Teen Crush Poem

Do You Love Me

Have you ever had that crush and didn't know how to tell her that you like her? Outside, all I'm asking is...can you let me in?

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I was very moved by this poem. My mansion of love has many doors, but letting someone in is a problem for me. I mean I have an entrance of limited access to protect me from heartbreak.

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Can You Let Me In?


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2011 with permission of the Author.

I know, I might not seem your type.
But here we are, can't you give it a try?
If truth be told, I've been lost most of my life.
I'm the bird with the broken wing.
All I'm looking for is love.
Aren't you looking for the same thing?
I wouldn't hurt you,
For I've been hurt before.
Went to battle, but I lost that war.
Now, I hope I ain't scaring you off.
It's just, I don't want to get hurt no more.
Knock, knock,
Can you let me in?
I've been standing a while at this door.
Only asking.
Here I am, just wondering,
Can you let me in?
It seems, if you can't hear me,
So I'm ask again,
Can you let me in?
Listen, love doesn't ask,
It just happens.
Here we are,
So what's happening?
Can you let me in?
It's cold out here.
I'm freezing.
I'm stabbed and I'm bleeding,
But I know you can start my healing.
I'm feeling for you,
I'm thinking of you.
A wise man once told me,
"That's how it starts."
Can you let me in?
Can't you hear me?
I said, your heart.
Knock, knock
Can you let me in?


  • Stories 4
  • Shares 2019
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  • Rating 4.34
  • Poem of the Day
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Shelly, OH by Shelly, OH
  • 7 years ago

I was very moved by this poem. My mansion of love has many doors, but letting someone in is a problem for me. I mean I have an entrance of limited access to protect me from heartbreak.

  • Laura by Laura, CA
  • 11 years ago

I loved this poem. I have a crush on someone and I know we would probably be good together I just don't know if he likes me back.

  • Kayla by Kayla, PA
  • 12 years ago

I liked this boy since kindergarten and all these crush poems describe my feelings for him especially because I'm gothic and he is a happy person. I am just glad that there is a lot of other girls like me out there.

  • Dominique Houston Tx. by Dominique Houston Tx.
  • 13 years ago

He is wonderful and sweet while I'm quiet and bitter. Everything invites me in to your love but as I get closer the farther you get. We have more in common than you think almost everything's the same. I now realize how hard it is to love and get love in return like a chain that is now broken from its link. Why can't you come to me? Why do you push me away? Why is there a never ending barrier between us? Why can't my love just win you over but until then I will be waiting by the sidelines till the day you see what could be what you could have, ME.

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