I Miss You Poem

It's Hard To Stop Missing Someone

I can't stop thinking about what could and would have been if I had done things differently. I am slowly accepting that there's nothing I can do to change the past. This poem comes from a lot of things and can mean different things depending on who's reading it. But my goal here is to show that it's okay to miss someone and to admit that you do.

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I can relate to this. I think about if I could have done things differently. I feel like if I were there when my John fell and died I could have prevented him from that tragic fall. I am mad...

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Something Like A Memory


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2018 with permission of the Author.

Raindrops on window panes
Stars at night that are just airplanes
Sparks of light out in the distance
Reminding me of the space between us
Jaded pieces keeping us together
Like trying to catch droplets in stormy weather

Waiting for the final fall though
Feeling like tides pulling me away from you
Constant mistakes
Relived retakes
Lying awake at night
Because waking from dreams doesn't feel right
No matter what I do
In my dreams I always come back to you


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Carol S. Ryan by Carol S. Ryan
  • 7 years ago

I can relate to this. I think about if I could have done things differently. I feel like if I were there when my John fell and died I could have prevented him from that tragic fall. I am mad that I wasn't there for him. The pain of losing him lingers, and it's been almost seven years now.

  • Naila A. Rais by Naila A. Rais
  • 7 years ago

I, too, miss some of my awesome buddies. They are always in my heart. I really miss them. I can't forget them, but with life we have to compromise. Life a healthy life.

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