Depression Poem

The Truth Behind The Mask

I wrote this poem to show people that I'm not always happy, even though I might seem like it. Smiles can hide deep meanings.

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Hi, I’m 13, and I have clinical depression. This poem honestly made me feel like someone finally gets what I go through on a day-to-day basis. I am constantly expected to have this mask. Then...

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The Masks I Wear

Evelyn Barrera ©

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2018 with permission of the Author.

"You're always smiling."
"You're always laughing."
"How can you be happy all the time?"

All of these questions get asked of me on a daily basis.
No, I'm not always smiling.
No, I'm not always laughing.
No, I'm not always happy.
Sometimes I'm not even happy at all.

If you see me smile, it's because I feel sad.
If you see me laugh, it's because I feel lonely.
If you see me happy, it's because I'm breaking.

All you really see are the fake smiles.
All you really see are the fake laughs.
All you really see are the masks I wear.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Corey by Corey
  • 6 years ago

Hi, I’m 13, and I have clinical depression. This poem honestly made me feel like someone finally gets what I go through on a day-to-day basis. I am constantly expected to have this mask. Then there’s when I am alone. It’s scary. It’s even scarier that nobody knows what I am going through. This has been going on for years, and I just recently became clean for 3 months. It’s sad, though, that this is the world we live in.

  • MaaLiyah Patterson by MaaLiyah Patterson
  • 4 years ago

Hey love, I can relate. My mother died 2 years ago on January 21, 2018, and it hurt me to my soul. I'm depressed also, and I feel like I have no one, but you're not alone. We are in the same boat. I'm praying for you.

  • Ekponoabasi by Ekponoabasi
  • 7 years ago

This poem is beautiful. It paints a clear picture of our life today - where one must always wear a smile, even in difficulties. Good job.

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