Brother Death Poem

I wrote this poem 2 weeks after my brother took his own life. It has been a year now, but the pain hasn't gotten better. These words are just a way of expressing the pain.
He is missed-- Mehrshad Shokravi (October 31, 1980-October 8, 2007)

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I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My brother took his life on April 7, 2015. It was 4 days after his 50th birthday. He was the baby in our family, and I am the middle...

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Missing You Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

It's been two weeks today
that you finally got it your way.
You left us here, without a farewell,
leaving behind just your smell.

Everyone tells me to respect your decision
and understand that you fulfilled your mission,
but they don't understand my pain.
They don't know how it feels to be stuck under the rain

I wish I could hold you
and tell you that I love you.
I wish I could understand.
I wish I were there to hold your hand,
maybe I could have changed your mind.

The night that you decided to leave
and to no longer believe,
I know you weren't afraid anymore 
of who would be waiting for you at the door.

I finally saw your last letter.
I was hoping it would make me feel better.
Instead, I miss you more,
and your last words made me swore.
It made me wish you weren't gone
because I don't know for how long I can stay strong.

It's been two weeks I lost you, brother.
It's been 2 weeks I lost my other.
I wish you had given me the chance
to take one last glance
at you face filled with love
before you flew away like a dove.

Rest in peace, brother.
I hope you will no longer suffer.
I will be waiting for you in my dreams
to re-live all those beautiful memories.

by Sanaz Shokravi
in the memory of my big brother
Mehrshad Shokravi


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Doyle Drew by Doyle Drew, Utah
  • 9 years ago

Thank you for the poem. I lost my brother January 2015 to Suicide. He was less than two years older than me. I miss him so much! I don't know what to say because my mind is flooded with so many good memories. I appreciate the time I had with him. He was only 37, and now I'm 37. Yeah we were very, very close. We did many things together, because he was my older brother, I looked up to him, and followed him. Now, it's a memory. I no longer can chat with him about the joys we've had. I have two younger brothers, my youngest found him. I'm grateful I can be there and talk with him. Nowadays, I look up to the sky, the clouds and nature and talk to my older brother. It is nice to be able to open up and share. I feel for everyone else that lost a family member or friend. You're not alone.
May we all find peace and joy.

  • Nicola Stevens by Nicola Stevens
  • 7 years ago

I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. My brother took his life on April 7, 2015. It was 4 days after his 50th birthday. He was the baby in our family, and I am the middle child. I am very grateful to still have my sister, but to lose someone in this way is very painful. He was such a worthwhile human being. It's harder now as both our parents passed away this year. Somehow they were a buffer from the pain. I could phone my mom and talk to her about him, and she understood our loss only too well. But I am comforted knowing that they live on in our hearts and memories, and that can never be taken away.

  • Mary J by Mary J, Malaysia
  • 10 years ago

Beautiful poem, I feel exactly what the writer felt. I lost my younger brother last year due to suicide. His wife and 2 sons left him so he jumped down a tall building. I was outstation waiting for a flight home when my other bro called me of this sad news. I wept all the way, I just can't believe this could happened and we are still grieving esp. my mom. On 16.8.14 will be his 1st death anniversary. Farewell my bro, may the Lord have mercy on your soul and rest in Peace, Amen!

  • L.Temper by L.Temper, Las Vegas Nevada
  • 10 years ago

It's been a month since my one and only little brother was shot and killed 2 days before his birthday he past on. Didn't even make it to see his birthday. Now I'm miserably lost without him knowing I'm never going to see that beautiful smile of his. All I got is memories to hold on to, and I actually went to go dress my little brother for his own funeral really damn you could not even imagine how I felt to dress him cold...not my brother it wasn't time he left me too soon and alone, cold and dead. May you rest in paradise. I'll see you soon. I love you and miss you like I can't go on anymore...keep me strong!!! God Bless Everyone....L.V.C.

  • Marisol by Marisol, Australia
  • 11 years ago

Thanks to the writer of this poem, I exactly feeling what she is writing in this poem. I lost my big brother just a month ago, he took his own life because his wife left him and could not take the pain anymore and took solace to alcohol, became very depressed. He hanged himself, I'm in soo much pain and missing him soo much. I'm soo broken hearted, and I was web browsing looking for anything that can at least enlighten my heart and I found this poem, thinking I'm not alone grieving for a lost brother from depression makes it a little easier. I haven't have a good sleep since he left. I miss him soo much. God Bless his soul. I love you Manong Edrot.

