I'm Sorry Love Poem

Apology Poem About Messing Up

An apology poem to the one I love. I messed up.

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This is how I truly feel towards my boyfriend. We have been together for 9 months and still going. We've fallen multiple times, but yet we still keep going. I know that I've hurt him, and yet...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

I love you so very much,
Even though at times I do things that hurt.
I try so hard to hope that you always see
How much you being in my life means to me.
I am sorry yet again for causing you pain.
That is the last thing I ever wanted to do.
Even when I am trying to look out for you and do the right thing,
I mess up; I am sorry for that too.
I hope that you still know how much I love and cherish you,
Like nothing else in my life gives me the thrill of being loved by you.
So I hope that you listen and see it in my eyes,
This sincere apology that comes with tears from deep inside.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Faith Dube by Faith Dube
  • 4 years ago

l love this poem. l'm in a position of apologizing to my boyfriend, l know he loves me, and I love him too, but sometimes l feel like l don't want him. And yet when l feel like we are having issues, that's when l realize that l need him more than what l think. Now l messed up, and l'm trying to apologize, but at the same time l feel like this time around l'm not worth being forgiven because l have been forgiven many times. l don't know what it's going to be.

  • Kayla Miery Farmer by Kayla Miery Farmer
  • 4 years ago

I love this poem. I have bad anxiety issues and ADHD, and I have a hard time asking for help. I keep making my boyfriend feel horrible. Twice this week we have almost broken up...but no matter how bad I am...he says it's okay. He holds me and calms me down. He still believes in me. You know when you have found the right person when they accept you and love you unconditionally.

  • Joshua Branch-Howell by Joshua Branch-Howell
  • 6 years ago

My girlfriend broke up with me when she found out that I had autism. This poem has touched me so much.

  • Sky by Sky
  • 6 years ago

Because you had autism? If she loved you she would have understood, she didn't deserve you if It that was the case.

  • Onyeka Onuorah by Onyeka Onuorah
  • 6 years ago

Remember I have late nights waiting up for you. Remember that I always tell you that I love you even when I'm hurt. At the break of every dawn I have smiled knowing that I have you. Life is fuller and incomparable with you. Think of me and come take your love because you know I always remember. I never once forget that I love you.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 7 years ago

This is how I truly feel towards my boyfriend. We have been together for 9 months and still going. We've fallen multiple times, but yet we still keep going. I know that I've hurt him, and yet he still tells me that it's ok, but is it really? I always want to protect him, but how can I if I'm hurting him during that process? I love him very much. Every day I pray to God that he will guide him into the right path. He's my diamond in the rough.

  • Sulav Poudel by Sulav Poudel
  • 10 years ago

I'm Sorry, It's all that I can say. You mean so much and I'd fix all that I've done, if you could start again.

  • Praan by Praan, Wardha
  • 10 years ago

I and my girlfriend have many fights mostly because of the silly things I try to please her. I just want to see her smile and keep her happy but most of the times I end up making her upset. If she will read this I just want to tell her that she's most amazing thing that ever happened to me and I don't want her to leave me. She's my everything, my soul she's my Jaan.:-(
I love you Jaan more than myself.

  • Jonamielanticse by Jonamielanticse
  • 7 years ago

I'm speechless. When I read this I started crying. I also hurt my lover so much, I know my sorry is not enough, but if you give me a chance we can start over again.

  • Eian Gardiner by Eian Gardiner
  • 10 years ago

I messed up so bad with my true love and I write poems and nothings worked I just want her back. She's a princess to my eyes she's precious to me, and she's a perfect girl. I love her with all my heart and soul she warmed my heart and I messed up I lost her. I read a lot of others comments and stories and its put me into tears. I just want to wish everyone who is having trouble good luck. I know what it's like I just wish I had my princess back in my arms.

  • Clo by Clo, GA
  • 10 years ago

I'm going to send this poem to my husband. I love him dearly, words can't describe. My heart cannot love him more than I do now. I hope he knows I'm sincere and he takes me back. He is my sunshine. This poem is as if my heart wrote it.

  • Phindile by Phindile, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

I sent this to my bf after I messed up I hope he can forgive me. I love him more than anything.

  • Eddie by Eddie, Dublin Ireland
  • 10 years ago

I sent this to my girlfriend who I love with all my heart I really hope it will get her back. I'm lost, lonely, empty without her. I love you more than life angel. you mean the world to me please give us another chance. Our love was so strong and so special I can't cope without you I can't think straight anymore :( :( I love you forever Angelina XxxxxxxxxxxxxxX

  • Paul by Paul, Tacoma WA
  • 10 years ago

I sent this to my Girl after I messed up I hope she can forgive me. I love her more than life.

