Forgiveness Poem about Love

I'm 17 years old. Can't really say I've had any major tragedies in my life or that I have a big dramatic thing that happened that inspired me to start writing poetry. I love expressing my feelings in ways other people can relate to, but I like for people to think about my poems and try to extract the true meaning, or at least find a meaning that satisfies themselves. As a young black man, I am proud to say I love writing poems to benefit myself and others.

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I have a close friend. I don't know what really happened between us. We were so open, we did not have secrets hidden between us. And all of a sudden she fell in love with a boy in our class...

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Just Let It Go


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2011 with permission of the Author.

In time,
Things come,
Things go

With love,
Leaves fall,
Leaves grow

The morals of life
Have no beginning,
Though it seems the trials
That we face
Have no ending

Words said to hurt,
With thoughts made to
The only way to express
A pain that I feel

Just let it go...


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  • Richi by Richi, India
  • 10 years ago

I have a close friend. I don't know what really happened between us. We were so open, we did not have secrets hidden between us. And all of a sudden she fell in love with a boy in our class but before that she has been dating some other guy in my class. Simply to say she got stuck in between two boys and their emotions. I know I need to help her out but what could I do because both the boys are really close to me. That day I decided to make friends who completely trust me not like this to make your heart break. I just want to suggest to all you guys the very same. Make friends who trust you and understand you properly but not the friends who try to judge you and your character.

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