Brother Death Poem

Brother Killed In Car Crash

I wrote this for my brother, Nater. He was killed in a car accident on March 29, 2007. He was only 22 years old. He will be missed every day. Love you, little bro...

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I lost my older brother Kyle in a motorbike accident on the July 17, 2016 at the age of 17. I have never lost anyone in my family, so this was a real shock for my first loss. On the November...

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Letting Go


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2007 with permission of the Author.

You're still here in my heart and mind,
still making me laugh because your stories live on. 
I hold you in a thought and I can feel you. 
I feel you and this gives me strength and courage. 
The tears I have cried for you could flood the earth,
and I know you have wiped each one away.
For you Brother, I promise you this,
I will go on with my life and make you proud. 
I will always hold you in my heart. 
I promise you I will be missing you every day till the end of time,
but this is not my end and I can't hold my head underwater.
I need to breathe. 
I need to love and miss you,
but I also need to live because through me you will live,
you will still laugh and love,
you will still sing and dance,
you will still hug and kiss.
You will forever be in our lives,
you will forever be a brother,
a son,
an uncle
and friend.
I am going to miss your shining face
I think of you and wonder why? 
I might cry or smile,
but at the end of the day,
I am one day closer to you...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kerry Hawkesworth by Kerry Hawkesworth
  • 9 months ago

I am now 50 yrs. old. It still feels like yesterday. I am a sibling of three, the youngest and only girl. I was awoken in the middle of the night with my other brother pounding outside my bedroom window. I ran downstairs to the front door to see police officers asking to see my parents. My brother and the officers came in while I awoke my parents. They said a young male was hit by a train on the tracks. They found my brothers wallet and shoe close to the body but had to wait until morning for us to identify the body. I didn't go with them because I wanted to remember how he looked and not his now unrecognizable appearance. He was only 23.

  • Katie Rap by Katie Rap
  • 6 years ago

I am a freshman in high school. On December 2, 2018, I lost one of my closest friends I had been friends with since kindergarten. He was killed in a car accident due to a drunk driver. It really hit me hard, especially since my grandpa killed someone when he was drinking and driving. I still don't know when I will ever come to terms with his death. Reading this poem has really helped me work through my emotions because he was like a brother to me. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for writing this poem.

  • Goitsimang Sharon by Goitsimang Sharon
  • 6 years ago

It was on the 12th of September 2018 around 15:44 when I missed a call from my sister. I sent her a please call me back message. She called me back after 2 minutes. She asked where I was. She told me my brother passed away. At that moment I burst into tears. My friends came to comfort me. It was the worst feeling ever, which brought back flashbacks of losing my mom at a young age. Life she forever be unfair!

  • Catlyn Hollis by Catlyn Hollis
  • 6 years ago

Dear Shannon,
I haven't lost a brother, but I just wanted to say that this was so heart-warming to me I cried, because even though you lost your baby brother at 22 years old you are still strong. You keep moving, you keep living your life, and your brother would be so proud of you. Keep your head up even when days get hard.

  • Rachael Knoop by Rachael Knoop
  • 7 years ago

I lost my older brother Kyle in a motorbike accident on the July 17, 2016 at the age of 17. I have never lost anyone in my family, so this was a real shock for my first loss. On the November 10th it would be Kyle's birthday. I don't think our family could have done this journey without the help of God. I don't think I ever thought I would ever speak about my brother's death and use the word grateful in the same sentence, but I am so grateful for how my faith has become so strong and how close I have become with God and my family. I have become even closer with my eldest brother Robert (18). I think we both realized how tomorrow is not promised and the sad thing is that all we have left is each other. This is certainly not an easy process. Being the youngest (15), it has been really hard to accept that I have lost all that I have ever known. This whole grieving process definitely doesn't get easier. It just gets more manageable.

  • Mare Griffin by Mare Griffin
  • 4 years ago

Three years ago today, my brother went into the Navy. They went to go into a building, and a bomb went off. He passed away, but he was over 2000 miles away, and I was at school. My dad pulled me out of class, and I thought that was weird because they never let parents in my school unless something is very wrong. He stood there and took a deep breath before telling me that my brother died. He was my best friend and at that moment, being only 15 and a freshman, my whole body shook. I fell onto the ground and screamed so loud a group of students came into the hallway to check if everyone was safe. I haven't been the same since.

  • Siera by Siera
  • 6 years ago

July 9, 2017, I lost my older brother Kyle to a motorcycle accident at the age of 22. I will never forget the day that I was told I would never see him or hear Kyle's voice again. At the time I was on vacation, while my brother stayed home because he had work and just got done eating at Bubba Gumps. Once my dad, mom, little sister, and I got done eating and went back to the hotel we were staying at, my mom got a call. We all thought it was Kyle calling us to tell us good night, but sadly we were mistaken. My mom then walked out of the room to talk to whoever was on the phone. My mom came back in crying and handed my dad the phone. He walked out to talk to the person on the phone. When he came back he was crying and started hugging my mom. At that point I was crying of frustration because my parents weren't telling my sister or me what was happening. My parents then told us that my brother had died and we were going home the next morning.

  • Bren B. by Bren B.
  • 6 years ago

Rachael Knoop,
You sound like the most mature 15 year old ever. I was shocked after reading your comment when you said you were only 15. You have your head on your shoulders. You are very understanding of life at such a young age. God has given that gift to you to help you appreciate the blessings you have so you won't miss them longing for what you have lost. Stay that way and you will do well and go far in life. Your brother in heaven must be so very proud of his little sister.

  • Rednekgurl by Rednekgurl, 68 Old Acres Lot18
  • 7 years ago

I can very much relate. My brother was killed in a car wreck on June 9, 2004. He was my rock, shoulder, my guardian angel. We didn't get to say our goodbyes. I love you and am sorry. It never gets easier. Every day feels the same, like I'll wake up and it'll be a nightmare. I only got 11 great years with him. I was put in a foster home at age 2, got into some legal issues. They placed me with my biological family, my brother became my best friend.

  • Annmary by Annmary
  • 7 years ago

Shalom. I want to share my story as well. My little brother also died in car crash before his birthday. He died on 9 April and his birthday is 15 April. It really hurt me. He was only 20 at that time and died on the spot. I didn't have a chance to say goodbye to him. The only baby boy of my siblings. He was my brother, my best friend. And I feel it's still not enough for me to spend time with him, because I have a lot of things to say to him. I love him so much, but I know God knows what He is doing.

  • Indu by Indu
  • 7 years ago

My younger brother died on Easter day 2017, without me saying goodbye to him. I was in the hospital with my husband who had been ill. My brother was suffering. He was in pain, but God put his arm around and lifted his pain. I remember him that he is gone, but now I cherish his memory and let him live on. My heart broke to lose him, but he didn't go alone, for a part of me went with him. He is still here in my heart and in my thoughts. I can feel him. He still makes me laugh as his memories live on.