  • Mbarley by Mbarley, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Two weeks ago. My boyfriend sent me this poem. I found it to be beautiful and sincere. Humbled to have a guy that knows how to apologize. Two weeks later we broke up. :-(... I am completely crushed, he was , more than just a boyfriend, he was my best friend and a brother, but I guess it's for the best. I love you okay.

  • Serendipity by Serendipity, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

I really can relate to this poem. I messed up, I disappointed him again, I hope he forgive me. I'm really sorry sweetheart. I can't imagine my life without you, you're a breathing life inside my heart. Come back to me, I need you in my life.

  • Matt by Matt, GA
  • 11 years ago

I am a soldier with PTSD, no one has ever accepted me for the things I try to fight. That was before her, she gave me the love that I have dreamed of, prayed for, and I was so blind and stupid I couldn't see just how much she loved me. She opened up to me, gave more to me, and trusted me. I said and did things to hurt her because I felt hurt over nothing. And I lost her. My heart is dying and I cry all the time. Without her I am nothing. She's the sun in my sky. I want her and no other for the rest of my life. I got to talk to her face to face the other night and I saw love still or what I hope is love still. I'm changing what I have to and giving up my stubbornness and hoping that my apology reaches through the walls that I built around her heart. Please God give me another chance to show her I love her and will never do anything to hurt her or forsake who she is to me. She is the oxygen in my lungs and I need her to breathe. I love you baby. With a love that cannot and will not die.

  • Aalyha Gayana by Aalyha Gayana
  • 11 years ago

I DON'T understand this poem I have a best friend and I did her something wrong and now she won't forgive me I am looking for a poem that will make her forgive me cause she is like a sister. I have known her for 6 years 2 month please help me somebody. Thank you

  • Shantell by Shantell, Fl
  • 11 years ago

I love this poem because I am going through something right now, my boyfriend just jumped up one day and decided to leave me for what I don't know till this day he say he need his space and time to himself. This after 6 years of being together and I just tell him whatever I did I am sorry and I still love him.

  • Tamika by Tamika, Maryland
  • 11 years ago

I messed up the other day and lied to my girlfriend.. Over something so little and so dumb that I should not have. I just want to say that I'm sorry and never wanted it to be like this. I Love this women with everything in me. I don't want to ever lose her or our love and our friendship... Because I do value them so much...

  • Famiza by Famiza, Fiji Islands
  • 11 years ago

I wish I could say this to my boyfriend. I had done so many wrong things which I regret. This poem is very true and it speaks that of the heart.

  • Michael by Michael
  • 11 years ago

I don't just know what came over me. She was just a friend until I lost her. I found out that she's more than a friend. I doubt if she'll ever forgive me. I need help please.;-(

  • Port Moresby Png by Port Moresby Png
  • 11 years ago

I am trying to say sorry to my husband and reading this brought tears to my eyes.

  • Crystal by Crystal, Baltimore
  • 11 years ago

I said something hurtful to my guy. I was angry at him and told him not to bother texting me back but I had forgotten that he was away and I apologized for over reacting. Then right after we were on the phone he said something I didn't like and I hit him where it hurts. I told him that I see why his ex's cheated on him if he acted like this with them. I knew that was his weaknesses he told me goodbye :( I love him and miss him and this poem is very true.

  • Moggygal by Moggygal, UK
  • 11 years ago

I have messed things up with my partner, all through our relationship e.g. one minute I want him - next minute I'm dumping him. I do not EVER want to dump him is what I deeply feel inside. After many extremely "wrong" guys, I feel that this one is "the one" for me, so, this poem is dedicated to the one I love truly, madly, deeply and I'm so sorry for hurting you soooo often honey. This poem took the words out my mouth - thank you Lord for putting this poem in my path.

  • Dylan by Dylan, LA
  • 12 years ago

I screwed up...I made the love of my life angry at me and I just want to apologize with all sincerity from my heart...but she won't talk to me so maybe when she gets this poem in the mail from me she'll forgive me....I really hope that she does, my life is meaningless without her...

  • Shaafi Goohe by Shaafi Goohe
  • 12 years ago

Oh, this is exactly what I was searching for, I love the queen of my kingdom (saadiqa), I want her back and I think this can work out. To bring her back to my life.

  • Passion by Passion, California
  • 12 years ago

I really like this poem. It really touched my heart and soul. I had made the biggest mistake ever. I hurt my partner very much. I keep on apologizing in hopes that she will find it in her heart to forgive me. If anyone ever read this...please take my advise and never take the one you love for granted. It may be the last time you ever love or ever be loved.

  • Alex by Alex
  • 12 years ago

Made me cry. I always try to do what's right for my girl but at times I mess up and I admit it but she doesn't seen to understand I love her very much but she over reacts but I still love her. We got into an argument and I just didn't act right so I hope this poems helps <3

  • Crystal by Crystal, Belize
  • 12 years ago

I just love this poem. It really touches my heart. I remember when I put my partner through difficult times which makes me regret it. He stays strong and keep our relationship going. We still have our ups and downs but can't wait to read him this so he can truly know how I feel, it's just the right words to say.

