Love Poem by Teens

Descriptive Poem About Searching For Love

Hello, I'm Freya. I'm 13 years old and love to write poetry.
I write when I'm feeling emotional about something because it helps me to cope with whatever has happened.
I wrote this when the boy I fell in love with moved to Australia. I was heart broken, so decided to write this.
I hope you like it and understand it, and I hope that it will help you as much as it helped me! :D

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They say finding true love was the last thing that could happen to me. Then one day you happened, One day you occurred, One day you began to exist. The last thing they said could happen...

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© more by Freya

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

If you were a blade of grass
I would explore the earth for you.
If you were a tree
I would seek out every leaf until I found you.
If you were a flame
I would fly to the sun for you.
If you were a drop of water
I would scour the sea for you.
But if you were a star
I would never search for I would always see you,
because you are the brightest star to me

my dear love.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Olojo Ayomide by Olojo Ayomide
  • 8 years ago

They say finding true love was the last thing that could happen to me.
Then one day you happened,
One day you occurred,
One day you began to exist.
The last thing they said could happen
Became the best thing that ever happened to me.
I'm just saying I LOVE YOU!

  • Shiara by Shiara, South Africa
  • 9 years ago

Utterly beautiful!
I nearly cried when I read this because it reminded me of my beloved teacher and you have so much talent!

  • Salli by Salli, Australia
  • 14 years ago

Wow Freya. You have amazing talent! This is really great! You should look into maybe a job of some sort for when you are older. This is very well written. Great job!

  • Sreyja by Sreyja, Ashford
  • 15 years ago

Hey, this poem was amazing you really do have talent. I was looking on this website for inspiration for my own poem because I can't seem to get words out myself. So I thought of looking for inspiration. I'm writing a poem to my fiancé and I didn't know how to start it or structure it, this has really helped me know what kind of thing to write.

thank you XD

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