Sister Death Poem

My sister died from a sickness thought to be lupus but never confirmed. She died in the ICU and couldn't speak as a result of tubes in her throat but as mentioned in the poem, her eyes told me a lot. She was 28.
Although death is one of the hardest things we will ever have to deal with, I do trust that I will see her again. This too I mentioned according to my Bible beliefs based on Acts 24:15 and Revelation 21:4.
Hence, my poem touches on sadness, but I would rather it be focused on hope.

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I just got a new foster sister a few months ago. I am here to tell the story of her little sister's murder. She had a stepmom who was a real jerk in all, but what she did was just cruel! So...

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Sleep, My Sister

© more by T. Hutchinson

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2011 with permission of the Author.

I wish you sweet sleep, my sister dear.
Although there's so much that you've left bare,
I hate that you had to endure such pain.
On my mind, your saddened eyes have left a stain.

I want to know what crossed your mind.
Unspoken words you've left behind.
Undone things we'll never do.
No sharing thoughts you never knew.

A peace has fallen upon your head,
A taste of sorrow we have been fed.
It really is like a hole in our lives,
One swiftly dug but carved out by knives.

But I have hope that those sleeping will rise.
The Bible says that God will open their eyes.
No suffering, sickness, yes not even pain.
Those who did good, eternal life they'll gain.

So...sleep on, my sister; sleep tight,
For now with you the sky is night.
But after night will come daybreak.
Therefore, I will wait hoping to see you awake.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kira by Kira
  • 2 years ago

As one of Jehovah's Witnesses these scriptures bring me great comfort as I've lost a sister and a brother. Today is my sister's anniversary, so reading this poem was really heartwarming.

  • Annabeth Taylor by Annabeth Taylor
  • 3 years ago

I just got a new foster sister a few months ago. I am here to tell the story of her little sister's murder. She had a stepmom who was a real jerk in all, but what she did was just cruel! So my sister's little sister took one of her stepmom's bracelets to school, and when the stepmom found out, she strangled the little sister to death. The girl was only 10 years old at the time. It took 5 days for someone to find the little sister's body. This happened a year ago, and only recently did the stepmom confess to the murder of the sister.

  • Brandi Penrod by Brandi Penrod
  • 4 years ago

I was touched by this poem. You see, I lost my sister Candi 7 months ago at age 35 and my baby sister Lindi Star about 5 weeks ago at age 28. I know this poem is about a sister, however, I also lost my brother at age 35 a little over a year ago.. his name was Sheldon. I miss them more and more every day. Life is so different without the 3 of them. I hope they know just how much they are loved and missed. Thank you all so much.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 7 years ago

I read this poem at my sisters' service. She had Alzheimer’s and did not survive very long after we got the news. I did not want her to suffer. She died peacefully without pain. After the service so many people asked where I had found the poem and I gladly offered the information. They were touched that I could read it and thanked me. I miss her so much. She passed away 5/4/17.

  • Sylvester by Sylvester
  • 7 years ago

This is exactly relates to my sister. Same disease, same age, same condition. I miss her too much....

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