  • Nicola Stevens by Nicola Stevens
  • 8 years ago

I am so very sorry for your loss, Marisol. I, too, lost my brother to suicide by hanging. He died on April 7, 2015 and had just celebrated his 50th birthday. I am the middle child, and he was three years younger than me. His wife cheated on him five years before he died and was having an affair with a family friend. Not only did he lose his wife, but she made sure she looked after herself financially. He was so destroyed that he attempted suicide then but thankfully survived, so we had five more years with him in our lives. He was a very private person and kept his suffering well hidden. He got his life together again and then out of the blue he took his life. He left a suicide note, saying how sorry he was, how much he loved and respected us all, but that he just didn't have the guts to carry on anymore. I, too, have not slept well since my brother died. I see him and hear him everywhere, which is great, as he always seems so happy, but I miss my brother terribly. I hope we all find peace.

  • Pietermaritzburg by Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

I lost my brother 4 years ago on March 10th 2010 to suicide. When I got to Pietermaritzburg from Johannesburg my brother was in the hospital, he had taken an overdose but went into a coma. He survived for 3 days on machines and his lungs eventually collapsed. He was only 17 years old. Sadly the abuse from my stepfather was too much. As the 10th of March approaches I live this nightmare all over again as I will never forget and can never erase the memory of having to watch him die. Even though I cherish all the good memories, for more each year that he is gone is just so painful. I just miss him so much. My heart is still broken.

Sashin, may you fly high with the angels above, may sit besides Gods throne and be happy then you have ever been. I dream of your hugs and laughter, you were the light of our lives and you will be forever missed. Love you always, your big sister, Verona

  • Fz by Fz, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

I lost my younger brother last week Monday 20 Jan 14. He was only 25 years old, he turned 25 on the 10th of January. He had worked in the same co. with me for two years and resigned to take on a new job 600km from me but be close to my parents. He hung himself and left a note saying his family life was good but he hated his life because he felt he didn't achieve anything, but yet he was my strength, my family's shining later, so altruistic that he'd give to others before himself. I feel I can never accept his death, the emptiness is horrible!!! I love him so much yet I never probed into the depth of his depression. I cannot wait until the day we meet on that beautiful shore.

  • Sanaz Shokravi by Sanaz Shokravi Poet
  • 11 years ago

Hi everyone, I must admit that since I wrote this poem and published it, I had never noticed these touching comments that you have all left. In just a few weeks it will be 6 years that my brother left me and as so many of you doesn't get easier. I still miss him everyday and that emptiness that I felt when he first left us is still there. Sometimes I feel as if no one understands how hard it is to live without him in my daily life, but I feel like you guys do. My brother and I were exactly 6 years apart, born on the same day and this year I will be the same age as he would have been if he would have been alive just a few more weeks. I would do anything, give anything in the world to share a birthday cake with him again...I miss him so much as I'm sure you all miss you brothers too. God bless you all and thank you once again for your kind words.
I love you Mikey and I miss you more than words can say.

  • Pauline by Pauline
  • 11 years ago

Thank You for this poem. My brother took his own life as well. It happened 2 weeks ago, a week before that I was just with him. I went to go check on him because I knew he was going through a hard time. I've never seen my brother like that. He was so depressed, but he was trying to hide it. My brother was always a happy funny crazy guy. But not that day, he wasn't himself. I just wish I knew how he was feeling the things he tried to do. I may have been able to change things. I love my brother, and I always will. RIP brother, you truly will be missed!

  • Rt by Rt, Canada
  • 11 years ago

This poem really hit home for me.. Everything written is exactly how I feel. Reading this poem and everyone's replies has comforted me somehow - at least I am not alone and other people understand what I am going through.
I lost my brother about a month ago and he also took his own life - 5 days short of his 29th birthday. it was the worst day of my life and I am still so heartbroken and sad - I miss him with all my heart. I suppose I always will miss him and things won't ever really be the same. I wish there was someway I can bring him back but unfortunately life doesn't work out that way :(

Rest in paradise my little brother. I love and miss you so so much.

  • Redica Intini by Redica Intini, Cape Town
  • 11 years ago

This is such a beautiful poem! It is exactly how I feel. I lost my brother through suicide 2 and a half years ago, tomorrow. Our lives have stood still since 11 Nov 2012. Its so difficult to move on from that day. I pray for the day till we meet again. Love you Shailen.

  • Seloma by Seloma, Guam
  • 11 years ago

My brother passed away 3 weeks ago and its very sad because I'm not with them when he take away his life. He was the only one among my brothers who helped me with my school so now I'm in college far away from home and they called me that he's already gone it so sad.....I'm 19 and he's 26

  • Tracy by Tracy, Vinegrove Ky
  • 12 years ago

My brother took his life in June 2008. Its been a daily struggle for me. He tried to do it in front of me and another one of my brothers. The night he committed suicide I tried and tried calling him. I thought he was just sleeping because he had work the next day. I'd give anything if I would of just went and checked on him. I miss you sooo much Marvin. R.I.P Bro. This is a very good poem. Love ya bro

  • Christina by Christina, TN
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother 7 months ago. It's been the most painful thing I've ever encountered. He was only 15 and I'm only a few years older, 18. It was a Thursday night, we argued, and the next thing I know "call 911!!" It tore me to pieces. I feel so much guilt and regret. I miss so much.

