Addiction Poem

Withdrawal Poem

My name is Jennifer and I have been an addict for four years now. I started out as a morphine addict and when that got too expensive I switched to Heroin. Everyone in my life is an addict including all of my family, so it's very hard for me to stay clean. But when it comes down to it, it's just not worth it. I have lost absolutely everything, including my daughter, and I would rather be clean and sober, than go on living the way I do, but that voice is always going to be there the rest of my life.

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I couldn't have asked for any more or less in relation to my addictions. I am grateful for what I've learned about myself and others. I have lied to and stolen from anyone that got close. I...

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Thinking Of You...(Heroin)


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2011 with permission of the Author.

Thinking of you, I become obsessed.
Because of you my life is in ruins, my life a big mess.
Most days I can't even get out of bed to get dressed.
Those crazy thoughts lingering, in my brain.
As I start thinking of ways, to take away my pain.
I really don't know, what I can do.
I cannot get through, one day without you.
I once had dreams, that I failed to chase.
So now to my family, I'm a big disgrace.
I know I was younger, when I had those dreams.
But life is a lot harder for me, than it seems.
Then I had no idea, of how it would be.
But now I'm in ruins, for everyone to see.
Your determined to stay, and ruin my life.
And I let you control me, I'm not strong enough to fight.
Sometimes I'm high, but usually I'm low.
Please have mercy, and let this addiction go.
I tried to stop, but it's too late.
I lost all control, over the decisions I make.
Your voice in my head, controlling my brain.
Slowly driving me, completely insane.
Sitting here thinking of ways, to let you go.
I realize your here for life, I know.
But there is one thing, and I know this is true.
I cannot go on living my life, without you...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Richard Hoyt by Richard Hoyt
  • 8 years ago

I couldn't have asked for any more or less in relation to my addictions. I am grateful for what I've learned about myself and others. I have lied to and stolen from anyone that got close. I AM NOT A VICTIM!!

The fact remains that drugs are there to teach, to cure, to use, and be responsible while doing so.

  • Ryleigh by Ryleigh, Now York
  • 11 years ago

In this poem what I like is that the person knows they have a addiction. Most feel that they don't have a problem or they don't needs help (rehab) but most of us addict's do need the help they can't do it on the own because the drugs takes our mind, bodies and souls. Very good poems!

  • New Mexico by New Mexico
  • 12 years ago

I read this and I cringed at the thought knowing exactly how it feels to be in your shoes. My soul was worn out and I didn't feel worth saving. I was wrong and so are you. This doesn't have to be the rest of your life. I was a heroin addict for 5 years with a 300$ a day habit. I lied so much that I even believed it. But you took a huge step and writing this you decided to get real. I PROMISE there is hope, I have been clean for 10 months now and I have never felt better. I know it is possible for anyone because I did it. But I didn't do it alone. I had to stop trying to run my life and turn it over to God. But I feel you, it's not easy but its so worth it to get help and change. Your an amazing writer and I can see you have potential. You just have to embrace the change. I PROMISE IT WILL BE WORTH IT! Don't give up and fight the good fight. And you too will rise up above this! You will be in my prayers!

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