How could it be that we let our love fall?
There were times in our life that we had it all.
As the weather got colder, my attention did shift,
but I could never be ready for this.
Yes, my attitude changed. Then you cut me so deep.
Is it possible to push a woman to cheat?
So I pray not for gold nor for worldly riches.
I pray for strength, wisdom, and forgiveness.
Did I not tell you enough how beautiful you are?
Do I deserve the bleeding of this never healing scar?
Would it be different that night if I said please don't go?
That me and the kids love you, that you're food for my soul.
But I didn't; swore and hollered with names,
Not knowing our love would never be the same.
Then you told me what happened and I started to cry,
And I felt like half of my spiritual body had died.
As much as you're sorry, should I take some of the blame?
Should I forgive and forget? Would you do the same?
Is our marriage worth saving? Have I any more to give this?
I ask the Lord for strength, wisdom, and forgiveness.
Is Our Marriage Worth Saving? Poem
My heart aches, my eyes fill with tears as my world falls apart around me, as I realize how people hurt one another without a thought of how lasting the scars will be. Where is the...
Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.