I Miss You Poem

Poem Of Love, Regret, And Hope

I wrote this poem for the love of my life. She has come in and out of my life for over twenty years now. I always knew that I loved her but did not realize until recently that she was the only woman that I have ever truly loved.

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This is my story. It starts out beautiful and amazing, and like many love stories, it went downhill too fast. During the summer of 2015, I met this most amazing, funny kind, and handsome man!...

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The Love Of My Life


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2008 with permission of the Author.

To the love of my life,
though fate never allowed me to make you my wife.
When we met so many years ago,
it was love at first sight, that I know.
I loved you so much and for only you I cared,
but with you those feelings I never shared.
Then I learned for another you cared.
To come between you, I never dared.
Not because I did not want to,
but because I wanted happiness for you.
Then to the arms of another I did go,
but with her, love I never did know.
For this I now know that I was wrong,
for all these years your love I've longed.
Of you I have thought throughout the years.
For you I have shed so many tears.
So long ago I solemnly vowed
to tell of my love if fate allowed.
Our paths crossed again not so long ago.
I remembered the vow of my love you should know.
Before I could tell you, you gave a surprise.
You told me you loved me and brought tears to my eyes.
You told of your love and how much you cared,
how you felt sad that this you had not shared.
You said that you felt you had told me too late
and for this you said you I must hate.
But it is you I love and never could hate
To know of your love is never too late.
You told me of things you wanted to do,
all of this and more I have wanted too.
All this time I have dreamed of your touch.
To know you wanted the same means so much.
We have shared so much from the present and past.
I have prayed so much that this would last.
You have told me that what we want is wrong.
How can this be when we have loved so long?
Something happened and we fell apart
crushing my dreams and breaking my heart.
To love you was a gift from above.
The gift of time, the gift of love.
My heart won't allow me to let you go.
It wants and misses you so.
I tried to leave to mend the pain,
but is about to drive me insane.
Saddened and hurting, my heart goes on,
knowing again that you are gone.
Because in your hands is where my heart lies,
alone and depressed it sadly cries.
Please know that this is how I truly feel
because twice in my life you have made it all real.
I know you had feelings that you just would not show.
I know that it hurts when you want to let go.
My actions say yes but heart still says no.
I will never get to feel your most intimate touch.
God knows though I love and miss you so much.
I love you with my heart and soul.
You made me feel loved, you made me feel whole.
I have always known that you are the one for me.
I still believe though you say it can't be.
There is one thing that I have to say.
I love you too much to just walk away.
We said goodbye, but I want you to know.
Goodbye is goodbye but not forever though.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Maria Moore Nee Nance by Maria Moore Nee Nance
  • 3 years ago

Your poem has me crying because when I was 16, I lost the most wonderful man I had ever met. I thought he didn't want to be with me and it hurt. I tried to move on and then a few months after I married another, my grandma told me that a man called and that she told him I had married. It has been about 32 years since I last saw him and to this day I can recall what he looks like. Although I loved my (now ex) husband, I never stopped loving my true love. I've tried finding him so that I could tell him that, but I cannot, because I don't know his last name.

  • Stephen by Stephen
  • 7 years ago

This poem could have been written about my life! Thirty-three years ago I met a girl as a friend, and that often used cliche, "Love at first sight," hit me hard. I was married at the time, as was she. We started a very intense affair, but neither of us would leave our partners because we both had children. The affair carried on for 6 years until she and her family emigrated. She came back to the UK to see her sister and mother twice a year, and we carried on for 24 more years. Then in 2015 she came back to get treatment for cancer. She had by then split with her husband. My marriage was going downhill fast by then. We met up again as we always did when she was here and decided to stay together. I'd only stayed with my wife for the children. When they were 35 and 32, they knew how bad things were. I separated from my wife. We had 2 1/2 wonderful years living together when in August of 2017 she finally succumbed to her cancer and I lost her forever! I miss her so much.

  • Telorne by Telorne
  • 7 years ago

It really hurts me when I read this because I know the problem. Many years ago I met someone special on my way. I know that he loves me, but he never tells me about his true feelings for me, the things that I longed to hear from him. I still remember him who touched my heart, even if the fate never allows us together. My sweet memories of him never goes out of my mind. A mind wants to forget, but my heart will always remember it. You and I will always be unfinished business.

  • Sam by Sam
  • 7 years ago

I have lost my love in the same way. I can't forget his smile and tears. He got emotional one day in front of me. I felt he needed my words of love and care, so I did whatever was possible for him...but he insulted my love and me also, but I'll never forget him because he is my life. I loved him and will love him. I don't care what he did to me.

