Teen Crush Poem

Thinking Of A Girl Poem

I'm 15 years old, and this was for a girl I really like. This poem is about when you can't stop thinking about that girl.

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I really liked this poem cuz I'm in love with my friend and she doesn't know but I've told her before that I love her but she didn't say anything what do I do??

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Of You


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

All day I can't help but think of you.
You don't have to say a word; I just want to be with you.
When I look at you, you make me smile.
My friends think I'm crazy; all I think is WOW.
When I look at you, chills run through my spine.
I always thought you were beautiful and fine.
My life has changed ever since I saw you,
Which makes me want to be with you.
Looking at you is more than a dream come true.
Words can't explain how I feel about you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alex by Alex
  • 10 years ago

I really liked this poem cuz I'm in love with my friend and she doesn't know but I've told her before that I love her but she didn't say anything what do I do??

  • Taariq Ottery by Taariq Ottery
  • 10 years ago

I really started to like this girl in my class. All my friends thought I was mad but up to this day I like her but don't have the strength to ask out. This poem is true because everything that states in this happen to me.

  • Jollygoodlife by Jollygoodlife
  • 10 years ago

I really like a girl. I'm to shy to ask her. It'll just probably tear her apart. But since I've seen her. I'm starting to be brave, to ask her out.

  • John by John
  • 11 years ago

I fell in love with my girlfriend whom I met and started dating a little over a year and a half ago... The first time I laid eye's on her I was speechless... We talked and talked and talked through letters to start out... And the next thing I know I was blessed with the most amazing woman I guy could ask for... Since then we have had our issues... Like me not knowing exactly how to handle certain things cause let's just face it... I am young and don't have that wisdom yet... I hold strong to the saying, "When Something is broke you fix it... Not just throw it away"... Because of my lack wisdom on how to handle some situations, I have hurt her emotionally... And I can never change that... I find myself sometimes doing the same things over again and not realizing it... I hurt inside because of how I have hurt her by just getting attitudes with her and saying things out of frustrations and anger rather than stopping and acting out of love. I love this this woman more than I have ever loved another human being. I have never felt so much pain because I hurt someone... I wish I could just grow up faster and learn everything all at once... But I know that relationships are about patients and love... And sharing your life with another human being... She deserves to be treated like a queen and I fail to do so sometimes... :/ A girl like her deserves the world... And I hate that I don't always give it to her... I am 24 years old have lost everything that ever mattered to me over the years because of my addictions and stupidity. And I will be damned if I am going to allow myself to do it again. I believe that love is something we all sometimes take for granted. But we should all learn to be thankful and express our gratitude for the loved ones we have in our life's.

  • Njabulo by Njabulo, Mooi River
  • 11 years ago

When the wind blows, it blows with moist of love. Not only the air can run through my body but the air she breaths, takes me to another level. I could believe that I was in love. Yes I met the woman of my dreams. She gave me and still gives me love.

  • Kinsvia by Kinsvia
  • 12 years ago

I liked this poem a lot. I like someone, a CERTAIN someone, and it is kind of how I feel for him. This poem is how it is with me, which makes me love it so much! Good job!

  • Ashley by Ashley, Tx
  • 12 years ago

I would say I'm fine but that would be a lie. Well, I finally realized the reason why I was cutting: when my parents told me I couldn't associate with you. I didn't know how to react. I wanted to tell you so that you wouldn't feel like you're to blame. If anything, I'm blamed for loving you. I wasn't looking for love but when we first met, it hit me. To this day, I still don't know how to express my feelings for you. Sure, there are other guys in the world but they're not the one I fell in love with. You will always be apart of me. I could've tried to love other guys but I don't want to waste my time going after the guy I know isn't for me.

  • Tammy Smith by Tammy Smith, Michigan
  • 12 years ago

Is it true, that love can exist at such a young age?
Well, when I'm with you, I to believe that it is true.
We have been dating for a about a year, and our love for each other has truly grown with time ; and only time will tell if our teenage passion is true, but I can only feel it when I am with you.

  • You Dont Have To Know by You Dont Have To Know
  • 12 years ago

I really like this girl I don't have the courage to ask her out but do have the courage to do any thing else I love her wit all my heart and that will never change

  • Kathryn by Kathryn
  • 14 years ago

I started liking this guy when I was a freshman in highschool and we dated for about three months and then he broke up with me for this girl who I can say she got around. He made me feel terrible, but I still loved him and all my friends told me I shouldn't and they were surprised by my feelings for him. There really is no possible way to describe the way I feel about him. To this day I'm still completely in love with him and hope that one day we will be together again. I'm not obsessed with him, love just makes you think about that person every minute of everyday and that is just how I feel. Love makes you do stupid things and I hate that I fell for him but I did and it won't change...

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