Hurting Poem

Someone I loved dearly was avoiding me. He sounded more interested in other girls, so I felt really hurt - so hurt that I cried the whole day, and then I wrote this poem. It is straight from my heart.

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I'm going through a situation right now. I'm losing someone I love just because of the mistakes I did. Apparently, she tells me she just wants to be single and wants time, but I know of some...

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I Want You Back


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the Author.

Sitting by the river,
Dreaming through my reflection,
I wonder what has happened.
What has caused this distance?

We used to be together,
Cuddling close to each other.
What came between our beautiful love?
I don't know, though I wish to.

I can see you now, not alone
You're holding a hand that's not mine
Where am I? Why not next to you?
Why am I away? I don't understand.

You're smiling to the fullest.
I am not the one making you happy.
You are glancing at someone else.
Why is it not me?

Seeing you after such a long time,
My heart sighs again.
Something inside me growls loud
'Cause now your hand runs through her hair.

I stand some distance well away,
But the surroundings disappear.
When I look at you, I feel lost inside
I wish you back, my angel.

There you are, holding her hand,
And I am lost, trying to understand.
I want you back, I really do,
Just to hold your hand
And walk with you.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Emmanuel by Emmanuel
  • 5 years ago

I'm going through a situation right now. I'm losing someone I love just because of the mistakes I did. Apparently, she tells me she just wants to be single and wants time, but I know of some guy who she mingles with. She goes on a date with him and visits him. I have a feeling she is leaving me for someone else, and I don't want to let her go. My mind makes me want to love no more when she goes completely. We still talk, and I tell her I want to meet with her, but she says, "I'll see about that." Friends, I just don't want to lose her, but she is leaving.

  • MAKGOANE P. MALOMA by MAKGOANE P. MALOMA, Limpopo . South Africa
  • 6 years ago

This poem makes me feel emotional as it talks about my relationship with my best friend, who was actually the only person I could talk to. Then suddenly he started ignoring me. What hurts me is that my feelings don't change and I still don't know the reason why he is ignoring me. Sometimes I feel like I need him, but then where can I find him?

  • Rahim Musianda by Rahim Musianda
  • 8 years ago

I have been dating this girl for 8 months. At first I never thought I would love her so much. With time passing I realize that I'm so deep into her. I was crazy in love with her, but I never really told her how I felt for her or showed her that really loved her. I was scared and now she wants to go. I know I did a couple mistakes during our time and want to fix it all. All I am asking for is a second chance. I don't want to lose her. Just the thought of losing her makes me go crazy. I don't want to lose her, and I don't know what to do or how to fight for her. I really love her, and all I want is her nowadays. I cry like a teen. My emotions are all over the place. It has been a month since we're not together and it's getting worse. All I'm asking is a second chance. I really love her. I don't know what to do. My world is not the same. I wish I told her how I feel and how much I love her. I don't know how long I will last before I lose it all.

  • Kabelo by Kabelo
  • 8 years ago

Your love for her will never end, as long as you don't tell her how you feel. I am 18 years old and am really in love with my best friend and I told her how I feel but she is also in love. I am not hurt because I have faith that she will come back. My point is just tell her how you feel, trust a lot will change, but in the end she will realize that you are the one who will take good care of her. Just tell her how you feel and be honest with her.

  • Matt by Matt, Wa
  • 10 years ago

I can completely relate to your story and poem. It touched my heart. I too lost someone who I gave my whole heart to. She left for another man. Even though we still talk she always tells me that the other guy is nothing compared to what we have but she won't come back. So I stay where I am, loving her along the way. Showing her my love and feelings. Praying that somehow these wounds in her heart will heal. I can relate because I have seen her with him. This man, that took my place. How my heart cries every time I see it, and how I die more and more when I see their pictures. I don't understand how she could still love me and do what she does to me even though I am hurt, I miss her more every day....

  • Anna by Anna
  • 10 years ago

I met Nick in med school several years ago, I knew then he was the one for me, his beautiful smile, dark hair, of course how he made me laugh...
We fell in love, it was perfect....he kissed me under the stars on a pier out in the ocean, we shared our dreams of having 5 kids, I never felt happier with anyone else since then
We parted, went back to our significant others, he's happily married and has a son now, my marriage ended before it even started......and now I look back always thinking of Nick, wishing him well and remembering such great times between us, a great love lost in time
Our timing was off and there's no going back even though I always think of him.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 12 years ago

I love this site!! I have had a horrible time in life. Nothing works out for me. I don't know why I do exactly everything I am supposed to do everyday. I have been with my boyfriend for two years I absolutely adore him and always have. No matter what I do or say I can't ever feel safe in this relationship. He acts like if also adores me until he gets around certain people that are unhappy with their own lives and don't want him to be happy they milk his head with horrible lies, next thing you know he doesn't want me anymore. That is a kind of pain I wouldn't wish no anyone. It hurts so bad there isn't a word to describe it. And it doesn't matter who says what I would never ever do tilt to the one I love. I will always love him the same no matter what. Nothing could ever influence me any different. This site is the only way I'm getting by . If I didn't write I wouldn't make it day after day. Thank you. I have hope someone will love me the right way some day.

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