Courage Poem

Inspirational Poetry For Cancer Patients

This is for my cousin Linda Pugliese, for strength and support through her battle with cancer. It also served to put some things in perspective and get me off the pity pot I was on after a split off a 20 plus year marriage.

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I'm 13 years old and my family and I have been fighting for my mum who has stomach cancer and she's fighting it for us. When I was little, I remember Mum always being in a hospital and...

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A Wing And A Prayer


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2013 with permission of the Author.

Under the wing of an angel, we feel protected.
Through prayers to God, we feel connected.

Peace is said to be offered on the wings of a dove.
Prayers can bring peace along with hope, faith, and love.

Wings of a jet plane provide a steady flight.
I pray you remain steady and strong through this fight.

Butterflies have wings to fly playfully free,
And free from this monster is what I pray you'll soon be.

Birds spread their wings as they may leave their nest.
We're spreading our prayers that you'll always be blessed.

Go fight and win this battle you didn't start.
On the wings of an angel and prayers from my heart.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Gracie Jean Dennis by Gracie Jean Dennis
  • 5 years ago

I'm 13 years old and my family and I have been fighting for my mum who has stomach cancer and she's fighting it for us. When I was little, I remember Mum always being in a hospital and waiting up at night to see dad and hug him and him tell me she was going to be fine. Then when I was 6 I was taken to a hospital and was told my mum was dying and she was going. I remember crying and screaming at the doctors to save her and my mum taking my hand and telling me it was all right and that she was proud of me, and I remember how brave and strong she was in that moment even though she was broken and dying. Thankfully, she is still alive today and I pray for all of you who have some form of cancer in your life and just know you will be ok and that they will never leave you and they will always be here in your hearts.

  • Michelle Butler by Michelle Butler Poet
  • 4 years ago

Gracie Jean Dennis
How special you are. So wise and bright, especially for a young teenager! Glad to know your mum is well! She is as lucky to have you as you are her. I wish you years of joy together, and include a poem I was inspired by your story to write:
Mum's the Word
What shall I call her? This woman of strength, yet with absence of pressure. She, with concern, interest, and care but never judgement. What is the word for that woman?
What do I call her? This matriarch of model stature, but no condescension. Her wisdom when shared never belittles but instead invites growth. Is there a word for that type of lady?
What word will I use? She exudes pride without pretension. She carries herself with an air of vulnerability that cannot be mistaken for weakness. What word encompasses such traits?
Mom, Mother, Ma all may work for some, but when the woman's character commands more...when the love generated by her presence is greater...the word is Mum.
Mum's the word.

  • Sandra Thompson by Sandra Thompson
  • 7 years ago

At the gym I go to three times a week there is an elderly widower who always smiled and said hello. One day I reached out to touch his arm and he said, "I'd rather have a hug." I gave him a hug and have continued to do so every time we meet. He tells me that hug is what brings him to the gym and gives him something to look forward to on gym days.

  • Dorothy Parker by Dorothy Parker
  • 7 years ago

I lost a sister to Squamous Cell cancer, a brain tumor. Now my heart has been broken again for another sister is battling breast cancer. I see her getting so tired and worn out. I hope the words of this poem will uplift her spirit to give the strength to continue to fight. She is a fighter, but there are days when she feels so tired, so worn out to where she wants to quit.Thank God for the family support she has to encourage my baby sister to continue to fight on. She finished up all her chemo treatments. Now the radiation for seven weeks started a few days ago. She has to go every day for the seven weeks.

  • Marie Smith by Marie Smith
  • 6 years ago

I lost my brother, Bob, 19 years ago. It feels like it was yesterday. I miss him so much...not a day goes by that I don't. I thought we would grow old together, eating spaghetti dinners every Sunday...but that was not to be. Cancer took my beautiful brother from me October 23, 1998. Now here I am today facing another brother with stage 4 bladder cancer. I see him growing so frail and in so much pain as it's now in his bones. I know I will lose him soon, and my heart is broken. No mother or father or siblings, and now I will be alone to wander and miss them all.

  • Tina Lopez by Tina Lopez
  • 8 years ago

My sister Corina is battling breast cancer. I know these words are going to her spirit and help her dig down deep inside and help her fight. Thank you for the words of power. You put things together so eloquently. Well done. Please pray for my sister. God Bless.

  • Michelle Butler by Michelle Butler Poet
  • 8 years ago

Tina, I'm praying for your sister Corina, as well as for strength for you. Keep God close and never give up. Bless you.

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