Hurting Poem by Teens

Rotten Mother Poem

I am only a 14 year old girl. This poem describes how hard it was me when I was little growing up without a mom. She left my father, four brothers, and I when I was only 2 years old. Being I was young, I didn't remember her and just assumed that everybody only had a dad. I quickly learned this wasn't true, and realized that my brother's "made up stories" about our alcoholic, cheating mother were true. I also learned that if she loved me, she never would have left.

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I just want to say to the writer of this poem, may God bless you and your family. It's nice to have a mother but not needed. If having her is going to change the way your emotions and heart...

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You Don't Really Love Me


Published by Family Friend Poems September 2011 with permission of the Author.

You left when I was only two,
Daddy had no idea what to do.
You never turned to say bye,
If you had, you would have seen Daddy cry.

I forgot all about you as I grew,
And Daddy mentioned you few and few.
I went to school and became distressed,
The first day I came home a mess.

Being when you left I was small,
I couldn't remember you at all.
I thought that I just didn't have a Mommy,
Until a new kid saw me.

She asked about my Daddy,
I said he was nice.
She asked about my Mommy,
And I froze like a vice.

I then asked, "What's a Mommy?",
And she let out a laugh.
"A Mommy is a person that loves you,
And makes you take a bath."

I told her I didn't have one,
She looked at me sad.
"Of course you have one silly!
She's the girl version of Dad!"

I stared at her for quite a while,
But couldn't get myself to smile.
A few tears slid down my face,
"Wait! Don't cry! Why don't we have a race!"
I shook my head and walked away,
And I will always remember that day.

The day I felt my most crummy,
Is the day I realized my Mommy didn't love me.
For if she did, she would have stayed.
Each day I always prayed.

She would quit her cheating,
And cut back on the beers.
I wanted her close,
As I looked at my peers.

I wanted my Mommy back,
Even if she didn't love me.
I wanted my Mommy right then,
Just so she could hug me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Haley Boo by Haley Boo
  • 3 years ago

This is exactly how I feel, well except on thing...for me, it is my dad. He left when I was three. I'm 12. It's been hard because of him being in and out I have over 8 mental health disorders. He tried running over my mom after getting so high he was paranoid. If you don't mind, could I read this to my dad to try and knock some sense in him about how much he hurt me?

  • Jena  M. Epright by Jena M. Epright
  • 6 years ago

I feel the exact same way. My mum gave up on me when I was young. She only kept me around and used me for money. The day she had more kids, she dropped me in a heartbeat. I was confused asking why.

  • Darla Dwire by Darla Dwire
  • 7 years ago

I just want to say to the writer of this poem, may God bless you and your family. It's nice to have a mother but not needed. If having her is going to change the way your emotions and heart is now, then it's not worth the agony. Sometimes we have to walk in the rain before we see the rainbow. There is a greater plan for everything we do in life. Stay true to your path. If it is meant to be then she will someday admit her faults and try to make amends. I cannot see how a mother can walk away, being a mother myself. I do not know the circumstances that lead to her decision. It would be little of me to judge. Just breathe and know you got this, no matter where your life takes you. Be patient and always remember you are a strong, independent young woman.

  • Angelina Archuleta by Angelina Archuleta
  • 7 years ago

When I was a month old my mom was on drugs and she shook me half to death. My dad was never around, so I only had an aunt, but 3 years ago she committed suicide, and I'm only 13. She was my best friend.

  • Heather N. Barrows by Heather N. Barrows, Paducah, KY
  • 7 years ago

When I was 4 or 5 I remember sitting in court while my mom and dad got divorced. I didn't understand it at the time. I just thought my dad was going to an extended work job. When I was eleven my mom agreed to let me and my sister spend the summer with my dad. When the summer was up, however, she didn't want us back. She left us with him and my stepmom (now my mom) and didn't bother visiting and only called when she needed to. I was abandoned by her, and the pain was strong. I'm sorry that she left you.

  • Maryam Oguntola by Maryam Oguntola
  • 7 years ago

I feel really bad and sad. At least you have your dad; cherish him. You don't know what would have happened if your mom had been there. It could be bad. I feel bad because I have both parents but don't appreciate them enough. I should appreciate them more. The poem made me want to be really happy I have both parents.

  • Julie by Julie, Georgia
  • 9 years ago

I felt really sad that so many of you people now don't have a mom and want you to know I'm sure she would have loved every one of you.

  • E.D.Pike Phx. by E.D.Pike Phx., Az
  • 10 years ago

My little one was two years old when I left her father. I did not leave because I wanted to leave and I was not the one who was the cheat. I felt that I had to leave, because the marriage was irretrievably broken and it became abusive between him and I . My children are convinced that I chose drugs over them. Not at all is that in any way the truth. I could not stay and let my kids see me fall into a pit of hate and disrepair. I was becoming a monster that at the wrong moment could have hurt one of them. I did not want that to be what may have happened. Knowing that I was not mentally or emotionally prepared to continue to fight a loosing battle to save our marriage. I knew that they would be safe, stable, well taken care of, and loved in the home of his parents, with him there as well. My children would be better off if I left them there, at least for the time being. I want them to know that I love them now and forever! And I wanted to get help and a job and to get on my feet, so that I could have them with me again. But that never happened.
I still can not see them and I still hurt more and more everyday without them! I Love You Jerad, Michael, Kevin, and Brianna! With All of My Heart and Soul I Love You All !!!

  • Esther Keehn by Esther Keehn, East Earl
  • 10 years ago

Aww you dear girl! I am so sorry...just remember though "even though a mother may forget her child, I (God) will NEVER forget YOU!!!!!" I just prayed for you!!!

  • Maggie by Maggie, Arizona
  • 10 years ago

This poem made me cry. I'm 15 now my mother left when I was 3 and as far as I know she was abusive and on drugs. She left me 2 brothers and a sister. For me it's a different story. I try to tell myself she would have never loved me anyway that I'm better off without her but I never felt a mother's love, never had someone to do my hair or help me pick out clothing and it hurts.

  • E.D.Pike Phx. by E.D.Pike Phx., Az
  • 9 years ago

Maggie, I know that it is hard to know for sure, but I bet your Mother always loved you and your brothers and sister with all her heart !

  • Alan by Alan, Jacksonville Florida
  • 11 years ago

As far back as I remember when I was a little child my mother was controlling and toxic. I even spent three years in foster homes. When I was 16 I moved out and had my own place and my mother kept coming over and trying to control me. The best thing I did for myself when I was 18 was to leave on my motorcycle to Jacksonville, Florida from Stratford, Connecticut. Because of her I have had a difficult time in relationships with other women.

  • Michelle Kuakahela by Michelle Kuakahela
  • 13 years ago

Omg, this poem made me cry!! That is so sad that a child has to go through that or even feel like that!! I am a mother of 1 child and it took everything I got to have that child!! I love her unconditionally. Some women just don't realize that there are women out there that can't have kids but would love too! It just isn't fair!

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