I Miss You Poem

Complicating A Friendship

This poem is about the guy I fell in love with, my first real encounter with love and its cruel heartbreaks. He was my best friend; I told him everything. We felt like it was us against the world. Of course, something had to ruin it. I started to develop feelings for him. It complicated us. Our long nightly talks became a few short words to each other at school. Other girls' jealousy created rumors and lies. I told him how I felt and he just hurt me in return. This is how I feel about it now.

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I read this story, and it sounds like something that happened to me, almost the same. I couldn't have written a better story of what happened to me and one of my closest friends. I also did...

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What I Miss...

© more by Thalia Jones

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

I miss how we used to be,
So vibrant, so honest, so wild and free.

I miss the way you would understand,
Listen carefully and be there when I needed a hand.

I miss our long, random talks at night,
Our private conversations,
Our silly little fights.

I miss the way you could read my mind,
Know what to say,
When words were hard to find.

I miss the way you could brighten my day,
Make me forget the mistakes,
Make the pain go away.

I miss how you made me laugh,
Hate how you made me cry,

Loved how you said you would always be there,
But once again, I forgot that everything you say is a lie.


more by Thalia Jones

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • ZoeZoomZoom_27 by ZoeZoomZoom_27
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem. It reminds me of a relationship I had with a boy. We were best friends and started developing feelings for each other. But then I found out that he was a liar, so that kind of ended everything. I still miss him a lot though sometimes.

  • Prettygirl Amanda by Prettygirl Amanda, Cincinnati, Ohio
  • 7 years ago

What are you supposed to do when you still love that one person you used to call your everything?

  • Abdullahi Nusaiba by Abdullahi Nusaiba
  • 6 months ago

Try to move on...you could delete all previous chats that will make you go back or still feel that way..

  • Stephanie DeBorde by Stephanie DeBorde
  • 7 years ago

I read this story, and it sounds like something that happened to me, almost the same. I couldn't have written a better story of what happened to me and one of my closest friends. I also did fall in love with him, told him, and that ruined it. He no longer calls, and we don't talk anymore like we used to. It is a sad, heartbreaking feeling. I wish it never would have happened. Wish I could go back in time. I'd never say anything about my feelings I had for him. I still feel for him but not like I did when we were always together talking, laughing, hanging out almost every day. I do so miss him, our friendship, the happy days we spent together, laughing, joking, having good happy days. I told him everything, things I'd never told anybody. It feels lonesome now, so sad and depressing.

  • Miracle Samoa by Miracle Samoa
  • 9 years ago

I love your poem. I admire you about this poem. I just finished crying and I can't stop thinking about the way you describe it. Please write more poems. I'll be reading them.

  • Mahmoud Afsa by Mahmoud Afsa
  • 10 years ago

Very touching, You described my dream, never felt that in my life, don't lose your faith in love.

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