Courage Poem

The Race Of Life

This poem is about making it through tough times and trials with a positive outlook. It is the ultimate result that determines who you are.

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Praise With Grace

© more by Rabab N. Hammoud

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2016 with permission of the Author.

When all the doors shut in your face,
Have faith and continue to praise.

When you can't bear the thought of yesterday and dread tomorrow,
Carry on with grace.

If you're the last one running,
Don't look back or slow your pace.

Keep moving forward,
Disregard the pain and aches.

Life is difficult,
With many demons to chase. 

Make them your accomplice
If that's what you need to win the race.

The world has become a bitter place.
Don't become disgraced.

When life pushes you face down,
Rise up and pray.

The judge is upstairs keeping track
Of what you're carrying on your slate.

Live life in peace
And consume no hate.

So when you get to where you're going,
It will be worth your wait.


more by Rabab N. Hammoud

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