I Miss You Poem

This was written to my boyfriend in jail. It was my first attempt at poetry, and my emotions just overflowed.

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I recall feeling almost obsessed over my young life boyfriends. Looking back, I am glad I let the bad company go and went on with my life as had I not let bad ones go, my life would have...

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For Love's Sake

© more by Susan Christensen

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

I'm so tired of this empty feeling.
I'm so tired of being alone.
I lay here staring at the ceiling,
Waiting by the phone.

I jump when the phone rings.
It brings a smile to my face.
When he hangs up my heart stings,
And I sink back into my lonely place.

I wish and I dream
That we'll be together soon.
I can't wait until we can look up hand in hand
At the stars and at the moon.

I yearn for his kisses
His touch - his embrace.
I can't wait for Thursdays
When I get to see his face.

I'm flooded with thoughts of him
In my heart, soul, and mind.
I imagine his touch,
So gentle and kind.

I try not to weep.
I hope he doesn't hear my cries,
But I can't stop the tears
Falling from my eyes.

I cry a thousand tears
And think - how much more can I take?
But in my heart I know I'd wait a thousand years
All for love's sake.


more by Susan Christensen

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alexis Brouillette JORDAN by Alexis Brouillette JORDAN
  • 1 year ago

I recall feeling almost obsessed over my young life boyfriends. Looking back, I am glad I let the bad company go and went on with my life as had I not let bad ones go, my life would have ended up with them going nowhere. A man is to protect and provide security for a woman. There is no security with someone who cannot avoid what is unlawful or wrong. May you follow what is good. Best to you.

  • Tabitha Brooke Clark by Tabitha Brooke Clark
  • 6 years ago

Patrick, I love you sooo much!! I will wait for all ETERNITY for you! You are my world, my rock, my EVERYTHING!

My finance just got locked up on Nov. 9, 2018, and I would have gotten locked me up too unless Pat confessed to his crimes that he committed, so of course he said he did it all because he didn't want me to get locked up as well. I honestly knew that he was going to do it, but I had NO parts of him robbing that gun store. The cops said he took 55 handguns out of the store and the only way they found out that it was him is because his so-called life-long friend snitched him out completely. Told EVERYTHING and every detail. I am so alone right now and can't stop crying!! I don't know what to do with myself. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have NOBODY! When I say Pat was my everything, he was. We were planning on getting married that week he got locked up. I am so lost without him, and he doesn't even have a court date yet.

  • Irv West by Irv West
  • 4 years ago

I have worked with struggling teens almost all of my adult life (I am 80-years old now). And there is one constant for every one of my loved kids who built a good life for themselves: They found someone they trusted and talked to them. Make sure it is NOT someone judgmental. I would be privileged to be that person if you wish.

  • Joli by Joli
  • 4 years ago

I'm in love for the person that is incarcerated and I know how it feels to be all alone, struggling, doing what you must, make ends meet and still be there for your loved one, he's my everything he's my life, my air that I breathe. People aren't perfect they all make mistakes but my man really is innocent and he's sitting in prison all because he had a bitter baby mama who didn't want him moving forward with his life.

  • Mariko K. by Mariko K.
  • 11 years ago

My crush is super shy and two years older than me. What should I do? Should I approach him or what?

  • Calyn by Calyn
  • 13 years ago

This poem is amazing! It explains this relationship between my friend and I that I really like. I came to tears because this is how everything is happening. I want him so bad but he doesn't want me and no matter how hard I try I will always love him no matter what! Thanks for the poem!

  • Sonia by Sonia
  • 16 years ago

Right when I read this poem my eyes filled like an over flowing sea. It's ironic because Thursday is the only day I get to see mine too. He will be incarcerated for the next few years, but my love is so strong for him. We have two kids together that mean the world to me. He's someone I will never replace. I love you C.H. forever!!!

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