  • Mari by Mari
  • 8 years ago

April 12, 2016, I lost my big brother due to a car crash. I have cried so many tears, and I'm not done crying yet. I love and miss him so much. I know every tear I cry he holds in his hands. He was my best friend; he was my only friend.
Once Bubba died, I started cutting and starving myself. I know now that I didn't need to do that. Every weekend I go to his grave and I sit there and cry. That's the thing about pain; it demands to be felt in any way possible.

  • Linda by Linda
  • 6 years ago

I called my brother Bubba too. I just lost him 2 weeks ago. We were 13 months apart in age so that makes us 70 and 71. This is THE hardest and most painful thing I have gone through. Even losing our mother when I was 23 was not this hard because my brother was part of my life for 50 more years than my mother was. I was with him for 6 weeks before he died, and I am so thankful and grateful for that time. I don't know if I or my life will ever be the same without him.

  • Rozy by Rozy
  • 6 years ago

Losing a sibling is so hard. It took years to find the pieces of myself and put them back together. I was so broken and lost. The footsteps of my older brother were no longer there to follow, and I struggled to find my way. It's been 7 years, and I've started to live again. I know he watches over me, but he'll be forever loved and missed.

  • Aubrie by Aubrie
  • 8 years ago

My older brother was killed in a car accident 6 days after his 18th birthday in December of 1999. Over 17 years later and then pain doesn't just go away. Time goes on, life goes on, new memories and love and relationships are created... But the pain is always there and rears its ugly head at random times. Today I was remembering a day a few days before my brother died. He told me (I was 14 at the time) that he'd be leaving soon and I'd never see him again. He hugged me tight as I cried my eyes out. It didn't make sense to me then.

I've done lots of research since then on the days before my brother's death. He was one of 5 people in the car. He was not driving. He was the only one killed and it was instant. In the weeks before he died he spoke to a local priest twice, went to his old high school to apologize to his teachers for his behavior, made amends with the girl he loved and said goodbye to me. The accident wasn't intentional but my brother knew he was going to die. How?

  • Rebecca Raphael by Rebecca Raphael
  • 7 years ago

I am very sorry for your loss, Aubrie. From a Christian point of view, we believe that we are all spiritual sons and daughters of God. He knows us perfectly. I fully believe that God gives spiritual impressions to us that put a thought or idea into our head and we may not always understand why. I feel that this may have happened with your brother. I lost my own brother a week ago today.

  • Annmarie Iuni by Annmarie Iuni
  • 8 years ago

A beautiful poem. I used a part of it in my eulogy to my brother who died one year ago this week. I'm a little older than some of the responses I've read. Losing a sibling is really hard, and we truly are the forgotten grievers.

No matter what age you are, the pain and loss are deep. My brother was an amazing person. He was our laughter and joy and I realize we will laugh less without him. He died suddenly with no time to say goodbye. This has been a hard week. Funny that I came upon this poem tonight when he is so much in my thoughts. Thank you. His name was Michael.

  • Billy Taylor by Billy Taylor
  • 8 years ago

I know how you feel I lost one of my oldest brothers in a car crash March 24, 2016. I can barely sleep, and I miss him so much. I talked to him on his birthday March 8 and he was killed a couple weeks later. My heart is so broken.... I don't even really go outside anymore. I can't really function too much, but I'm sorry for your loss. You been going through this longer than I have.

  • Aanya Mehta by Aanya Mehta
  • 8 years ago

My brother died in a bike accident four days ago. He was only 25. I really miss him and I was really close to him. I have been crying since I know and have not been able to move on. He was my everything, my world. I used to share every single detail about my life with him. And now suddenly he's gone. God couldn't have made my life worse. Everyone knew how close I was to him and everyone is telling me to be strong but he was my strength. How can I be strong without him?

  • Louise by Louise
  • 8 years ago

My brother was killed in a motorcycle accident on 30th July 2000, he was 29 years of age. I was 20 at the time and we were very close. I've never felt pain and trauma like that before. It's taken me a long time to accept he's gone. I hold on to the happy memories I have. I miss him so much.

  • Mollie by Mollie
  • 8 years ago

Hi... My brother died over a month ago on the night of July 3rd. He wrecked his car. I'm just searching for people who are going through what I am going through too... He was my only brother and my little brother. He was 20, I'm 23. We were close in our teenage years and had drifted apart recently while I was at college. I think of Matt everyday and it pains me too much to even look at his pictures. I'm so sorry about your brother, people keep telling me it will get duller and eventually I'll laugh at the memories but right now they are very painful....

  • Billy Taylor by Billy Taylor
  • 8 years ago

My brother was killed in a car wreck with a semi on March 24,2016. I still can't believe he's gone. I miss him so much I never got to tell him I loved him and it's so hard to cope with this.

  • Jennalee by Jennalee
  • 8 years ago

I am sorry for your loss. I also lost my brother 10 months and 1 day ago. I have awful insomnia since his passing, so I'm always up. The pain is unexplainable, and I know how you feel.

  • Ingrid Morales by Ingrid Morales
  • 8 years ago

I lost my big brother in a car accident when I was 16 and he was 19. I am now 18 years old and it still hurts as much as it did when I first heard the news. I miss him every day, I still see his smile in my head and that's what gets me thru the day. Even though we'd fight and scream at each other I loved him so much. He's still my everything. I love you Ed.

  • Cathy Clapinson by Cathy Clapinson
  • 7 years ago

Ingrid, I wonder how you are doing now. My friend's son Jordan has just been killed in a car accident. He was 18 and his sister Aimee is 15 and is really struggling. I wondered if you had any advice for her. She is just missing him so much and it's only been 5 weeks, so I think there is a long hard road ahead. Thanks.

  • Sanal Kumar by Sanal Kumar
  • 8 years ago

Such a beautiful piece of poetry..can relate to it as I just on 2nd March, lost my 33 year old younger brother Shiva to an unpredictable cardiac arrest. RIP brother..until we meet again!

  • Donte Wichman by Donte Wichman
  • 8 years ago

I lost my brother when I was 16, he was in remission for heroine use. He was clean for 3 months and had a wife, two kids, and a good job. He was in Wichita when an old drug buddy talked him into using and he overdosed. I was at a track meet when he died, I came home and found out then. He would be 30 this August. It's been almost a year. He is still missed and loved everyday. I hope every time I can, I make him proud. I miss you big bro...

  • Elizabeth Grace by Elizabeth Grace
  • 9 years ago

I am 12 years old, I lost my brother when I was 11. He died in a car accident, he saved his girlfriends life. He was 16 years old. He also saved the life of 3 other people. My brother was more than a brother to me. He was my best friend, big brother, and I also looked up to him. I miss him so much more than anyone would ever imagine..