  • Kudzie by Kudzie, South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I hurt the one I love, for no reason whatsoever I just cheated on her. She found out, I broke her heart and trust, she forgave me, but it has never been the same as before, and it's been a year now! No words seems best to soothe the wounds I caused, but I have changed and want my old girl back!

  • Francisco by Francisco, Dallas
  • 12 years ago

I'm hurt that the mother of my son doesn't want me back, I understand why she's mad and I apologized for it. I hope she reads this, and if she is, I want to say that I love her with all my heart and without her I'm nothing. I want my family back. I miss seeing her, her voice, her smile, her touch, her presence, I miss our great moments we had. My love for her is deep, and I'm only speaking from the heart. I miss you and I love you and hope we get past it.

  • Atlanta by Atlanta, Georgia
  • 12 years ago

Yes this poem has touched my heart. It says a lot of what I'm going through with my better half. I'm hoping this will put us back on good terms when I read it to him...

  • Germiston by Germiston
  • 12 years ago

What a unique poem, even though I'm just a teen but it's just the one that can get me back with her, I hope...I love it, and miss her.

  • Kayla by Kayla, Hartford Ct
  • 13 years ago

Its been two years and 6 months that I been with the love of my life. At times he can be very trying reminding me of how trying in the relationship I use to be but I never give up not even when it feels all hope is gone. One thing I was raised on was perseverance; never give up and also each and everybday I read the bible version of love and I see how far we've come and I just know I can't give up not now not ever, not on the one I love. Just like I had my moments it's his time now and il'l be here all the way to watch us both grow together. Happy Valentines Day and no don't ever give up! Love to to you all I completely understand and just being so young 18, I completely know and am learning the battle of love..true love.

  • Keith by Keith
  • 13 years ago

It Has touched me but still my girlfriend doesn't want me back. What hurts the most is that, she doesn't know that I didn't do it though. She had it wrong.

  • Timothy by Timothy, Texas
  • 13 years ago

After my girl called me in the middle of then night and told me she was scared I didn't really say anything. I tried listing to why but my phone is jacked up and I didn't hear her. I said "oh, can you repeat that" but she just hear oh and now she is mad and I need to apologize but she won't let me. I'm feel empty with out her.

  • Charlese by Charlese
  • 13 years ago

Have you ever watched "500 days of summer", it's a GREAT movie about a Guy that falls in love with SUMMER .. And his 500 days with her..! In the begging she felt the same, in love (she thought) but found out he wasn't the one for her so she broke it off.. He couldn't understand it.. He cried , felt unloved, lost his job.. Everything went wrong... She got married and he tried moving on.. In the end he went for an job interview (the job he was meant to be in) and met AUTUMN who was there for the same interview.. Basically what I'm trying to say is Summer wasn't the one for him!! And when he met AUTUMN he knew that.. He was over his depressed days and crying over her.. He was in love with AUTUMN and she felt the same...

Where do I come in.. I'm in love with a boy but I know he doesn't feel the same!! So he is my summer!!! He surely must be.. Can't stop crying I have to find my AUTUMN ! I want to love and be loved!! I'm only hurting myself...

  • Amber Mccoy by Amber Mccoy
  • 13 years ago

I sent this to my boyfriend and I hope he can for give me and I don't even know why I did what I did I love him so much and don't wanna lose him but when I read this I just started crying and thinking of him and how much I want him back

  • Liz Rivera by Liz Rivera
  • 13 years ago

Reading this poem reminds me of what I am going through with my boyfriend. I just hope he realizes that I truly love him and would never do anything to hurt him

  • Danny Davis by Danny Davis
  • 13 years ago

I am currently going through losing the love of my life and I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried apologizing, even when it wasn't my fault, but she's so stubborn she only sees one way and sticks to it. I'm almost ready to give up but I can't because I love her too much.

  • Botswana by Botswana
  • 14 years ago

I was so speechless and out of words when I realized that I had ruined the best love I have ever had. but after reading this poem I knew what to do "apologize" I did and it worked out fine. Now happily back with the mother of my son

  • Cass Lake by Cass Lake
  • 14 years ago

Look I disrespected my mom and dad and I feel really bad for that and I love them so much and so I sat them down and I talked to them about the way I feel and stuff like that and I said sorry and it never happened again and I never did it again....

  • Lindo Ntshangase by Lindo Ntshangase
  • 15 years ago

It has touched me so much, my husband said the very same words but I didn't quite get it, I thought he was just saying it to get out of trouble but after reading this poem, I understood what he was trying to say.

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