Hurting Poem by Teens

Feeling Alone In Thoughts

This poem was written for my best friend Tiauna. The meaning of it was for her to relate. Whenever she writes poems, it touches me in a way that my own poems don't. And the same thing goes for when I write poems.

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© more by Shaydee A. Ault

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2018 with permission of the Author.

Your crimson tears stay flowing,
But your singing voice stays calm,
It's like you're catching raindrops,
They keep their shape while resting in your palms.

You protect them like they're fragile,
Like they're your heart placed in your hands,
You admire it as long as you please,
While the hourglass drips its sand.

You smile while they rest there,
As the tears stream down your cheeks,
Even though you're daydreaming,
It feels like days turning into weeks.

You let go of your grip on reality,
And you choose to stay in this dream,
Because even though you seem happy,
You can't always believe what you see.


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