  • Jessica by Jessica
  • 9 years ago

I lost my brother in June of 2004. He was only 21 and I was only six. I just read this poem almost 12 years later after his death being 18 years old and reminding me of the promise I made to myself and him, that I would try my best to make him proud. Now it makes me think of how I just turned 18, graduated high school early, and just got accepted to college and how he's not here to say I'm proud of you and just thinking of how he won't be there to see me walk across the stage and see the biggest smile on my face but knowing that he'll be there in my heart and watching from up above makes it a bit easier to get through that day when it comes even though it will always be bitter sweet but all I can do is say I Love you and miss you everyday and will continue to miss to the day we meet again!. Love you bro, Now and Forever!

  • Thomas Daldry by Thomas Daldry, New Zealand
  • 9 years ago

My brother was killed in a car accident about 5 months ago, I found this quote just before his funeral and was able to write it on the coffin. I read it everyday it helps me. Thanks.

  • Stardust Pennsylvania by Stardust Pennsylvania
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me because my brother died in a car accident in 2012. He was only 40 years old. I feel that I did not have enough time with him and my daughter was only 2 years old when he passed and I feel that she will someday forget about him even now she sometimes talks about him being in heaven. I try to remember all the good times and that I still have a great family here and it helps me not to cry because of missing him so much. I will always love and miss my big brother.

  • William Chapman by William Chapman
  • 10 years ago

I have lost 2 brothers over the years and your poem is fitting. One was lost in 1966 at age 2 to a fire, playing with gas around a water heater, and the other who was hurt in the same fire, was lost to cancer in 2005 at age 40.. I think about them often. And often wonder what life would have been like with them still around. But they touched my life in so many ways. Thanks.

  • Jill by Jill
  • 10 years ago

I also lost my little brother (24 years old) in a car accident 2 years ago today. Your poem is beautiful and really expressed my thoughts and feelings as well. Thanks for sharing. Sending hugs your way!!!

  • Alexis. California by Alexis. California
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for posting this. I lost my older brother 3 months ago( Aug. 11, 2014) to a motorcycle accident. This was beautiful!

  • Kathryn Cotton by Kathryn Cotton, Oklahoma
  • 10 years ago

I just lost my big brother in a horrible car accident last Thursday (10-9-14) so this poem really hit home. He made such an impact on people it's unreal. He will be truly missed.

  • Gerry. UK by Gerry. UK
  • 10 years ago

Thank you for the poem, it is beautiful, and I'm sorry for your loss.

I came to this website by accident, when the page opened up I thought I would see what it was about. I read this poem and it reminded me of my younger brother who was brutally murdered seven years ago in a case of mistaken identity. I know that death comes to us all but when it's so sudden and you don't have a chance to prepare and say goodbye, like when someone is sick it just makes it so much harder, I'm not saying it isn't hard to lose someone when they are sick because I know that it is. I miss my brother and I know my whole family does too, he was a loving father, brother and son, was he perfect? no, he was just my brother, funny, he could make you laugh until your stomach hurt, a real joker, and always around to lend a hand.

We celebrate his life on each anniversary that passes and acknowledge the hole that has been left behind since he was so brutally taken from us.

  • Denise by Denise, South Africa
  • 10 years ago

My name is Denise and I lost my only sibling Andrew in a car accident 6 years ago 15 Aug 2008, he was only 20 years old. I miss him terribly each day and will forever miss him as he is my guardian angel and will always will be. He was one of bubbliest people I know, a personality like no other and an inspiration to all who knew him, he was my best friend for life!! This poem brought tears to my eyes but it's good tears as I will always remember the good times we had and I know the only tears he would want to see from me is the tears of Joy. Love you Andy!!

  • Katy by Katy, Ontario
  • 10 years ago

So very touching, I lost my dear brother/best friend to an accident in October of 2013, he was such a kind and giving person who I miss dearly. Thank you for the thoughtful words.

  • Heena by Heena
  • 10 years ago

I also lost my brother 4 months back in a car accident. It's very difficult to live without him he was only 22.5 years old
I miss him every single minute

  • Kenia Ochoa by Kenia Ochoa
  • 11 years ago

On December 10, 2011 my brother who was 20 years old and one year apart from me passed away in a terrible car accident.
My life changed completely since that day. My brother was an amazing, caring, loving, and funny person. He was full of happiness, he was always smiling making his family and friends laugh by saying random funny things. He was a true friend to many and a wonderful son to my mother and father and an amazing brother to me. Since I was small he would always play with me and he would always take care of me. I miss my brother everyday and every second that goes by. I always wondered how things would be like if he was still here. Only God knows why he decided to take him that day. I believe God knew that was the best thing for my brother. Even though my heart hurts because I miss my brother very much I know I will see him one day. What keeps me going is God and the faith I have in God. God has given me the strength to keep going everyday.

  • Portarlington by Portarlington
  • 11 years ago

On the 10th of August 2012 I lost my 3 brothers Darren 27, David 24, and Ryan 17 to a car crash and my mam took a heart attack on hearing the worst news of our lives. Thank god she's ok now but we miss our 3 baby brother's our 2nd xmas with out ya's xxx

  • Santasia by Santasia, Elkhorn
  • 11 years ago

It's been a year and a half since I lost my brother Jacob last year on March 28, 2012 in a car accident. I was also with him at the time. I broke my arm and sprained my neck. He died on impact, when the semi hit his side of the truck. I miss him dearly.

  • Stay Sea Shore by Stay Sea Shore
  • 11 years ago

I lost my baby brother Steve August 3, 2013. A beautiful morning turned into a day of tears and the heart ache was absolutely the worst heart ache ever. He was 34 yrs. old and loved life. He loved his 2010 Dyna Harley Davidson. He was just pulling out of a Walmart with his best friend. Going to set up a goodbye party for his best friend. As my brothers best friend road behind him on his Harley that gorgeous Saturday morning...he enjoyed his morning rides, & was completely ready to say good bye to his best friend temporarily. A sixteen year old boy tried turning into his Grandparents drive way. He saw my brother, but thought he had enough time to turn. Unfortunately he turned right in time for my brother to go head first into the 16 year old boys windshield of his Volkswagen. Steve flew over the car on the ground he died instantly.
This is exactly how I feel. Everyday I read it and it gives me so much strength! Thank you so very much. Your poem came just in time. What I mean is it saved gave me such will to open up for once.

  • Alex G by Alex G
  • 9 years ago

I know how you feel, I lost my brother pretty much the same way you lost yours. I will pray to God for all of us who lost a brother. He will give us the strength to continue and honor life for those who are gone from this world. I feel your pain and we have to continue until the day we will reunite again. God bless you!

  • Hotmomma by Hotmomma, NJ
  • 11 years ago

We loss our brother and nephew (both 18 years old) and their friend who's 16 from a car accident, 28 years ago today.

We missed them so dearly.

  • Kerridriggers by Kerridriggers, Omaha NE
  • 11 years ago

It will be 5 years on July 6th my lil brother Mike Driggers died in a car accident. He just graduated high school he was the best happy go lucky lil bro anyone could ever ask for. Always smiling had his whole ahead of him. He made life a joy. I still can't believe he's gone !! I no he's smiling down I just wish I could fell that shine!! I LOVE U MIKE RIP cant wait to see you again.!!