  • Sha by Sha
  • 8 years ago

I don't know. I love him very much. What I know is he is too far to reach. I can only say goodbye and look at his picture.

  • Andrew by Andrew, Yorkshire
  • 9 years ago

It's 40 years since I last met my first love face to face. We were just friends then as she was 7 years younger than me. We sang together in a choir and had a really good time. I feared her parents would object to my asking her out and although she sent me cards signed "love", I was persuaded by others that I should move on and find someone nearer my own age. I did this and found another girl who I later married, but to stop the stress and hurt of being with my first love in the choir, but unable to tell her how much I loved her, I left and moved on. Recently, I made contact with her again by Email. She is now happily married, but her early life was traumatic. She says she has good memories of our time together years ago but I feel guilty that I did not stay with her then, and be there for her when the problems came her way. Maybe it wouldn't have worked anyway but it would not have been from a lack of love on my part. She is and always will be the first true love of my life.

  • Sally by Sally
  • 10 years ago

I met this boy when I was 21 and he was 20. I fell in love with him from the beginning. We were like best friends, the chemistry between us was so colorful that anyone could see it. You couldn't deny it. But as life would have it the love I had for him was never enough to hold us. We lost touch and had separate lives. I'd always talk about how much I missed him and wondered if he thought of me too. 10 years passed and we ran into each other again. The moment was magical and again the chemistry so colorful everyone could see it... You couldn't deny it. Again we are like best friends. I love him and he says he loves me but we somehow cannot make the connection... Why can't we be together is what I wonder??? Will I just forever be in love with this man and "Us" always just a fantasy. Why am I so crazy about him? Why can't I let go? How do I let go of the love of my life?

  • Catie by Catie
  • 8 years ago

This is my story. It starts out beautiful and amazing, and like many love stories, it went downhill too fast. During the summer of 2015, I met this most amazing, funny kind, and handsome man! We were only 2 and a half years apart. We connected so fast, but he was in a relationship of almost five years. At the time, it was a rocky relationship, so when he was upset he would always come to me to comfort him and make him feel better. A lot of the time it would be late into the night after a drinking night with the rest of our coworkers since we were working with each other. We would talk, and one night we found ourselves falling for each other as I would stroke his hair. We would take hour long walks at night, talk at the baseball diamond under the stars, and go for bike rides!! Then college hit and we tried staying in contact over Skype. My love, I miss you...

  • Ntitsane by Ntitsane, Maseru
  • 10 years ago

Yesterday I said goodbye to her. It is funny how we allow ourselves to be mastered by our own thoughts to create a virtual world where only the two of you exist, only to see that life you have built come crashing down, and the hard part being that you can't do anything about it. I loved that woman to the sun and back, and I still do. She wanted to go, I let her but I didn't want to. I am tearing up inside to realize that it was all a big illusion. The sad part is trying to find a life without her, she had become a central part of my present and my future, I saw myself and I saw her. But all that is gone, and the pain demands to be felt.

  • Maria A. Cunningham by Maria A. Cunningham
  • 8 years ago

I feel the pain as I know the pain well. I'm sorry for your loss. I have had these feelings once before and now I must feel the same pain only much more and with the same guy after all these years. You're right about the pain you must go through, its the healing that is not wanted, its the love we once felt that's what our mind, our body, our soul wants to feel, that togetherness that brought us so much happiness. It really is sad that it feels like one big illusion and sometimes I wish that's all it was. It took several years and I finally let go and who comes, you guessed right. This time I tried to put up the fight and refuse to let go, now again I thought he was my soul mate for life you just never really know. I hope you find some peace as well as I hope for myself, try to just remember the good because we don't wanna stay sad in the end. God Bless

  • Forever Broken by Forever Broken
  • 10 years ago

When I started to read the poem it was so much my story I thought it was.
I met and fell in love with a girl many years ago, she broke-up with me at her parent's request; I never fell out of love with her, but none-the-less I married another and had children, but the marriage didn't have the strength to last. I re-met the lost love many years later (46) and I knew she was the only girl I ever really loved, but again she jilted me. Although I wish I could, I cannot love another; seven years later I still cry for my lost love.

  • Chance by Chance, Texas
  • 10 years ago

With only the smallest modification this poem could have been written about me. although I do not wish my life had been any different I was allowed to raise my children.

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