Jose Antonio Rodriguez
1/14/97 - 5/10/12

  • Amanda by Amanda, IL
  • 12 years ago

My brother took his own life on 10-19-2012 and reading this poem made me feel a little knowing that I'm not alone on how I feel would it ever get better

  • Ally by Ally, Charleston SC
  • 12 years ago

Thank you for this poem! It was very sincere and very touching. I lost my younger brother 5 months ago to suicide. He was only 14 and we were just a few years apart. We were so close and I have so many regrets-- I often find myself thinking of all the ways I could have prevented it. Not a day goes by where I don't miss him dearly.
I wish lots of support to everyone else out there who has lost their brother, or other loved ones to suicide. The pain will never go, but remember to stay strong!

You'll be forever loved, Josh.
Joshua Kenneth May

  • Ls by Ls, New York
  • 12 years ago

My brother took his life almost 6 months ago, and to myself, my surviving brother and sister it feels like just yesterday. The guilt, anger, emptiness, sadness, pain will never go away. We will never be the same again. Its comforting to know that we are not the only ones out there that feel this way...
Your poem was beautiful, exactly how I feel.
R.I.P Will 8/26/74-3/2/12 We will always love you

  • Tyson by Tyson
  • 12 years ago

Very hard to read through but I couldn't pull my eyes away. My lil brother of 22 yrs took his life on May 4 and I will never be who I was again. Travis, I miss you...

  • Maria Moya by Maria Moya, Sunset Prk
  • 12 years ago

Today is my lil brother birthday and his death feels like it happened yesterday not 11 years ago..pain doesn't go away instead it hurts more...your poems helps me deal with his passing. Thank you

  • Jodi by Jodi, Illinois
  • 13 years ago

I just happen to stumble upon this poem searching for one to put in the paper on the anniversary of my brother's death. He, too, took his own life 4 years ago on January 12th. It's such a shame that such wonderful lives have to be taken from us far too soon! He was my older brother and only sibling. He was just 28 at the time and now will forever be to me. This is a tough year for me since I will be turning 28 myself when my protector and older brother is always 28. Thanks for sharing this poem with all of us that grieve a suicide!
Joshua Paul Smith

  • Steven by Steven, California
  • 13 years ago

Wow, Now that I've cried, and blown my nose, I am amazed, this poem is so touching, It took me back to the day my brother, my only sibling took his own life at the age of 19. All of us, 25 people posted about this poem, on this page, going through the pain of our brothers suicide. I want to pray for all of our brothers, mine & yours, that all of them will finally be at PEACE. And that we will all see them again. Bless all of you, and your bros, and thank you for your poem which has touched all of our hearts.
Rest in Peace my brother John Manderscheid
I miss you - I love you.

  • M. Rae Yingling by M. Rae Yingling, Fl
  • 13 years ago

I was searching the internet to help me deal with my pain. We buried my brother Saturday after he took his life. Thank you for your poem. I can't imagine how the pain is ever going to go away. I know he was a lost soul and keep praying his soul was found by God, and that he is with our mother, who he missed so badly. I LOVE YOU David.
David A. Pittenger 8/6/1959 - 11/21/2011

  • Tiffanny by Tiffanny, Brisbane
  • 13 years ago

OMG this describes everything in my life. I'm 16 and my 19 year old brother took his own life 7 months ago and it still doesn't seem real.

  • Darlene Shade by Darlene Shade, Mich
  • 13 years ago

I lost my brother two days ago to cancer. It has been very hard on all the family especially the grandkids the don't know what has happened to him. It is hard too lose a loved one.

  • Ireland by Ireland
  • 13 years ago

What a lovely poem. I lost my brother 6 months ago at 30 years old. I miss him so much. he died of natural causes and it's not getting any easier.

  • Anita Cruise by Anita Cruise, Oregon
  • 13 years ago

22 years ago on the 4th of July my big brother took his life. Sadly it doesn't get any easier with time. I miss him and often wonder what might have been, and who'd he be now, would I have nieces and nephews, would he be a grandfather? I could go on and on, but it doesn't change a thing, he's gone but not forgotten.