  • Norfolk by Norfolk
  • 11 years ago

I can totally relate to this. My big brother was 17 when he went out to buy cigarettes and got hit by a car and died later in hospital. Miss you brother 3/7/1995-15/12/2012!!!

  • Diana Sware by Diana Sware, Delaware
  • 11 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story. I was deeply touched by it. My younger brother Sammy died in a car accident 5 years ago. He was 26 years old. I miss him so much. I had not seen him in 10 years until a about a year before his death on April 5th, 2008 when he came for my sisters Wedding. I wish I had spent more time with him but I thank God for letting me share some time before he lost his life. I love you Sammy...Rest in Peace.

  • Ghetti by Ghetti
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother last Nov 10, 2012. It was my mother's birthday celebration and 4 of them went out to get more booze. 3 of them died, including my cousin. My brother was only 17. I haven't accepted it completely and still question God why it happened. The night my sister told me about the accident, the first thing I asked was "where is Andrew?" When she couldn't answer me, I knew he was gone. Had to take the first flight home the next morning and I was crying horribly in the airplane, I think everyone wanted to hug me. Went from the airport to the morgue to see him and I didn't recognized him nor my cousin 'coz the crash was really bad, it split our car in two. 3 months prior to his death, he got into a motorcycle accident and me & my sister had to rush home to see him. I think God gave him a second chance, a little time to spend more time with us but I wish I could turn back the time so all 3 of them would still be here. I love you so much bro, We miss you every day :-(

  • Malathi by Malathi, India
  • 12 years ago

My brother, Rajesh (25) died in a car crash on 13 Feb 2012. This poem exactly expresses what I feel and think daily about my brother. Thanks a lot...

  • Christie Letts by Christie Letts
  • 12 years ago

The minute I read this poem I thought of my brother Bob. It was exactly how I felt. He was killed in a car accident November 21, 2011, 3 days before Thanksgiving. Bob was a very outgoing and fun man who loved everyone. He was 34 yrs old and his birthday is December 18th. Every holiday season will always have a dark cloud over it because of his death. I know that he wouldn't want us to be sad or for us to not enjoy the holiday season. I gave birth to his niece almost a year after his death and that was hard for me, I miss him so much and he was there for the birth of my son. I am sure he was there in spirit but it wasn't the same. We were very close in age and were the best of friends, he knew what I was thinking and knew when I needed him without saying a word. He never judged me for anything I did and always supported me no matter what. He was my only sibling and now I feel very very alone and lost without him. I love you Bob and miss you more and more every day....

  • Lori by Lori, PA
  • 12 years ago

I sit here in tears after reading your poem and all the posts. 40 years ago my big brother died in a car accident he was 23 and I was only 6. Not a day goes by that I don't question why this happened, why him, so many questions and not enough answers. Such an empty void left by his death. We lost a little bit of my mother that day when the police came to tell her that my brother died, she suffered a stroke which doctors say brought on early onset of Alzheimer's/Dementia. I love and miss you terribly big brother! RIP

  • Amanda by Amanda, IL
  • 12 years ago

So I was going through this page and your poem caught my eye it touched me because I find myself saying some of this stuff on the poem. I lost my brother almost a month ago. I'm 22 he will be 30 next month, he has 2 kids and he always wanted me to be happy but today it all hit me once again. I lost my brother and my best friend thanks for putting this poem up.

  • Rebecca by Rebecca, PA
  • 12 years ago

This poem made me cry! My brother and sister in law got into a car accident April 6th 2006 together and neither of them survived. It was a horrible accident and they were so young! :( My brother just turned 20 two months before and his fiancé was only 18 years old. They left behind a baby girl who was only 4 months old at the time. This was so tragic to everyone in our family and friends. Two days short of their 1 year anniversary my 17 year old brother was 11 days from his 18th birthday and he had a seizure and ended up having a heart attack in school. He never made it to the hospital, he was gone before anyone knew what was happening. We now have 3 angels gone way to soon! This poem made me think of them! R.I.P Kenny, Ashley, and Nick! You are gone but never forgotten!

  • Ash by Ash
  • 12 years ago

That's soo sad when I read this I just broke down crying I'm 15 I lost my brother at a few months something like that it's horrible :( rip my little man may god rest you with the angels

  • Boston by Boston
  • 12 years ago

I lost my little brother July 10, 2012 he was stabbed in the heart in broad day light. He was only 15 his name is lance. Me and my brother is only 2 years apart we did everything together he's my better half and my heart. I just found this poem today is it made me want to break down I miss my little brother so much.

  • Janesa by Janesa, Clayton NM
  • 12 years ago

I have lost my brother, in a car accident. He was only 17 years old and he was everything to me! I still wonder why it had to be him but then I think, God takes the good ones. It has been 8 years and the longer it goes the harder it is to know I haven't seen him nor hear him talk.

  • Donna by Donna, Arizona
  • 12 years ago

My brother died, and I can't even still believe I am saying this still, in a car accident..we thought he was driving but we were told his friend was driving, who had been drinking...they both died and weren't identified for 2 days. My mother received a call to identify a body. She called me in tears while I was at work. I am the oldest of 3 and she raised us as a single mom. I felt so helpless during the call as we live 5 hours away from each other. I had to see him at the funeral home and it did not look like my brother at all. He had to be identified by his tattoos. I miss him so much that it hurts. I cry still. I've never experienced grief like this. I spent my birthday last week wishing he could come back. I don't dream about him and I wish I could. I'm not myself still and I wonder when I will feel somewhat normal again. I work a few days and then go live with my mom to help her. She is still very sad losing her only son, her youngest. One day I will see him again, RIP Calvin.

  • Madelyn by Madelyn, USA
  • 12 years ago

I too lost my brother in a car wreck. My older brother was driving and his best friend in the passenger seat, and my other brother in the back. they got hit and my brothers friend died by impact, but both of my brothers were severely wounded. Zac, (who was in the back) died 7 days later. He was only 15. And I was only 11. The oldest brother (Tyler) came out alive, and I thank god every day for that. Zac was always there for me, and now I feel alone. This poem really spoke to me. when I read it I just broken down in tears. But, now I know that at the end of the day I am one day closer to him.

  • South Africa by South Africa
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother Dylan 29 April 2012, he was 29 and a father of 2 (1 was born a month after his passing) he was my best friend and a great husband to his wife. We all went on holiday together to visit my dad the day before we were suppose to return he took my dad's motorbike and went to buy some ice and a chocolate for his wife. On his way back he had a terrible head on with a sugar cane truck. We got a call from the police at the scene and when we arrived he wasn't responding. My dad and I watched through the window as they tried to bring him back, we thought he made it until they closed him with a blanket. He died on impact and that was our gift from God. He didn't make him suffer. We miss you Dylan and your 2 year old son is so proud of his baby sister and already protecting her like you protected me. Forever and ever love your sister xoxoxox

  • Niki Boyer by Niki Boyer, Hillsboro MO
  • 12 years ago

My brother Doug. He was killed in a car accident April 4, 2012. He was only 20 years old. He will be missed everyday. He leaves behind me, mom, dad, my sister, and brother, a grandma, many cousins, aunts, and uncles. Love and miss you big brother. Woke up one morning, got ready for school. Got a call from the police saying that my brother was in a bad car accident. He loss control of the wheel and his body was burned badly. That he won't make it within 2 hours. but they took him to a hospital that is great for burns and he fought for 22 hours before he died.

