Love Poem by Teens

Some people might say because I'm young I don't know about love, but I think that love's the strongest with teenagers. This poem describes a whole relationship I had and how the love will never be forgotten between us.

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I really felt this poem as my first love and I were together for two years. I never experienced love before. I thought he was the one. I thought we were gonna be together forever. Until...

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Love's Never Forgotten

© more by Angeline Richards

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2008 with permission of the Author.

The true meaning of love, do you truly know?
The love in my eyes, does it still show?

I saw you, then wanted and finally had you.
All so fast, too good to be true.

Every day is the day to God
That I pray that love is never forgotten.

I ask myself, then ask once more,
Will it heal or forever be sore?

You opened my eyes to a lot of new things.
You took me high and gave me wings.

Our love for each other never ends.
Maybe not lovers, but always friends.

We argue, we fight and disagree,
But all it does is hurt you and me.

No matter what you say or what you do,
Forever and always I'll truly love you.


more by Angeline Richards

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I know how you feel. I'm in middle school and I recently fell in love. But a lot of people tell me that I'm way too young to know what love is. But that's not true. It's the feeling of joy, happiness, purpose, and the fact that I would take a bullet for that person. If that's not love, then please tell me what is! There is a difference between not wanting someone to be in love and them actually not being in love.

  • Jyoung by Jyoung
  • 4 years ago

I really felt this poem as my first love and I were together for two years. I never experienced love before. I thought he was the one. I thought we were gonna be together forever. Until freshman year hit. He changed. He was a football player with all the friends in the world. I became his second choice. I was everyone's second choice, but I was never his until then. I loved him still through all this. Then my parents broke it off. They said he was bad for me, but I still loved him. It's been 4 months and I'm still not over it. I used to cry till I couldn't break. I used to think physical pain was the worst. But I fastly learned nothing beat mental pain especially after I became the worst version of myself and he told me he felt trapped in a two year relationship.

  • Cape Town Ramata by Cape Town Ramata
  • 10 years ago

I like this poem it did really touch my heart and make me to miss my ex I still love him

  • Summone by Summone
  • 11 years ago

This so meaningful..... I tried not to cry. Such powerful words to relate to and touch other with the emotions of LOVE!

  • Joselin by Joselin
  • 11 years ago

This poem made me cry because me and my best guy friend were on the verge of dating but he decided it would have been best if we just stopped before it got even more serious. His mom doesn't want us to be together. He thought that I was fine but what he doesn't know is that I cried all night and morning, I've never loved someone the way I love him. He's my first love, my first kiss, and the first guy that I told everything to. We've liked each other for three years now and yet we can't be together because of his mom. I will always truly love him forever.

  • Nick by Nick
  • 12 years ago

I cried. This poem describes me and a girl in my class that I like a lot. 10 out of 10 way to go.

  • Shy'Brea by Shy'Brea, Flint
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. it reminds me of a lot of my exes. But it reminds me mostly of my relationship with CG. He was so special to me. We fell in love within first talking. True I have a boyfriend and I love him with all my heart. There is a part of me that will always love him though.

  • Jessica by Jessica, Warrenton
  • 13 years ago

I love it , it kind of relates to me and my best friend. We went out and he broke up with me but I still love him and I know he still loves me and no matter what we do we will still love each other...

  • Alicia by Alicia
  • 13 years ago

I liked your story. It really touched my heart. It made me cry because it made think about my last relationship. Every single words you've typed, it has happened to me. Now my heart is broken again. But thank you I'll try my best to forget about it.

  • Kara Von Schnackenberg by Kara Von Schnackenberg
  • 14 years ago

The last part that says,
"No matter what you say or what you do,
Forever and always I'll truely love you"
is exactly how I feel about my best guy friend. We fight all the time but we both at points have been in love with each other. He's hurt me a few times but in truth I still love him and I don't mean like a friend I mean in love. Thanks for helping me find the right words :) Good Job

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