Depression Poem by Teens

A look at my past life when I felt nothing would save me. But then my best friend came along and showed me that there is more to life than a blade.

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This reminds me of my best friend I've ever had. She saved me from myself, when I was going through a rough time. We made so many memories together. But then I got bad again and I left her....

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Pain Unforgotten

© more by Danni

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

I look in the mirror
See my past life
The scars so pronounced
from the blade of my knife
A single tear drops
From my eye to the floor
What happened to me
I can't take it no more
Why did I start this
Now I can't stop
The blade on my skin
I watch the blood drop
I pull down my sleeve
Ashamed but yet better
I write down my thoughts
In a suicide letter
But then she comes along
The best friend that I know
She saved me from myself
And a new world she did show
Now scars are just scars
And memories just fade
And never again
Will I touch that blade


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alice Brooks by Alice Brooks
  • 1 year ago

This reminds me of my best friend I've ever had. She saved me from myself, when I was going through a rough time. We made so many memories together.
But then I got bad again and I left her. I went through therapy and we just reconnected. But now she is moving to Arkansas. So now I'm going through it allover again. With nobody to
Don't throw away a good thing, even if you feel like you can't talk about it. Communication is important.

  • Dakotagrither by Dakotagrither
  • 8 years ago

I had a friend once that I thought I had lost because she had been having a hard time, but know I don't know where she is or if she is alive.

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