I Miss You Poem

I Lost My Chance With You Poem

This is about someone I care about a lot, and I waited until it was too late to tell them how I felt. Now they like someone else, and I don't have much of a chance to get them back.

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This poem is deep. It calls you out. I'd been friends with this guy for about 6-7 years. When we first met I remember getting those butterflies, that instant feeling of knowing it was him. I...

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I Could


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

I could dream of you forever,
But it wouldn't put me beside you.

I could call your name on end,
But you'll never hear me.

I could ask a million questions,
But I'll never get the answer I want.

I could write a hundred poems,
But you would still never understand.

I could have said it before it was time to leave,
But I said it in a little note.

I could try to forget what I feel,
But I've pushed too much out already.

I could lie to myself,
But lying exhausts the soul.

I could give up on you,
But too much of me still loves you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Abhirup Bhattacharyya by Abhirup Bhattacharyya
  • 2 years ago

I loved this poem deeply. It reminded me of my crush and of the first day of English class where I met her. For six months I constantly watched her beautiful eyes in the class. Now it has been two years, and I don't even know where she lives and don't have any picture of her. I only have the picture I drew one year ago to give her on her birthday, but she never came. Never. And now it's all I have for forever. Sometimes I look back and then look at the drawing kept in my sketchbook and think, "So much of me will always love her."

  • Quinton by Quinton
  • 2 years ago

Stop chasing those you love. Chase your dreams and be yourself...maybe one day you'll find someone just like you.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 5 years ago

I have liked this guy for 3 years, and I know he liked me too (don't know if he still does). I still haven't told him, and I only see him every once and a while. I bet he's moved on though, but the worst part is the unknown. Especially because his niece is one of my best and closest friends, and all I ever want to blurt out is "How is he?" Or "Does he still care about me?" "Does he ever mention me?" But I have no idea what to do. And I can't stop loving him because "too much of me already loves" him.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 4 years ago

This poem is deep. It calls you out. I'd been friends with this guy for about 6-7 years. When we first met I remember getting those butterflies, that instant feeling of knowing it was him. I felt like he could never love somebody like me. He moved, but we still managed to stay in touch. Eventually his family moved back home and so much had changed in the both of us. I remember getting that "love rush" again but never had the bravery to confess my feelings for him. I was scared of rejection and ruining a perfect friendship. After months of friends telling me I had nothing to lose I told him, but I rejected him before letting him reject me. With everything that has happened I never had much time to think about him. I truly believed I had moved on. But a couple nights ago I randomly started thinking about him again. I smiled at the thoughts. I had a dream, and it felt so real. I can't stop loving him because "too much of me already loves" him and it hurts.

  • Christine Elliana Veronica by Christine Elliana Veronica
  • 6 years ago

Wow the poem reminds me about my crush, and I had feelings for him for almost 5 years. It's true when the poem said, "I could give up on you, but too much of me still loves you." I tried too hard to forget him, but I can't forget him even when I know that he had a new girlfriend.

  • JB by JB
  • 4 years ago

The same thing happened to me... don't know why I still think of him. It was 6 years ago. But for some reason there's something about him that I can't forget. If you want to chat let me know.

  • Astrid C. W. by Astrid C. W., Canada
  • 6 years ago

The boy I had a crush on moved across the country and I never had a chance to tell him I loved him. It happened last month and my heart still hurts. This poem is so similar to my life and I don't have anyone else to relate to.

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