Courage Poem

Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.

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It has been said that life is the most patient teacher. You will be presented with the same experience over and over until you learn the best way to deal with the situation. This is not...

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Sometimes Life Is Hard


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

Sometimes we see things that aren't meant to be seen.
Sometimes things aren't always as they seem.
Sometimes we need someone to call our own,
Especially when we're alone.
Sometimes people just can't understand
Why things get out of hand.
Sometimes life just isn't fair,
Especially when people just don't care.
And sometimes it's hard to say
Why things have to be this way.
Sometimes it's all you can do to get by,
Especially when dreams continue to die.
Sometimes it's nice to sit in the rain,
Even to just relieve the pain.
And when we've had a really bad day,
Sometimes we just need to get away.
We never know what's wrong without pain.
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.

And sometimes when people get hurt,
Even the strongest ones may need comfort.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tiffany A Lee by Tiffany A Lee
  • 5 years ago

It has been said that life is the most patient teacher. You will be presented with the same experience over and over until you learn the best way to deal with the situation. This is not because life is cruel. Rather, it is because things have a way of coming back to haunt us when we don't deal with them. One form of intelligence is the ability to learn from our mistakes. When you are presented with a painful experience, take the time to think about how you can avoid it in the future. This is an example of a lesson learned.

  • Annika by Annika
  • 10 years ago

This poem was very heart touching and very descriptive. It is about the lack of hope and courage they have in themselves.

  • Emilia Ellis by Emilia Ellis, Nevada
  • 10 years ago

Peoples are lost in the world we live in.
Sometime people wondering what would be like to live in a world with out problem. Some cannot accept why things go wrong. Some hide in the deepest of their soul.

  • Billy Midd West by Billy Midd West
  • 10 years ago

Thanks for the good advice it helps me knowing that there are more people that have the same hardships as me.

  • Arina by Arina, Malaysia
  • 11 years ago

A perfect poem discovered on perfect time. Thank you for coming out with this beautiful poem, Kristin. God Bless!

  • Fawad Ali by Fawad Ali
  • 11 years ago

Really heart touching lines. I Love the wording you used in this poem. During reading this poem I went so far in my past. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes from Islamabad for you and for your family.

  • Niana Business by Niana Business
  • 12 years ago

Such a beautiful poem! My favorite part: sometimes that hardest thing and the right thing are the same". so touching. keep writing, you're amazing!

  • Anup Gurung by Anup Gurung, Nepal
  • 12 years ago

your poem is suitable to make it a lyrics
lovely arrangement of the words

  • Rhodyza by Rhodyza, Philippines
  • 13 years ago

you were right when you say that even the strongest one cries, yes its true because they still have hearts that softens them..we may be strong but in times that we are alone we still need someone to comfort us..

Kristin, you are right even the strongest people break down and cry. I just saw my boyfriend cry for the first time over his sister (Kidney Implant). I know exactly what it's like. This poem explains my life completely...

  • Tessa Walker by Tessa Walker
  • 5 years ago

That is so true. Life is hard sometimes and there is nothing you can do but sit and watch it. I'm saying this because my boyfriend's cousin (Leah White) just had a bad break up with her boy boyfriend because he was cheating on her with another girl.

  • Bruce by Bruce, Ontario Canada
  • 14 years ago

This poem is simple and direct and it helps deal with the fact the mother-in-law is slowly fading from the effects of cancer and now the brother-in-law has been struck with a seizure and its not confirmed the cause. Any way Kristin, I have continued to write this poem for additional 2 more pages, based on certain events that occurred so far.
Because its easy to pour your feelings out in this manner, the lines seem to jump onto the page? I know it sounds silly, but I can't explain it any more than that. Thank for inspiring this poem to fit my moment of needed help in dealing with life's mysteries and unanswered questions. Maybe I don't need know any more then is given and I should be thankful for that. Thank everyone that has written these poems!!

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