Hurting Poem

Poem Of A Strained Relationship And Past Mistakes

I have been with my boyfriend for almost three years. I was only 17 and he was 28 when we started dating. I was still stupid and partying and started using drugs. I lied to him and really hurt him, and he became physically abusive. We love each other and decided to work on it, and we now have a baby together. But he still cannot get over the past, and it's gotten to the point where I feel trampled all over and tired of trying...I love him and I know he loves me, but should it be this hard?

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There is this guy who means the world to me, and I am in love with him, but he does not feel the same way back, and he treats me very poorly. He verbally abuses me and makes me cry, and I...

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Is It Worth The Pain?


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2013 with permission of the Author.

Saying you loved me, with that look in your eye.
I wish I could say it was a cold-hearted lie.
I know that you love me, I know that you care,
But the rage inside you slowly flared.
I admit I've made mistakes, overstepping the boundaries,
Which made me look fake.
I always said I would never do the things I did,
And I know that's why it's so hard for you to forgive.
So many times we've said that we'd try,
Just to turn around and make each other cry.
Remember how it was when we first started out?
We fell so hard, maybe fell in love too soon.
At one point you'd notice ONLY me in the room.
We both did things we can't undo;
Now it seems our relationship is headed for doom,
And not that long ago, I was EVERYTHING to you.
Now you're looking for other things to "do."
I admit my mistakes, but can you admit yours?
I have paid for what I have done, as you've paid for yours.
So why is it like this? Why can't we even talk?
You call me names and act like you don't care,
All the while, our love for each other is still there.
I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain.
I know neither of us want to go through this same old stuff again.
I owe you so much, and I have so much to prove to you,
But you continue to do things you wouldn't want me to do.
We always have these tears to cry,
And are left with all these wondering questions of why?
Why can't we get past the past? You think I expect too much too fast,
But don't you want to become whole at last?
Why won't you at least try to believe me, instead of pushing me further away?
I have these emotions I wish you could see.
Sometimes I get really upset, 'cause I feel you don't understand me
Will you ever love me like you USED to? Show me the love that I ONCE knew?
The love that we both grew,
When will you see? I'm starting to feel like I hardly know you anymore?
When can we go back to how it was before?
Will we still hurt if we heal? Or by that time, will we still feel?
My dream of US does not look like it's coming true.
All I feel is sad and blue,
And I know you're looking for other things to "do."
You're sick of me and want something new.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Seraphina Night by Seraphina Night
  • 8 months ago

This is such a lovely poem. I can literally feel the emotion in your words.

  • Brittany by Brittany
  • 5 years ago

I searched for some writing that might provide an anchor for my pain. I don't know what it will give me other than an outlet for my tears that are afraid to happen. I and the person who makes me better have been awful to each other and hate each other at times. I think pride might be my greatest flaw, and I think it has created what will be my biggest regret. Thank you for being open with your hurt and making me feel less alone.

  • Jenifer L Woolf by Jenifer L Woolf, Shirley
  • 5 years ago

You nailed it on this one! Awesome job. I wish I had this God-given creative talent. Thank you for sharing. Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing a great job.

  • Sam Goch by Sam Goch
  • 7 years ago

There is this guy who means the world to me, and I am in love with him, but he does not feel the same way back, and he treats me very poorly. He verbally abuses me and makes me cry, and I should leave him, but for some reason I cannot. I treat him as best as I can. I care for him. I help him with his problems, and I also would die for him. I am done with him now and want to move on and leave him before he leaves me, which is not a first time he has left me all alone.

  • Maaya Nair by Maaya Nair
  • 7 years ago

You were there to teach me when I made mistakes. You stood by my side when I was in trouble. You punished me when I was wrong. You taught me to love everyone when I began to hate them. But you taught me lo live without sadness.

  • Grace Pattertson by Grace Pattertson
  • 8 years ago

I'm with this guy. He's younger than me, but we used to party together. Then my 10 year relationship fell apart and this friend was there to catch me, but I fell in love with him. We argue every day lately. It's gotten to where I might go two days before I text or call him. On the other hand, he calls 50 times a day and texts the sweetest messages. But then he makes accusations that I'm cheating on him with every guy that I'm around. I'm so sick of this and the way we are. I feel I need to let him go but don't know how.

  • Kellirenae by Kellirenae
  • 8 years ago

This poem sounds like my and my boyfriend's relationship. We have been together 3 years now and have been having a lot of problems, but now he is getting the help he needs and is doing perfect. Thank you very much for your poem.

  • Crystal by Crystal
  • 8 years ago

I am 17 and my boyfriend is 26. We have been dating for 6 months and are deeply in love and want a son, but he cheated recently and now I'm very skeptical about whether I should stay or leave. I mean, he’s my everything, but I wouldn’t know what to do if our relationship gets like THIS. I am really scared of what our future holds. Someone please reply. I need advice FAST.

  • Christina Adams by Christina Adams
  • 9 years ago

This story really got me. I have to say this poem sounds exactly like me and my boyfriend of 2 years except for the part of him looking for something to do new. I started crying and then my boyfriend asked what I was reading. I handed it to him, he read and said " wow sounds just like us". I have to really thank the person who wrote this poem because it was the day this wonderful man I love decided he didn't want to lose me and made a choice to stop using pills and get back to reality. We are great and happy, so thank you.

I am glad this poem moved your boyfriend. When I write poetry, it is through God that I get my inspiration. Ralph Quinonez

  • Corina E Ramirez by Corina E Ramirez, Texas
  • 10 years ago

This story really hits home. Me and my significant other at the time have been going through a bad relationship and now after 11 years I am tired of not being able to say the exact words in this poem to him. Maybe it would have changed things between us before it turned for the worse and now we are no longer together and it's sad because the only ones affected by our problems are our 3 beautiful kids. Thank you for the story.

  • Edlyn Davao City by Edlyn Davao City, Philippines
  • 10 years ago

This poem hit me so bad! My husband and I was had an issue about our each others pasts. He always recall my mistakes in the past but he doesn't see what he has done in the past. God knows how much I love him and I already prove him everything. Now, he seems like he ignores me all the time and lets me feel that he doesn't love me anymore, doesn't need me anymore, and he's not happy with me anymore. He was so sick of me all the time and don't want to talk to me. :'(
It really breaks my heart now that I know I have an endosmosis and myoma but he still doesn't care and continues ignoring me!

  • Marta by Marta, Buck Town
  • 10 years ago

Your poem hit my heart. So sad but true! This poem describes what my man and I are going through. It has been tough and heart breaking. But I refuse to give up on all we got. Three boys and 6 years. I am living this. It's a great poem!

  • Latasha by Latasha, Sacarmento
  • 11 years ago

This is a great poem. I feel exactly like this right now. Where does it go, how can you be in love one day and then hate the person you so dearly love just like that? How do you mend a broken heart? This is really good therapy for me. Thanks for sharing this with me.

  • Janus Highland by Janus Highland, California
  • 11 years ago

This is awesome, me and my boyfriend are going and feeling this same way about our relationship... thank you for sharing

  • Cheyenne by Cheyenne, Waukegan
  • 11 years ago

This, is the most amazing poem I've ever heard.
I've been bullied since I started school and been with kids.
This is like if I had my own boyfriend!
:P ;)

  • Tina by Tina, Arkansas
  • 11 years ago

This hit me so hard, its like you were writing about my life. I love this. It's so raw and honest and heartbreaking, but laid out into words like I could never explain it. Thank you for sharing this.

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