Hurting Poem by Teens

My mom always promises an open ear and a helping hand, but when it comes down to it, she accuses, assumes, and judges me. She takes everyone else's word before she listens to what I have to say. Today, she went off on me about something that never happened, and suddenly I was fed up. I couldn't take it anymore. Before I did something I was SERIOUSLY going to regret, I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote. This poem only took me five minutes, and it was pure free-write. It helped a little.

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I have been feeling the same about what you said earlier, how your mom prejudges you before she hears anything from your side. The thing is, outsiders' influence has an effect. It can be...

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Pulsing Pain


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2013 with permission of the Author.

So angry
The feeling of betrayal
Suffocating my senses
A thousand attempts
Is a thousand failures
Only expect everything less
A distant aspiration
A promising relaxation
Muffled screams
And stifled cries
Never wish hello
Always curse goodbyes
This feeling in my chest
Is no longer just a feeling
Born in the darkness
Nursed by the pain
Raised by the injustice
It courses through my veins
And pollutes every thought
And murders every dream
No mercy for the innocent
No care for the naive
Pure worship for the ignorant
Sacrifices of the soul
Piece by chunk, its chipped away
My hearts no longer whole
Don't try and tell me it's okay
'Cause you'll be lying to my face
All hopes and dreams
All laughs and smiles
Have all been washed away.
No love, no loss
No hope, no tears
Plain and simple, you see
No tries, no fails
No lies, no tales...
Still alive, but barely breathing


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Omar A. Kahrba by Omar A. Kahrba, Qatar
  • 7 years ago

I have been feeling the same about what you said earlier, how your mom prejudges you before she hears anything from your side. The thing is, outsiders' influence has an effect. It can be minor or major, but it depends on our responses to it. I will ask you now, have you tried to set this up with your mom or not yet? Any stimulus can be responded wisely, not aggressively. God bless you girl and stay strong. :)

  • Kelly Amuar by Kelly Amuar, J
  • 11 years ago

hello. my name is Amuar. and I have anger issues. For a while now it has been hard for me to control my anger. I feel like breaking someone's face everyday. But the one and only person that keeps me from doing that is my gf.

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