Thank You Poem

Thanks For Being My Dad Poem

This is to a lucky father whose daughter appreciates all that he does.

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Hello everybody I just decided to google my name today and I completely forgot that my poem was on this site. My name is Jazmyn M Winder and I am the writer of this poem I was 16 years old...

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Daddy's Girl


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2006 with permission of the Author.

I sit here and daydream of
My future and how it seems
I can picture my wedding day
my daddy walking me down the aisle
To meet my fate
I look over at him and see a single
He thinks he's losing his baby
His biggest fear
But I love him more than ever on this
So I look at him and blow a kiss
His way

He has been there for every single
Day of my life
He has been the provider through all
The struggle and strife
I would be lost if he hadn't shown me
The way
I don't know that I would have made it
From day to day
I am so very lucky for all he has
Out of all dads, he is the very best one


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jazmyn Monik Winder by Jazmyn Monik Winder, CA
  • 9 years ago

Hello everybody I just decided to google my name today and I completely forgot that my poem was on this site. My name is Jazmyn M Winder and I am the writer of this poem I was 16 years old when this was published and I am now 24 going to be 25 in April. Thank you all for sharing your stories and how my poem touched your hearts. I wish to have more published in the future. Unfortunately I had a tragic event happen in my life that caused me to stop writing but I will be starting again soon.

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 10 years ago

I loved my dad more than anything. He was always there for me and my children. He just adored them, one night I got a knock on my door 3 years ago and got told my son had died. Well that was it my life was over, but my dad was my rock, but deep down you could see how hurt my dad was, but he was being strong for me and the family. Much to my sorrow my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and died 10 months after my son. My life is so dark without my son and dad but I pray they are together and watching over me. Cherish what you have because you never know when everything is taken from you.

  • Chrissy by Chrissy, Tampa
  • 10 years ago

My daddy loved me and my sister so much. He gave us everything he could. He said we are his baby girls even though we are grown up. My grandma loved my daddy so much because she said throughout her whole life she never knew a dad who loved his girls as much as my daddy loved us. My aunt says he was such a good daddy he would get down on the floor and play toys with us and that we were his whole life. One year he had to work on the east coast and instead of leaving us behind he worked double shifts on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and flew across the country every week to stay with us for 4 days then he flew back. He did that for an entire year until we sold our house and were able to move out to Tampa. What a sacrifice he loved us so much he didn't want my mom and us to be alone. My daddy went to be with Jesus on May first. I miss him but I know he is in a better place and has peace. I am looking forward to seeing him again. I love you daddy you are the best dad. I will see you soon.

  • Prajna by Prajna, India
  • 11 years ago

I love my dad and he's the world to me. This is a very touchy poem...made my eyes wet... I am very lucky to have a dad as mine.

  • Susan by Susan
  • 12 years ago

I wanted to do something super special for my dad on his 70th birthday.
I found a wonderful picture from my wedding day and I wanted to put it with a special poem. This hits the nail on the head because it was SUCH a special day for my dad and me.

  • Leicester by Leicester
  • 12 years ago

I am only a child but this is what I will do to my daddy on my wedding day even if he's past. I will blow a kiss into the sky because I love my daddy <3

  • Rachel by Rachel, Ireland
  • 12 years ago

I started crying as soon as I read the first line. My dad is the most important person in my life. Even though he isn't living with us. He's always there when I need him. Even though he thinks when I grow up and leave I won't be his little girl anymore but I always will in his heart. and there I will never leave. I don't know who I would be today without my daddy. He keeps me sane. He makes me feel like I'm beautiful and makes me happy whenever I'm sad. I love my dad so much and without him I would have nothing to live for.

  • Long Beach California by Long Beach California
  • 13 years ago

Daddy, I miss and love you though we fight but we love each other and you will always be the best father and my favorite father ever and me I will be your little girl even though you might think when I grow up I will leave but I will always be in your heart and you will always be in my heart too and you will never leave.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

my dad is my life, with out him I would be crushed. He left my family when I was 10, and things got a lil tuff. But he was always there for me, when I needed him most. My mother got remarried and moved 3 hrs away, and she wanted to take me with but I didn't want to, I was only a freshmen in high school, and wanted to be here. so I talked to my dad about living with him, because I didn't wanna leave my school or more importantly him. :) We put up a tuff battle, and we got our wish, I got to stay and live with him. My father is my hero, and my best friend, I love him with all my heart, and wouldn't want it any other way. He's 100% always there, and I'm glad to know he is :) This poem really makes me think how lucky I am to have a father like mine. he's one of a kind, and all mine :) I love you dad

  • Emmie by Emmie
  • 15 years ago

I am my daddy's little girl and my father left me when I was 10 years old. I had deep depression and I just wished that my father was there to hold me tight and tell me that I am going to be alright. But my father was not there for me. I wish I can have my father back so I can tell him how much I love him. He now lives in Colorado and it hurts to think that he is not here to support me with all kinds of things. I love you daddy.

  • imee by imee
  • 15 years ago

this poem makes me think of my life...if I could have a dad then I could feel like what the author blessed you are to have a dad, I wish I had too.

  • chelle by chelle
  • 15 years ago

this poem has truely touched me...when I read it, it reminded my of my dad and I...I just started tearing up myself just reading it...

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