Teen Crush Poem

I wrote this about a guy I've had a crush on for 4 years. We always say hello to each other and chat, but we're always too shy to say much else. Pathetically enough, I still have a crush on him; he's my longest crush and will always be my favorite summer love.

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There’s a guy I’ve known for years. He used to explain to me how much he loved me, but I told him I only wanted to be friends. Then I knew I loved him but was too scared to admit it. For some...

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Tucked In His Pocket


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2014 with permission of the Author.

There he goes, walking with his friends.
Little does he know he's got my heart tucked in his back pocket.
I stand there waitin' for you to notice
That I'm crushin' on you, boy, and I just can't stop it.

He flashes a smile, and I melt like butter.
He speaks to me, and I can only stutter.

Here I stand, staring at my feet.
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It's got its melody when he's around.
He picks me up when I'm feeling down.

When he looks into my eyes and smiles,
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He's adorable and wonderful,
Incredible and unbelievable.

I wish I could tell him everything I feel.
His heart's not the only thing I want to steal.
His breath, his kiss,
I wanna be the one he'll miss.

When he closes his eyes,
Wanna be his last goodbye,
His most treasured


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nimrat Mand by Nimrat Mand, Bathinda,Punjab, India
  • 4 years ago

I, too, have almost the same story as you, Abigail, except it has just been 2 years in my case. We know each other. We say hi to each other and sometimes have conversations. We both like music. He is about a year older than me. I don't think I am ever gonna tell him.

  • MAKGOANE P. MALOMA by MAKGOANE P. MALOMA, Limpopo . South Africa
  • 6 years ago

There’s a guy I’ve known for years. He used to explain to me how much he loved me, but I told him I only wanted to be friends. Then I knew I loved him but was too scared to admit it. For some time I denied that I loved him until sometime last year when he left for the weekend. He didn’t have his phone with him, so I got so scared I cried. That was the moment I realized that I love him a lot. When he came, he was told about the calls I left and everything. By now he was my friend. For some reason when he called I told him how I felt (even told him how I felt for him). For some reason I thought he’d be rude, but all he said was why did I wait so long? Those words made me speechless, but then after a while he started ignoring me. Even today he still ignores me. It hurts so much because I miss his presence in my life. This poem reminds me of him.

  • Yaya by Yaya
  • 5 years ago

This boy and I had a crush on each other, but one of us was too scare to ask the other out. I was too late, but he was going with a girl but stayed talking to me, hugging me, walking me places, and talked to me on the phone all night. I could not go a second without thinking about him, and I felt stupid when he told me that he was dating that girl. He made me feel like I was the only one he had eyes for and that he loved me. Then they broke up, and I told him that I love him, but he didn't say it back. He said that he doesn't need to tell me he loves me when I already know that. That made me happy, and we shared a kiss. Now it's all gone. He doesn't look at me the same. He treats me like trash. He got what he wanted and ditched me. I still love him, and he still loves me (from what his mom told me), but why treat me like this? This poem made me think about the way I used to feel when he walked by me and I didn't know what to do when I saw him. I still feel that way.

  • Nkhensani  Chabalala by Nkhensani Chabalala
  • 7 years ago

Since I was 4 years old I had a crush on this guy. When I was 9 years old I found that he was dating another girl. But guess what? It was all a lie. One day he asked me if we can date. I didn't reply, but we're crushing on each other.

  • Ayesha Ali by Ayesha Ali
  • 7 years ago

I’m a girl of 14. Before in my life I was completely focused on my studies, but this year I feel something new. It’s really new for me. Before, I never believed in love or a crush, but now I have a crush. He is so adorable. For me, he is the most handsome guy. Just by looking at him even for a little while feels like it’s enough to make my heart skip a beat and lose my senses.

  • Btittany Applebom by Btittany Applebom
  • 7 years ago

I have had on crush on this guy since 2nd grade and just recently I found out that he felt the same way, but I moved to North Carolina, so I can't be with him after all.

  • Debbie Melgar by Debbie Melgar
  • 7 years ago

I'm sorry you couldn't be with him. When I was a student teacher, I asked my students to write and share their own poetry. We focused on sensory imagery, and I had the presentations staged at the local university for a bit more gravitas. Some were funny, some were surprisingly beautiful, but most were banal, and the exercise was mostly boring.

This one girl got up in front of the class, visibly shaking. She was near tears for her entire poem. I wanted to help her, but I had no idea what to do, so I just watched like everyone else as she poured her heart out to a boy in the class who did not reciprocate. When she finished, there was a silence in the room, and after a few seconds, which seemed to stretch out forever, one of her friends stood up and ushered her out of class as the tears began to flow. I was not prepared for this at all.

  • Lyka Mae Casi by Lyka Mae Casi
  • 7 years ago

I've had a crush for 4 years now. A boy with those stunning eyes. There he goes walking with his friends, and I stand there waitin' for him to notice. He flashes a smile, and I melt like butter. He speaks to me and I can only stutter. When he looks into my eyes and smiles, can he see how much he drives me wild? He's adorable and wonderful, incredible and unbelievable. I wish I could tell him everything I feel. And his heart's not the only thing I want to steal. I wanna be his only girl, but it's impossible because he's in love with another girl. His smile makes me smile. His laugh makes me laugh. He make my thoughts seem daft. Since the day I first laid eyes on you, my feelings grew and grew. The truth is I don't know how to express my feelings, but I'm taking a very huge risk like I'm playing a board game of chess. Always remember if you need a friend I am always on call. Good bye for now.

  • Margareth by Margareth
  • 10 years ago

I have a crush on this boy for 4 years now. He liked me too at one point but all of a sudden he lost interest and I don't know why. When he liked me he would say that I was beautiful everyday he saw me and it always made my heart melt. He made me feel so special about myself and I miss that. We go to high school together now and for some reason it's so hard for me to talk to him. We've talked a few times and our conversations were amazing but an incident happened and I was kind of involved with the incident but it wasn't my fault. He got upset and I feel like he's kind of hesitant to talk to me. Everyday I'll take the long ways to class just so I can see him. We hug every now and then. I just wish I can man up and speak to him. I don't think anyone knows how I feel but this poem reminds me of my feelings.

  • Camryn Edwards Michelle by Camryn Edwards Michelle
  • 8 years ago

Why don't you go ask him out and see what happens. That's probably why he's acting up. Maybe he's afraid to ask you out.

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