  • Donna by Donna, California
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem and I keep a copy of it by my desk and read it almost daily. I lost my big brother Tony a year ago. He died doing what he loved as a Firefighter/Paramedic. He lived life to the fullest and loved to travel. I know that he is always with me wherever I go and looking out for me. I miss him so very much. He will be forever in my heart.

  • Lisa by Lisa, California
  • 12 years ago

My little brother Michael passed away in September of cancer. He was only 22 years old too. This poem really touched my heart.

  • Tiana by Tiana, Honolulu Hawaii
  • 12 years ago

I lost my cousin K.C. at age 22. He was killed by a drunk driver. He was my best friend in the world. He called me the night before to talk and tell me that he loved me. I thank God for that call because I got to tell him that I loved him one last time.

This poem brought tears to my eyes and the stories that followed broke my heart over and over again. I miss K.C. everyday, some days hurt more than others but I know that he'll be forever young.

  • Jennifer by Jennifer, Paris France
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful poem. I haven't lost a brother but I lost a sister. She was with me in the car August second 2004. She was 3 years older than I and I had picked her up from a friend's house. On the way back we stopped for ice cream and I went into the ice cream parlor to get them when a drunk driver smashed into my car from the driver's side. The crash was so strong my sister Flora's ribs cracked, bursting her lungs. To this day I can't help but wonder why did God choose her and not me? She's survived by 2 sons who are now more dear to me than anyone in this world. RIP Flora, you will always be in my heart and your children will always be safe from harm

  • Barstow Ca by Barstow Ca
  • 13 years ago

Sorry for your loss..lost my brother in a car accident The poem is so true and all of us here were touched by it we all know that feeling. The pain was so great We all must go on and in our timing is when we must let go and then is when you let him live through you keeping them close to your soul and knowing one day will come where we shall meet again for eternity. To everyone here hold on and remember God promised us Eternal Life..

  • New Jersey by New Jersey
  • 13 years ago

Thank you everyone that shared their story. I'm 19. My brother (24) died in the fire that destroyed my home. I understand your poem, but I think it will be a long time until I can "Let go." At least for the time being, I enjoy my suffocation.

  • Stephanie Vera by Stephanie Vera, Concord NC
  • 13 years ago

I lost my brother in a car accident he was just 16 years old just two days ago on January 13, 2012 and I know how it feels to lose somebody that was so close to you. This poem made me cry and remember my brother but only god knows why he took him away :/

  • Alice Manunga by Alice Manunga
  • 13 years ago

I lost my young brother who was full of life. It was on 30th June, 2011 my other young brother's house had an electrical fault and the whole house was on fire, all the family members rushed there to console them. When we reached there my late young brother just told us that this is nothing thank God that no one was hurt or burnt to death. This (meaning the burnt house) you can replace but you can't replace life with these words we really touched and felt that the presence of God was really with the family. Not knowing that the following day my young brother who gave us strength will not be there with us. He just went into sleep and we found him dead the following day (1st July, 2011) around 09:00 hours he was gone. My young brother did not complain of anything he was full of jokes and I remember telling him that I don't want his jokes cause I might do something or say something that he won't like. I miss him so much. I can't question God.

  • Natalie Roy by Natalie Roy, Albuquerque NM
  • 13 years ago

WOW! This is very well said! I lost my 16 year old brother 16 years ago in a car accident. My heart goes out to all! It's tough and the poem says it all. I'm one day closer to being with him.

  • Marcia by Marcia, Coventry Uk
  • 13 years ago

My three sisters and I lost our dear brother Micky a year ago today. The pain is so unbearable. We never got a chance to say goodbye. We miss him so much and talk about him every day. We are praying that we will be waiting for us when our time comes.

  • Eminem by Eminem
  • 13 years ago

I lost my bro in a car accident, everyday gets harder and harder, but I know it's only one day closer to seeing him again, my bro died in my arms and in my arms is where I need him to be, everytime I close my eyes I picture everything, I remember this day it was going so perfect until we were going home, I'd give anything to have my bro back, anything, I cry everyday when I hear his name or see his picture. It will never get easier, everyday is a struggle. It's been 4 months and 2 weeks and it still feels like the first day
I love you brada <3 rip :'(

  • Florida by Florida
  • 13 years ago

I lost my older brother 5 years ago he also was only 22 in a car accident. He was 4 years older then me. He truly one of my biggest fans in high school. I didn't find that out until about 2 years ago when his best friend was telling me stories of him. Never did I once think he talked about me to any of his friends....he was so proud of his little sister and I didn't even know it!!!

  • Cassandra by Cassandra
  • 13 years ago

This poem is very beautiful, I've just lost my big brother was terrible accident August 5th 2O11. He was hit at the corner of the road. He was only 27 years old. We miss him so much!, it was a nice hot day ..

  • Melinda by Melinda
  • 13 years ago

I first of would like to thank you for sharing your story, I have so many emotions right now it's coming up on the 1st anniversary of my youngest brother David's death. He died from cancer on Nov. 20th 2010 -- Then two weeks later I lost my 1st granddaughter ( stillborn ) Dec. 6th 2010--. As hard as it has been it was very comforting to us all to know my brother David would be standing at HEAVEN'S door with open arms to welcome my precious granddaughter Peyton Elizabeth. Thanks again it's feel good to have and know and able to talk to people who relate to my own pain, God Bless my prayers are for everyone

  • Cesare by Cesare
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for his poem, I lost my brother a month ago and I miss him so much. A truck driver pulled a u turn across the expressway in the middle of the night, and we lost him. I want to have him back so much for one last hug. I never understood the pain of losing of a loved one, but now I wish I hadn't. Remember to hug your family and say I love you so!

