Brother Death Poem

I'm Always Missing You

This poem is dedicated to my big brother, Thomas Joseph Liggett. He passed away in a fire at age 14. I was only 8 at the time, so it was really hard on me. I could never get over his death. Writing poems helps me let go of my feelings and the pain I feel for the loss of my brother, my best friend.

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It's heartbreaking for me to read your story because it sounds so much like mine. On October 12, 2016, my grandmother on my mom's side died. She raised me like her child, so she was my mama....

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Pain And Sorrow

© more by Roxane Faulkner

Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

This life is filled with pain and sorrow,
I always wonder if I'll make it through tomorrow.
I don't know what I'm going to do,
I'm always missing you.

I think about the joy, laughter, and tears,
and try not to have any fears.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath,
But once again I start thinking about your death.

You told me you would only be gone a little while
And told me to always keep on a smile.
But it's been longer than a while,
How do you expect me to smile?

I know you will always be in my heart,
But it is slowly breaking apart.
I always loved having you near,
and now I wish you were here.


more by Roxane Faulkner

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Telia  Harness by Telia Harness
  • 8 years ago

I lost my little brother in 2006, he was shot by a friend at the age of 21. This year will be 10 years and I still cry I miss him so much. I know he's in a better place and that he is watching over me. Holidays haven't been the same since. I will forever keep him and his name in memory.

  • Allison Troy by Allison Troy, MO
  • 11 years ago

My only brother, a best friend, passed away last Wednesday May 15th 2013 of an assisted drug overdose. I say assisted because he was partially paralyzed years ago from a brain aneurism and stroke. He went with 2 friends, one he knew 15 years and they got heroin. In car on way home his "friend" of 15 years shot him up. Time had went by before they realized my brother was slumped over and had thrown up blood. They took him to a hospital and took him out of the car and when the hospital staff told them to park their car, the police are on way they hurried and drove away and have been hiding since. My brother was my only family outside of my fiancé and two year old daughter. We had a relationship like no other. He had a heart of gold and NEVER would have left his friends side. My brother was loved by hundreds and always was there for anyone in need. He was 34 years old almost 35 this July. He leaves behind 3 young sons. My heart is shattered not just for myself but them as well. :(

  • Toni by Toni, NY
  • 12 years ago

My brother died suddenly at age 54 of a massive heart attack Dec.7, 2012. A week prior he told me of some symptoms he'd been experiencing. Chest discomfort, pain radiating through his shoulder down his arm into his hand straight through his pinky. He called it a "chest cold" I advised a cardiologist. Please everyone... don't ignore symptoms like that. And stop giving yourself doctors advice unless you have a degree. It could save your life. I'll miss you brother.

  • Rosa M. by Rosa M.
  • 12 years ago

My brother was murdered 4 years ago. It has been very hard not only on me but the entire family. He was only 27. The only boy. Though he was two years younger, I looked up to him. I was proud of the man he had become to be. He worked hard to support his growing family. On June 3,2008 he had walked down the street to get dinner for his expecting fiance and 3 children along with her cousin and younger brother. On the way home the little brother was sent to the corner store to get pop and Tylenol I guess they had been followed so my brother and the cousin split; the cousin went to the front of the house he was shot and died instantly. My brother along with the bag of food lied on the back porch. He was found by police barely breathing; in shock. He died later in the hospital.

  • Frances D. by Frances D.
  • 8 years ago

It's heartbreaking for me to read your story because it sounds so much like mine. On October 12, 2016, my grandmother on my mom's side died. She raised me like her child, so she was my mama. She was sick, and I thank God I got to be with her during her final years. Fast forward three days later to October 15, 2016. It was the night of my gma's wake. Left the wake that night feeling calm and happy because it was as if for the first time in many years my gma was a peace. I arrived back to my hometown that night and I saw my brother. Didn't know that would be that last time I saw or spoke to him. This was around 9:30 that night. At around 11:30 that night I got the call that has changed me forever. My big brother, Donwia, was savagely murdered in his home. Even worse it was people he trusted that did this to him. We know and the police know it was more than just an armed robbery gone wrong. I don't expect you to respond back, but I just gotta know, have you found your normal yet?

  • Pakistan by Pakistan
  • 12 years ago

I have lost my elder brother, just 2 and half years elder than me (I am 32-1/2) in a car accident while coming home to meet me as I am working as a trainee doctor far away from my home town and I used to visit home after a year long time. He was a police officer and was very happy because all his seniors were very happy and satisfied with his dedication and honesty. He was not only an ideal brother but also a very kind, gentle and soft human being as well. His death has paralyzed me and our whole family. Our aged parents are in deep shock and he left us forever. He has 3 kids and whenever I think of them it brings tears in my eyes. Please pray for his soul.

  • Lisette by Lisette, Langley
  • 12 years ago

Hi that is soo sad. My dad almost died. He almost was beheaded by our bobcat. but God saved him. I thank God everyday that he is alive and with me today, and my 1/2 brother had a heart transplant and my dad didn't find out till like 3 months after the surgery!!! crazy!!

  • Layla by Layla, Utrecht
  • 13 years ago

I know the feeling. I lost my little brother when I was 9. I can never forget him and my parents are pretending that he never existed.
It hurts me so much. The only way for my to forget my pain for a while is reading poems.

  • Shelby by Shelby, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I was 8 when I lost my Brother, He was 16. My Brother loved riding Dirt Bikes it wasn't like a hobby for him it was something he was meant to do. It was a day after my 8th Birthday when my brother went to ride dirt bikes with friends that he passed away. It was his friends and there were some hills. As they were getting ready to leave, One of my Brothers kinda friends came to ride. My Brother was on the back of the Four wheeler as they were going over a hill going too fast. The guy that was driving got to jump off and my Brother didn't see it coming. By the time he could jump of it was too late. My Brother was thrown off the four wheeler in the road. The other guy didn't even say a thing to my Brother he just went to go smoke! The part that means the most to me is that the last thing my brother said was "please pray for me" and they did. That was my Brothers first time EVER not to wear a helmet since he was 4! And a week is all my Brother had left.

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