Abuse Poem

Pain And Trauma Of Abuse

Hello, I'm Susan, now in my 40s, an Adult, but the scared, confused, severely abused little girl still lives within me, and every day she prays for amnesia.

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Thank you for sharing Erin. I am so sorry you had to endure such treatment. You are a strong young woman. You have been put through much, however...it appears you have also learned much &...

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Who's Listening?


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

Who's listening to the young child's teardrops fall to the ground
from the pain the fear and the torment she endures each day?

Who feels the emptiness in the young child's soul
as she searches for that fairytale happiness
while wishing she were looking through another child's eyes?

Who sees the bruises on her outside and the gashes from within,
from the agony and sorrow of just wanting to fit in?

Who hears her crying in the dark every night
while trembling under her bunk but she is still in his sight?

There is nowhere for her to go,
nowhere for her to hide or to escape from her feelings inside.

It just gets harder the older she gets.
The memories and scars will always be there,

but no one to really care.
Who's listening?

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erin by Erin, Toronto
  • 11 years ago

I understand your pain. My cousin sexually abused me when I was for 4 years. It started when I was 6 & stopped when I was 10 because he moved away. I dealt with all that pain and suffering by myself until one day, I told my mom. I am 16 now and just recently told my mom. She cried and just kept saying "I should have known" but I am not angry with her. I am angry with my cousin. I will never forgive him for what he did. He fucked up my life. I developed severe anxiety, depression and borderline personality disorder because of what he did and I also became very promiscuous because I didn't have any respect for myself. I felt worthless and so I let guys take advantage of me because I felt like that's what I deserved. Really, no one deserves that and if anyone ever needs to talk I'm always here. If you read my story, thank you.

  • Susan by Susan, California
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for sharing Erin. I am so sorry you had to endure such treatment. You are a strong young woman. You have been put through much, however...it appears you have also learned much & you still have your entire life to live. As hard as it is "Forgiveness" is a necessity...not to make light of what happened to you but to free yourself of all the memories, all of the pain you carry. Let it go ...give it to God & he will get his revenge. The first step to healing is writing & sharing your story...looks like you've already started on you healing journey. I wish you the best in life in all that you do! God Bless you, Erin

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