  • Sandi by Sandi, Texas
  • 13 years ago

My brother Jimmy Reyes was serving our country for 7 years in the United States Navy... he had been through several tours and back he always called us all every chance he got. His personality and charm could light up the dark. Close to leaving the Navy in a few weeks to start a career in motorcycle mechanics school while stationed in Hanford California. May 27th 2011 was the last conversation I ever had with Jimmy we spoke on the phone about his impending departure from the navy... he spoke of riding his Harley all the way out to Texas to see us before starting his new path in life. we laughed, cried, shared .... it plays over and over in my head. I just loved him so much and he always made me proud to know that this big strong man was my brother. 5 years older than me and I wanted/want to be just like him. Sadly my brother jimmy was killed by an eighteen wheeler while riding his Harley on a quiet road in a small town on June 6 2011...RIP Jimmy

  • Mike Ramirez by Mike Ramirez
  • 13 years ago

It came so fast. one minute my life changed completely. The first time I lose someone it was my little brother Bobby in a car accident in Morgan hill august 1, 1994. Just 17 years ago to the day. I wish I had been the one. Bobby had the most going for him. But god takes him anyways, leaves us to go on. Why should I be the one enjoying my life and not my little brother? I deserved it the least.
These are just some of the things I had to learn to accept over the years. Before I lost him, I had no clue what was in store for me and the rest of us. Such a hard way to learn. In no way do I feel sorry for myself anymore. That took me a few years to get over.
Now the most bothersome is people forgetting. People forgetting what a great person and brother he was.
I will never forget him. and I believe we will meet again and this time I wont let him go. God I wish I could hug him one last time.
love you Bobby. I miss you forever bro.

  • Missie by Missie, PA
  • 13 years ago

This poem and all these stories make me cry even harder. I just lost my 49 yr old brother 2 days ago. He was in a horrible accident. He was going camping and to also find a place to rest his wife's ashes. She had just passed away less then 2 months ago. Something was on the road, he swerved to miss it and lost control. He rolled the car and was ejected. No one knows where his dog is now, as he was in the car with him.
I don't think I will ever get over this. He lived across the united states, but we were still very close. All this is so hard to believe, and take in. Rammy (Stanley) I love you with all my heart and soul. You will forever be in my heart and my thoughts.

  • William by William, California
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful poem. I lost my sister almost 8 years ago in a car accident. It's still very painful and I miss her everyday. The posts by others in response to your poem are amazing and make me feel like I am not alone. Thank you.

  • Holly by Holly, PA
  • 13 years ago

On my brothers 5 year death anniversary, I write this. He was only 27 years old. It had been raining for almost a week during this time, bad flooding, roads closed, etc...he hydroplaned on a road that water always built up on, around a curve. He crossed the center line into a curb as a Honda truck smashed into the side of his car. I hope he didn't suffer. The night it happened I couldn't sleep and didn't know why, until a few hours later when I found out. We buried him on my birthday, so birthdays are never the same. I miss him each and everyday!!!! Always loved and always missed, little brother A.J. 1978-2006 R.I.P.
Wish you were here! - Pink Floyd

  • Antioch by Antioch, Ca
  • 13 years ago

First of all, I want to thank all of you for amazing stories. This poem, and your responses have truly touched me, I'm sitting here in tears. A year ago today, my big brother Dustin, who was 31, lost control on his motorcycle and lost his life. He left behind 2 young daughters, 2 step children, a wife, our parents, and me and my little brother. He was the best brother a girl could ask for. I am now 23 and I think about him constantly, not a day goes by where we don't talk of him, and honestly we all say to each other how the pain isn't going away. It's really getting harder. I know he is in a better place and he went out doing his favorite thing, but I know he wishes he was still here with us and his beautiful daughters. I get through each day knowing that it is what he would want, and also it brings me one day closer to seeing him.
God bless you all, and may our stories keep our loves ones alive.
I love you Dusty *fly high bro*

  • Stephanie by Stephanie, PA
  • 13 years ago

I just want to say Thank You to the person who wrote this poem and to all of you who have responded. It has been more than 6 years since I lost my dear younger brother to a drag racing teenager driving on the wrong side of the road, speeding and out of control. He hit my beloved brother head-on killing him instantly. Like the rest of you, the hardest part is that I never had the chance to say goodbye or tell him how much I loved him. As Tony, above, said, and I said in my eulogy, he was my rock, best friend mentor, and little brother (who cared for me like he was the big brother though). Thank you for reminding me that at the end of every sad day, we are one day closer to seeing them again, This is Memorial Day weekend and I'm having an even harder time than usual. Also, no one understands how I can still be grieving for him "for such a long time" - I will never stop grieving until I see him again. Love to all of you.

  • Laina by Laina, ND
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little brother in a head on car semi accident Jan 16 2011. the semi driver crossed over and hit him. my emotions are confused some days I'm mad others I'm happy that he is in a better place today and other just plain sad. But what I do know is that he will live through me, and I have all these wonderful stories to tell my daughter. I miss him with all of my heart but it would be selfish to want him back. He was my rock, bestfriend, mentor, and lil bro RIP tony

  • Sarfraz Brierfield by Sarfraz Brierfield
  • 13 years ago

My story was the same because he was only 14 and then he had a heart attack it was really really sad to see my brother die and go away.

  • Michaela by Michaela
  • 13 years ago

Thank you. My brother was also 22 years old when he died as the result of a car accident. My sister-in-law was with him, 19 years old. They died on March 25th, 2007. Thank you for your poem

  • Sandy by Sandy, Durban
  • 14 years ago

Hi, my brother passed on 31 January 2011, he was only 31 years old. he was on his way home from work, this was about 10:30 in the night, he was so tired because he had done a split shift. While he was driving on the free way a pedestrian decides to cross that late in the night, my brother tried to avoid, but that did not help. My brother knocked the man and the man split in half, and one half of the mans body hit the windscreen on the drivers side only. My brother was rushed to the hospital where he died 5 hours later. I saw my brother in the hospital bed and that did not look like my handsome brother that I I know. I'm 2 years bigger than him and I'm taking it very bad. we were so close, I wish time could rewind to that night.

  • Rach by Rach
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother to a car accident in march 2004 he was only 19 and then in September 2006 I lost my other brother to an motorcycle accident he was 26 it was exactly 2 and a half years to the day that they both died I love and miss them very much and they know it don't ye bros xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Esmeralda by Esmeralda, South Africa
  • 14 years ago

This poem touch my heart - it made me cry all over again. I lost my baby brother (19 years) on the 23rd Dec. 2010 in a horrible car crash. I was so far away from him - 2000km away, I text him a early Christmas wish that morning - which I hope he read. I feel sad because I did not have the change to speak to him. If I could only hear his voice and laughter one more time...if I could only hold him one more time...if I could only stroke his head one more time and tell him I love him.

Miss you little brother

  • San by San, India
  • 14 years ago

Hi, I lost my younger brother who was 27 year in accident, this Feb. 13th will be a one year of his death, it's really hard to believe he is not there with us, I can't think of day without remembering him, it's really hard to see my mother loosing her youngest son. God give strength to all those whose loose their loved ones at younger age.
Miss you my bro - K

  • Kayla by Kayla, NC
  • 14 years ago

My brother Jason was 8 when I was born. On December 11, 2008 the day he died, I was 12 and he was 19. That Thursday no one had heard from him all day and that night we found out he had been in a car crash. His friend was drinking and driving. The driver got knocked back and lived. My brother got hit from the passenger side and was killed instantly. It was raining that day and the car spun out into the oncoming lane. My brothers last words were "hold on bud" Somehow my father managed to forgive his friend. I cried everyday for a few months. I still cry. I loved and still love him dearly.

