Depression Poem by Teens

Poem About How To Stop Cutting

I hope anyone who can relate to the beginning will take this as a push to get help. You deserve to live this wonderful life and people love you. So please, ask for help! Put your pride aside! It's worth it, people want to help.

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Published by Family Friend Poems October 2012 with permission of the Author.

She hurts and she cries
No one sees the depression in her eyes
The little girl smiles for everyone to see
While she asks herself "why is it so hard to be me?"
It never ends, she feels
I will never fully heal
She does things she has never understood
Cuts as a distraction from the internal pain
Finally realizing doing so, has no gain
She wants to save herself
Takes the blades off her shelf
Finds the courage deep inside
Screams I don't want to die
She is better now
When others ask her how
She replies,
Life is beautiful, that's not a lie.
I'm going to do great things in the life I have ahead of me and you can too
Follow me and I'll show you
Watch the breeze; blow the leaves on the trees
Let it blow away negative thoughts and feelings, because it's time to be free
You can beat this, I know you can
Because that little girl that smiled through her pain, with tears in her eyes...
She did, she survived.


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