sandy by Sandy, Pennsylvania
  • 11 years ago

Me and my boyfriend has been dating for the past 3 months and he always writes poems for me once a week and he always wants a poem in return. I love writing poems so that is no problem for me. I love him with all my heart and soul. All these poems on this web site helps a lot so if can write my own, and people love it.

  • Tracy by Tracy
  • 11 years ago

I met my boyfriend a few years ago then we broken up I gotten married and then divorced thinking that my ex boyfriend would not take me back but I was wrong he did and I could not be any happier then I am today he's my best friend and my love

12/13/13 I love you Scott

  • Jolene by Jolene
  • 11 years ago

When my boyfriend and I first met each other we both didn't know what to say. We were so shy, but then our words and conversation got longer and better and we both found the one that we were meant to be with. 12/3/11<3

  • Kasie by Kasie
  • 11 years ago

I love my boyfriend Me and him have know each other for 13 years an Aug. 27 2013. He asked me out and I said Yes. My Boyfriend is my everything Every time I'm really sad I think of him that he's right next to me holding me tight keeping me warm, He makes me smile when I'm upset He tells me everyday that he misses me and Loves me <3 I just want to say that my Boyfriend is Great.

  • Jolena by Jolena, Kansas
  • 11 years ago

I remember when I first met my boyfriend. It was last year, and we barely talked then one day he walked over with my friend and we started talking a little. We been friends since, then on March 15, 2013 we got together. Even though he is 13 and I am 15 I still love him with all my heart. It's been the best 7 months of my life thanks sweetheart.

  • Scaria by Scaria
  • 11 years ago

I have been and a relationship and the past 2 year now with this soccer player. He seems to be my prince charming loving him is my drug and I find I can't spend a day without talking to him, it's like he's a part of me and hoping that I got that love forever and ever.

  • Ella Pta by Ella Pta
  • 11 years ago

I met this guy 3 years ago and then we somehow lost contact for a few months the after a year we finally saw each other again. We went to this party and after waiting for 3 years we finally kissed! It was amazing. Now were taking things slow but its going great! After 3 years I found him again and it was totally worth a wait!! Omg I'm so in love!!....

  • Kirstin by Kirstin, California
  • 11 years ago

Me and my baby have been friends since I was in eighth grade and he was a sophomore. We began a friendship I knew nothing about him and he knew nothing about me. We'd only talked a few times and he made me laugh. When I was a freshman I saw him again and he was dating my friend and I was too shy to speak to him. We'd only seen each other that one time that year. Then when I was a sophomore he came back into my life. He got my number off of Facebook. We began texting everyday hanging out all the time. The first time we hung out this year we were together for seven hours. He became my best friend and I really started to gain feelings for him. On the 15th he asked me out and I said yes and he makes my day everyday and I would never regret the day I met him or when he came back into my life. Baby your my rock my world my everything I love you Christian <3<3<3<3

  • Misty by Misty
  • 11 years ago

Last June 16, 2013, was our 7th anniversary. Even though we are apart, his unconditional love teaches me how to be strong and I trust him deeply. I know GOD gave put someone like him in my life, someone who will never leave me and always love me until the end of time. I love him very much and I know he will be my man for a long time. I thank god for bringing him in my life. He's my life, my everything, my life is now complete.

  • Analilia by Analilia, Salinas
  • 11 years ago

My Prince Charming is the best guy in the world. I can't stand being away from him. He is always telling me how beautiful I am. I am so fortunate to have him. This guy changed my life in so many ways and I am so thankful to have him.

  • Shayla by Shayla
  • 11 years ago

I remember the first day I met him. He was shy, but funny. Not to mention good looking ;) As I started talking to him I realized he was a really sweet guy. He had abs, curly hair, a nice smile, he smelled good... Everything a girl wants in a guy. I started hanging out with him 24/7. I realized I had actually liked him a lot! I didn't want to tell him because he had a girlfriend and I didn't want him to think I was weird. I found out the next day that he had broken up with his girlfriend because he liked me so much :) I felt so amazing. Ever since that day we've been together ♥ ♥ ♥

  • Leyla by Leyla, Oregon
  • 11 years ago

On April 1st, it was the anniversary of the day I met my best friend:) He is always there for me and I love him with all my heart. Even though we're just friends, we both know we have something more and he always tells me he will one day marry me. It's awesome to have someone you can always rely on and look to for help:)

  • Brittany by Brittany, Collinwood Tennessee
  • 11 years ago

This poem touched me because I just started dating this really funny, sweet, cute, romantic guy who would do anything for me and I was shy but worked up. Now I love him as much as I do anyone.

  • Lauren by Lauren, Glamorgon
  • 12 years ago

When I first saw him, in my eyes that's it... boom I loved him and still do...known him for nearly all my life. We love each other like mad. He's my life, my world, my everything :) I love him

  • Phoenix by Phoenix, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

I remember when me and my boyfriend met. I remember before that he would always talk to me and I would ignore him. I remember when we first chilled we were so shy. Our friendship grew overtime and we both started getting feelings for each other and I am happy where we are at now. 12/16 <3 Esli&Ramiro:)

  • Hunter by Hunter, California
  • 12 years ago

My boyfriend gets me love cards and necklaces and I wanted to get him something...from my heart. He is 12 and I'm 11. I wrote him this poem and he loved it. Ever since, he has always hugged me in the morning and after school! (:

  • Sami by Sami, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

I have been in a relationship for six months with this guy he is sixteen and I am thirteen. He's the sweetest guy I've ever met. We just started writing love letters. I am not very good and after I read this poem it sounded like how shy I was when I first met him. I used this poem in my love letter and when he read it all he did was smile and blush. It made me so happy that this poem worked............thanks

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