  • Janine Wheeler by Janine Wheeler, New York
  • 14 years ago

I lost my younger brother on December 10,2010 and that will forever be the worst day of my life. He had been ill for some time and when he went into the hospital we all thought he would come out and we would be enjoying the holidays, how wrong I was. My brother was 39 years old and the father of 3 young children, they are devastated. But there is one thing my brother always loved to do and that was help others. In fact the day he went in to the hospital he saw a woman crying her eyes out and he went up to her and gave her a hug and said that everything was going to be ok. Always remember, "Hugs are Free" Love and miss you Jon, forever in my heart....your big sis!

  • Melinda Kuta by Melinda Kuta, Texas
  • 14 years ago

I lost my baby brother November 19, 2010, he was only 17. I'm 21 and was away at college. He was hit head on coming home..he was right in front of the street leading to our house. It's so hard to drive by the place he was killed at. It's almost been two months and I still can't believe he is gone. He was going to graduate from high school this year. He had so much to live for. We live in such a small town, people are still talking about it. :(..I loved this poem very much. I'm still crying now. I was lucky enough to have a close relationship with my brother Jonathan. He was the baby of the family and we were closest in age. I miss you so much little brother.
In loving memory of Jonathan Teague Kuta

  • Angela by Angela
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother and sister in a car accident a drunk driver hit them head on killing them all but himself that was 9 years ago when I was only 11 years old.... I miss them everyday like crazy and it sucks there gone... I think of how my life would be if they were still here and I know it would be better than it is now... Also I lost my dad not even a month before my brother and sister past, only my dad was sick and he was psychophrenia and ended up hanging himself... I been through a lot in my life and the only thing I wish I had was all 3 of them right here beside me... So ya it's tough losing someone so close to you... Just appreciate who and what you do have in this world cuz one day can change your whole future around trust me I know... miss you all so much and love you with all my heart...
Love always your one and only lil sister and youngest daughter.... Angela.... R.I.P

  • Crystal by Crystal, Dartmouth Nova Scotia
  • 14 years ago

I read the poem and then read the stories and cannot stop crying. I lost my brother in a car accident 1 month ago yesterday, and the pain is unbelievable. He was 26 and I am 10 yrs older so I have such great memories of watching him grow up. I would give anything to have him back to laugh with, debate with, argue with and goof around with him. I wish none of us had to go through the pain of losing someone in our lives who hasn't had the chance to live and experience everything life has to offer.

  • Christie by Christie, Cary NC
  • 14 years ago

It has been 1 year today that I lost my brother in a car accident at the age of 31. He died the night of his graduation party. He was going to be a history teacher. This poem really touched me and made tears come my eyes. I love you Tommy! RIP

  • Helen by Helen, Leamington
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me, I just lost my little brother in a car accident only 3 weeks ago :'( and everytime I get through a day I also think that I'm one day closer to seeing him again. me and him were best friends we talked about everything and I miss him sooo much.. I love you, RIP Jake :(...

  • May Altarejos-Cueva by May Altarejos-Cueva, Philippines
  • 14 years ago

To all of you who lost a beloved in a car crash ... my prayers and loving thoughts for our brothers - that they are now eternally resting in peace :)

I lost my brother in a vehicular crash 15 years ago. He was only 28 and had a good life ahead of him. This is why I dedicate part of my life to campaigning for road traffic safety and injury prevention.

Please celebrate with us the global event - "WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE FOR ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS" - every 3rd Sunday in November ... to honor the lives of our brothers by working to save other people's lives - so that their deaths won't be wasted after all.


  • Cheri by Cheri, Woodstock
  • 14 years ago

Thank you for this poem. On Aug.17th, 2001 I lost my brother in a car accident. I was 16 and he was 19. Even after all these years I miss him more than anything. He wasn't there for my graduation, my wedding, the birth of my daughter, and so many more. I love how you wrote that your brother will live on through you. It was such an encouraging and insightful statement. Also, I think that there is a little bit of a guilt in feeling like we need to live our lives when someone so special has lost theirs, but I know that is what my brother would want me to do. Thank you for placing in words so many emotions in my heart that I couldn't express. God used you to encourage at least one person today. - Ryan, I love you buddy and think about you every day.

  • Emily by Emily
  • 14 years ago

I also lost my 22 year old brother in a car accident 10-3-10

  • Brandi by Brandi, Idaho Falls
  • 14 years ago

That was a very awesome poem it made me cry and made me think of my brother so very much he died almost 4 years ago in a car accident coming back from his first day of college. He was only 17 yrs old it still hurts me till this day on Oct 17th it will be 4 years its so sad when you lose some one that you're so close to and love so very much but I guess GOD need him more then we did I love and miss you so very much big bro R.I.P

  • Sheffield by Sheffield
  • 14 years ago

The stories that everyone have put are amazing. Truly sorry for your loss. My brother was in a car accident and died March 17 2006 the day before my fathers 50 birthday. It was heartbreaking I was 6 months pregnant with his nephew and the morning we found out my world fell apart. I miss him everyday if I could take his place I would. Such an amazing brother so as the poem says you're still in my heart mind and soul until we meet again brother sleep tight with the angels my dalin xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Lily by Lily, El Paso
  • 14 years ago

I relate to this poem. I just lost my big brother 3 weeks ago (July 16, 2010) in a car accident as well. He got hit by a drunk driver. And it's hard to move on without him but just to know I'll be with him one day gives me strength to move on.

  • Farad by Farad, Toronto
  • 14 years ago

I have lost a sibling in a car accident on March 29 2006 and he was only 17.
Everyday and night I remember him and as you mentioned in your poem at the end of the day I get closer to my brother.
The pain never goes away.

  • Saint by Saint
  • 14 years ago

My brother died in a car accident on March 12th of 2010, I am not an emotional person and I feel I need to stay together for my family and friends, I live thousands of miles from home and these poems keep me somewhat sane, I would like to thank you for you posting your poem it helps more people then you think.

  • Alexis Swise by Alexis Swise, Cuba Illinois
  • 14 years ago

It was so weird that this poem was the first one I clicked on. I lost my brother almost 5 months ago to a car crash. He was also 22. This poem relates to me so much in the fact that I don't really want to move on and live my life without him but I know that it is what he would want.. I just graduated and had my senior prom and it was the hardest thing to look out and know that he wasn't in the crowd. I think about all the other big events in my life that he won't physically be there for. My brother was my best friend, and I will forever miss him.

  • Pauline Juarez by Pauline Juarez, Los Angeles CA
  • 14 years ago

This poem was so touching because I lost my older brother timothy he was just 21 in a car accident May 17, 2010 and my whole life just changed knowing that in this life I will never get to hold him and hear his voice. All I have left are the memories and pictures he lef behind. I will miss him so much.