  • Rachel Yuma by Rachel Yuma, AZ
  • 14 years ago

Hi, I just read your poem it was BEAUTIFUL! It still has me crying. The poem describes the exact same pain I'm going through. I lost my little brother of a drug overdose this new year. I still can't believe he's gone. Sooo much I wish I could of told him or done different. SOMEDAY BRO WE'LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN!!! Miss you Adrain!

  • Johny Richards by Johny Richards
  • 14 years ago

That poem describes how I feel to the T!! I lost my little brother June 13 2011 to suicide due to pain he was going through mentally, he just graduated high school and had a huge road paved in front of him but instead he took the dirt road over something so stupid and not worth it. thank you for posting this poem it sunk in a lot.

  • Jennifer Parsons by Jennifer Parsons, Nl
  • 14 years ago

Hi , My Name is Jennifer, and I was reading your poem, is it amazing, and it brought a smile and tears to my face, I lost my brother Justin a year ago, of taking his own life, on new years. of last year.
We all have to be strong, and hold on with everything we have but its to tough. I think about him everyday, and I know this seems weird, but after he died, I said I will never be afraid to die, because he will be the one there waiting for me. I love you Justin, and this poem opened my eyes, knowing I am not the only going through it. We all have different feelings about the situation, but I think about Justin everyday- the time I get up to the time I go to bed .
thank you so much ..

  • Sarah by Sarah, Louisiana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my baby brother on 11/11/10. He was only 17. Growing up it was only him and me. He did not take his life he was taking apart my grandfathers old gun and it went off. I lost my bestfriend that day!! He was all I ever really had and I miss him every single day!! thank you for your poem it is absolutely beautiful!!

  • Mike by Mike, Delaware
  • 14 years ago

I lost my 19 year old brother due to taking his own life and it's really hard to deal with I miss you Brett...
R.I.P Brett Allen Chamberlain 3/12/91 - 7/20/10

  • Patricio by Patricio, Myfas Ca
  • 14 years ago

This poem speaks out to a lot of people and to me. I lost my brother 2 years ago the same way and the pain and regret won't go away ever, but it will soften.
Rest in peace to your, mine, and anyone else's brother.

  • Stevie by Stevie
  • 14 years ago

I found this so close to home, my brother killed himself October 10th 2007, and he was on the phone with me, no matter how much Psychology I had taken, nothing came to mind to say, but to scream no, I love you,, and him replying "Babie I love you too"..

  • Michele by Michele, California
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this I lost my brother Friday Sept. 24, 2010 to suicide I was here at my house while he did it. I can't get over and know I never will but thank you for this poem. People keep telling me it will get better but I know it won't I already miss him so much and I just wish I could have changed his mine before the alcohol did.

  • Charlotte by Charlotte, Liverpool
  • 14 years ago

I am 11, My Brother was 17, with a little daughter named Ruby, he wont ever get to see her first tooth :'(
Rest In Peace to all the brothers who have sadly gone, but gone to a happy place xx
Loved this poem, cried and used 200k tissues :'( xx

  • Avani by Avani, Indore
  • 14 years ago

My brother died 4 months ago I am 11 and he was 25. I miss him very much we both were very close that's a very great feeling in the world. It was very difficult for me to go thru each day. Your poem really helped me to feel the lost glance of my brother. THANK-YOU

  • Brittany by Brittany, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

My brother killed himself 3 weeks ago today and even though we were 7 yrs apart and we were not very close its the worst feeling in the world. I have a hard time even going thru each day. but this poem has really helped me. Thank you

  • Jacquelynn by Jacquelynn, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

My older brother also took his life at age 24 on November 18,2003. It really reminded me of him and made me start crying in the middle of my lit class. I miss him so much every word seemed like a poem that I would write. A lot of the brother poems remind me of my Jeffrey whom I miss so dearly!

  • Emmie by Emmie, Michigan
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched my soul, I wished I could express myself in this way. My brother at the age of 24 took his life September 15th, 2008. And it is still fresh in my mind everyday. I cry, I blame, I laugh, I get mad. I hate knowing the fact that I could of changed this. Someone please tell me its ok to feel all of this.

  • Erica by Erica, TX
  • 15 years ago

I loved your poem I lost my brother a little over 4 months ago to suicide and I was one of the ones who actually found him me and my little sister thank you for sharing this....

  • Doug by Doug, England
  • 15 years ago

Lost my brother just over a week ago. he took his life.
The hurt is incredible, such a large part of my life gone, with no goodbye.
your poem touched me, thanks.

  • SaddestEmo</3 by SaddestEmo
  • 15 years ago

That's Just So Touching..
I Lost My Brother Too, May All De Bros Rest In Peace..

  • cassie by cassie
  • 15 years ago

I loved this poem... I also lost my brother cause he took his life... and this just made me cry my eyes out which is a good thing...

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