Forgiveness Poem about Love

Poem About The Pain Of A Break Up

When my first love and I broke up I didn't know how to handle it. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. I didn't know how I was going to move on. It was during this very painful time that I discovered the only avenue through which I could move on was by expressing my sorrows via poetry. And although we never got back together, early mornings spent writing and rewriting and rewriting again are what pushed me forward to the point where I became comfortable with the fact that it was really over.

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Today my love has gone. We had a 5-year relationship. Her parents did not agree with marriage due to caste. I love her so much. We had good memories. Now my eyes shed tears when I see her...

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A Lost Love

© more by Steve Stewart

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

There's a pain in my heart that I'm feeling today,
for the love of my life feels further each day.

The sorrow is so much and the pain is so deep.
I've hurt her again' I can't even sleep.

But I now know the problem, the curse of our love.
It was buried inside me, with no sight from above.

And now that I see it, I force it away.
Yet I fear that I've lost her, nevermore can I say

that I love her so deeply and regret all the pain,
and I know it's my fault; no one else can I blame.

And I search for an answer, somewhere above
and hope she'll forgive me and remember our love.

For I can't live without her and could never move on,
for how can one live when what they live for is gone?

Walls are closing around me; I sink slowly each day,
yet I cling to a hope that seems far away

that she will return to me and feel my embrace.
I miss her so badly and the beauty of her face

as she slept there beside me, never knowing the truth,
that I would smile there beside her, and be thankful for the proof

that someone does care, for I have known this angel,
and I'd softly kiss her cheek, the moment so blissful.

And I'd hold her all night and feel so at peace,
yet I never told her these things; now I watch as she flees.

But I know she remembers it, the love that I gave,
and I hope she can forgive me, the cause of her pain.

For like an angel from heaven, she came into my life.
Now I plead one last time, for one last chance to make it right.

Yet I fear it won't heal; how I've ripped us apart,
but I must let her know what's inside this broken heart.

That I love her so much and I've made a mistake,
and I hope she won't leave because it's my heart she will take.

We were in love for so long; I know she remembers.
It started three years ago that night in September.

I will never forget how I felt that cold night;
my breath taken away by the beauty of her sight.

I write these words now with tears in my eyes,
for I love her so much; I sit and I die.

I'm so lost without her, don't want her to go,
not without me saying what I need her to know.

That I've always loved her and miss her each day,
yet the hope that she loves me drifts further away.

I just want her to know how I truly feel,
and to know that my words are nothing but real.

And it doesn't take a special time to make a new start;
it takes only desire and true love from the heart.


more by Steve Stewart

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Raj by Raj
  • 4 years ago

Today my love has gone. We had a 5-year relationship. Her parents did not agree with marriage due to caste. I love her so much. We had good memories. Now my eyes shed tears when I see her photo. I miss her a lot. If only she could stand against her parents. We could have gotten married and lived a happy life. I request that all girls stand with your love.

  • Kirsty by Kirsty
  • 7 years ago

I wish someone special could say this to me. Every day I wait in the hope that he will, and yet nothing. This poem is everything that I hope for, that I want, and yet I know I will not get...

  • Olivia Thomson by Olivia Thomson
  • 9 years ago

Your words touched my heart, and I hope she sees this, because this is the most amazing poem I've ever read nothing can compete with this.

  • Hari Mani by Hari Mani, New York, New York
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for posting this. I am not a big writer/reader of poetry and I wish I could remember what rabbit hole of emotion brought me to this page.

My relationship of 1 year ended about 3 weeks ago. While that does not seem that long, I seem to be able to relate to every moment of this poem. I feel as thought I did tell her how I felt though. Every day. I always told her I loved her and showed her every way I knew how. Still somehow she is gone.

I genuinely do not know how to function. I have called out of work for almost a week and the presence of family and friends seems to have no soothing effect on the pain.

I think it is often discounted. Media has made heartbreak yet another "human experience" that is consistently displayed. Oddly this seems to dehumanize it. It makes all the emotions you feel seem somehow derivative of how you "think" you should feel. It is dismissed. Things like this remind me that the emotion is real and felt by others.

  • Jey-ar by Jey-ar
  • 9 years ago

I cried reading your poem bro. I feel and share the same pain. We have almost an identical story; I also met her 3 years ago sometime in September or October. Time seems fast and the love we shared have brought us 2 of my most precious jewels. But this is not a perfect world, Now, I am losing them. I don't know what future may hold but all I can do is remember and go back to those nights; where I could just be by her side and kiss her in her sleep; and tell her the words that I could not tell her; failed to give her support, appreciation and love that she would need to get her through depression (postpartum). If only I was a better man.

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