  • Mariah by Mariah, Texas
  • 14 years ago

When I read this poem it just made me think about my brother Kevin Neal Andrews Sr. He died June 2nd of 2009. It has almost been a year that he has passed away. When I saw this poem it was the exact image of what my brother was and the feeling that I felt after he passed.

  • Jillian by Jillian, Illinois
  • 14 years ago

I can relate. In 2007 I was awaiting my brother to come pick me up from my Dad's house and my brother was late. We went to drive around and look for him, we asked the police and they said there was an accident, we checked the car, it was his. They told us to call the hospital and we did. We drove up there and was pronounced dead on the scene, I had to tell my mom he didn't make it. I never felt like that and I never take life for granted. RIP Jacob, 4-23-91 12-7-07

  • Jack Xiong by Jack Xiong, China
  • 14 years ago

The poem is good. My younger brother, left us on 9th March 2010, because of cancer of the liver. He is only 23 years old, just graduated from university in June 2009. I have been sad and painful and I often dream of him. I don't know how I can get out of the shadow of pain. My parents were hit by the death of my brother and they are in pain also. I love my brother, deeply. Whatever I see that he has used in the past, I think of him.

  • Sandy by Sandy
  • 14 years ago

My daughter was murdered at the age 17.
The poem you wrote to your brother is very good and it's some of what is in my heart. But my daughter left a little piece of her here. She had had a baby girl and by the grace of god I have her now. I love and miss her everyday and my heart will never be the same. It's as a piece missing. Thank you for writing the poem.

  • Jackson by Jackson, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I am only 16 years old I lost my brother in Oct of 2007. He got killed in a tragic car accident. He was only 18. My brother is now an angel to me and if I could have only one wish it would be to bring my brother back to me so I could hold onto him and I would never let go! I miss you so much buddy, I will always love you! <|3

  • M. by M., Texas
  • 14 years ago I sit here leaving you this message, I can't stop crying because its almost 20 years since my brother was taken from our family and brutally murdered (his killers never captured)
I know he knew we loved him. We were a very close family. But to just be able to say it to him again....
Thanks so much for touching my see March, April, and May is the time frame of my sadness as this is the time that it all happened to our family almost 20 years ago.
God Bless you for blessing me.

  • Chloe by Chloe, California
  • 14 years ago

I want to thank you for sharing this beautiful poem with the world. I just recently lost my older brother in a car accident on February 5th 2010, he was only 23. I love him so much and I miss him more everyday. This poem has helped me find strength and sanity in those moments when all of mine has been stolen by grief. And when I read this poem I can feel him with me, and I get strength from that. I can't thank you enough for this blessing of a poem.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany, Troy
  • 14 years ago

I am sooo sorry Hun. I can relate, but I can't say I know how you feel, we all feel different.. I Lost my brother at age 7, he was 6. he was hit by a car. I was the only one who saw it happen. It was in cohoes where all the apartments in a line are, there's a soccer field across I think... haven't been there in 8 years, I'm only 15, but I'm still effected by it, and he will always be in mine, and our family's hearts. RIP Luis (Mikey) Lind Oct. 3rd 1995-May 30th 2002...

  • Lee by Lee
  • 14 years ago

I totally relate to how everyone feels. my brother died 23rd march 2008 in a car crash, and it feels like it was just yesterday. I never got the chance to ever tell him I loved him, I guess these are little things we take for granted... and we only realize it later. this is a great poem. thank you!! miss you so much David!!

  • Sherry by Sherry
  • 15 years ago

I am sorry for your loss. I lost my brother Johnny on January 18, 2010, he was my protector, my strength and my friend. He was only 45, I'll miss every day of my life, we were close and talked at least once if not several times a day. You are right , we will go on and they will live in us giving them life and with each day we grow closer to seeing them. Breathing in and out is so hard and the why's won't go away. I lost my middle brother 13 years ago and John and I promised to be here always for one another. I just cannot make sense of this he was killed by another.
I was one of three now I am just one.

  • 15 years ago

On 3/11/01 my youngest brother was murderd in a club which he help to maintain. I will still mourning the death of my mother. The news came that my brother had been shot. I rushed to the hospital only to find him covered in blood and dead. I could not believe that my baby brother was gone. He was a decent man hard worker good with his hands and would help any one in need. That pain is so hard, still, pain feels like it happened today. So this poem hit home. I love that man so much. It's a star poem in my book.

  • Jas Bannick by Jas Bannick
  • 15 years ago

This poem has truly touched my heart. I lost my baby brother on Friday 1st January 2010. He was only 22 years too. It is so heartbreaking to be still alive and bury your own younger sibling. I regret very much for not telling him how much I loved him and how much he mean to me. He never knew and that's what hurts the most. Goodbye my dearest loving brother KB.

  • Danielle Farnsworth by Danielle Farnsworth
  • 15 years ago

I lost my brother-in-law March 29th 2007 the same day as the brother in this poem. He had Cystic Fibrosis, he was only 27 years old. We all miss him very dearly. He was a very outgoing loving person. He loved Farming and riding his four-wheeler. We will always have him in our hearts and memories..we miss you "Joey"

  • Kateri Besaw by Kateri Besaw
  • 15 years ago

My brother Glenn also died in a car accident, he was 26. It was two weeks after my 17th birthday. I was supposed to drive for him that night. His car flipped fifty feet into a swamp. It landed upside down. I went to sleep at 4 a.m. and I was woken up at 6 a.m. by my uncle who told me that my brother was dead. I cried for so long, I couldn't believe he was gone. I never got the chance to tell him how much I loved him or even to say goodbye. It's been 4 years since he died, the pain doesn't go away. I'd do anything to have him back.

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 15 years ago

I'm 12 and I lost my brother just last November and he was killed in a car accident too. ): he was 16. I think its really hard to live without him and I bet you feel the same way. This poem makes me want to cry but sometimes that's a good thing.. I love this poem.

  • 15 years ago

I lost my cousin last year, she was full of life. Shiny and sparkly like a rainbow in the cloud. Born to amuse, to inspire and to put smiles in the faces of people around her. WE Miss you! Thou you are gone, we will still keep memories of you. You were wonderful, fun to be with and nice. We miss you! I wish that you were here to celebrate together. I wish that we can spend the holidays together. Its so sad that I can only wish. Its so sad to know that you are gone forever.
We miss you!

  • Teresa by Teresa
  • 15 years ago

I read your poem...I just lost my big brother to a car accident...I would like to read it at his memorial...It is beautiful.....

  • Melissa by Melissa
  • 16 years ago

When I found this poem on here, I read it and just broke down. April 25th 2009 will be 1 year that I lost my brother Denny. He passed away after having a massive heart attack. He was only 36 years old. This poem brought not only tears to my eyes, but a warmness to my heart. It is sooo true. I want to thank you from my heart for writing this. Missy

  • Candis by Candis
  • 16 years ago

I connect with this poem because I lost my brother in a car accident and he was only 22 as well

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