Confused about Love Poem

Poem About Confusion And Emotion In Love

The poem that you read, or are about to read, I wrote specifically for my best friend. My friend went through a tough time with a guy and he used her in a way, but he also wanted to be serious; it's complicated. She still likes him, but she looks at him and cannot read his emotions. She senses that he wants her back, but she's not sure. I wrote her this poem to have her emotions in some way written down. It was also something for her to keep to show that I care about her. Thank you for reading:)

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Exactly where I am. I hate and love him so deeply at the same time. It's killing me that he shows no remorse for hurting me. He refuses to acknowledge or even try to rectify my pain. It hurts...

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Hating You Sweetly


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2015 with permission of the Author.

I looked for a word to say,
but could not find one that day.

I wished for a word that would stay in your heart,
That would show you exactly what tore us apart.

I hate what you did; I hate you so deeply.
I hate what you said; I hate you so sweetly.

I look at you and cannot tell what's in your eyes.
I talk to you, but all that comes out of your mouth are lies.

I see how you hurt and I don't understand.
All your true feelings are kept in a far away land.

A land we called love,
But now it's destruction.

A land God made from above,
and now we call it seduction.

It's true in a way we both long for each other.
But we both seem to long for another.

Another person we both thought we were,
But now it seems that this person I thought you were is now a blur.

This is a bitter sweet heart that will end in destruction.
And this is a bitter sweet part that needs some construction.

Why I hold on, I do not know why.
I should move on yes, but I'd rather just die.

You caused destruction in my heart.
You caused destruction because you thought it would be smart.

I hate you, I hate you so deeply.
I hate you, but I'm hating you sweetly.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Nikkie Teceno by Nikkie Teceno
  • 2 months ago

I thought that me and him were going to be together forever. That was a mistake. He wrote it down in pencil... I guess that had gotten erased. I am drawing all my weaknesses of what he had done. Now he needs to see what he had created. I actually tried to love him, I really did, but now it hurts for me to say that I love him. All his truths were based off lies. We are done now but God, I was such a fool for loving a man who thinks that love is a game...

  • Dee by Dee
  • 7 years ago

Exactly where I am. I hate and love him so deeply at the same time. It's killing me that he shows no remorse for hurting me. He refuses to acknowledge or even try to rectify my pain. It hurts so bad, I have no desire to move past this. My purpose in this world has been erased. But yet my desire for him remains. I hate myself for it!

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