Love Poem by Teens

I wrote this poem one day while thinking about the past relationships I have been through. It got me thinking when I will find my soul mate, so I started to write a few lines in my notepad. Soon enough I had thought of a structure and spent my lunch time writing "Soul Mate."

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I know what the poet is going through because that's how I felt waiting for the one to come and save me from my acute agony. But after 17 years of waiting, he has finally arrived. He is...

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Soul Mate


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2013 with permission of the Author.

Inquisitive, I view the couples everywhere;
Peaceful and glee, as both lives are shared.
When will it be my turn, I start to ponder;
Deeper into thought I begin to wander.

Burning like wildfire, love will always spread;
The greatest of feelings, at least that's what I've read.
Giving everything I've got, I willingly dare;
So why am I empty, with no one to care?

As time trickles by, and my faith depletes,
I have to stand strong, resist conceding defeat.
I've heard of 'the soul mate,' the one, the only;
Although hope is restored, I am still so lonely.

You're what I pray before bed and meal;
That promised emotion, you'll grant me to feel.
Night after night, I know you are out there;
A bond like ours is most certainly rare.

As doubt as my enemy, I know I can beat,
Until the day we are destined to meet.
Eternally loyal, eternally true;
My tears will freeze before I stop waiting for you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!

I happened to read your poem and it was so weird because I wrote about the very same subject, Soulmates, just a few months ago. I honestly had not seen your poem until today. But I must tell you, your poem is so beautiful and much, much better than mine. I always say that writing poetry is a hobby for me. You represent what a true, heart and soul poet is capable of creating. This is just lovely! -Pat

  • Nevaeh by Nevaeh
  • 3 years ago

I am very touched by your poem. I feel the same way. I have had a huge crush on this boy I knew. We wanted to date, but our families are different. He even told me that he saw me in his future. I might be too young to understand what real love is (I am 13), but when I am with him it feels like it is just us in the whole world. I love him, I really do.

  • Mahika Tyagi by Mahika Tyagi
  • 7 years ago

I know what the poet is going through because that's how I felt waiting for the one to come and save me from my acute agony. But after 17 years of waiting, he has finally arrived. He is someone I want to have my whole life. He is the most precious treasure to me. I might end up mad without him. I hope he is the one. Anyway, your poem told what I couldn't say in those days.

  • Jordan by Jordan, PA
  • 9 years ago

This poem is so beautiful!!! I used to feel like this all the time when I was in 9th grade to 10th grade... Always waiting and hoping but I eventually found him and we are happy but I am not sure he is my "soul mate" but he makes me happy and I love him so that is all that matters to me now. I loved your poem so keep writing.

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