Brother Death Poem

Older Brother Driving Under The Influence

I lost my brother when I was only 7, he broke my heart. But our love is forever. Driving and being under the influence of anything is not worth it, trust me. It destroys families.

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My brother passed on November 26th 2014, the night before thanksgiving. He passed from a car accident drinking and driving. He swerved into another car's lane and died instantly. He was my...

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How It Will Be


Published by Family Friend Poems August 2010 with permission of the Author.

It feels like it's been forever
since I've seen your face.
I miss you so much.
In my heart you will always hold a special place.
All the good times we've shared,
the memories we've made.
Every day I think about them all,
From my mind they will never fade.
How I wish we could walk arm in arm, hand in hand, heart to heart.
If I would've known that it would end like this,
I thought we'd never have to be apart.
You were always the light at the end of my storm,
the star in my sky.
You were a blessing,
you were perfect in my eye.
So many questions I still have to ask,
my best friend gone.
You were too young to go.
It didn't have to be like this, you didn't have to die.
From now until the end of my life you will be on my mind,
every minute,
every hour,
every day.
I love you,
I miss you,
and this is how it will stay...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sara Redden by Sara Redden, Omaha
  • 9 years ago

My brother passed on November 26th 2014, the night before thanksgiving. He passed from a car accident drinking and driving. He swerved into another car's lane and died instantly. He was my oldest brother out of 2 more brothers, and I am his only sister and the youngest out of the group. It has changed so many lives after he had passed and today May 26th is his 6 month anniversary since he went on his vacation. Its not worth drinking and driving - you can be gone in a instant. What's sad is I just texted him an hour before he got in his car, and he got in an accident 2 blocks away from my house. He was going to go get pie for thanksgiving. I usually hear sirens that are near, but that night I didn't hear a thing and I didn't find out he passed until 12:00 when he passed at 6:15 in the evening. I'll never forget that night and what I've seen or felt.

  • Bregan by Bregan
  • 10 years ago

My brother died in a car crash, just wanted to get some fags from the shop, the driver was on drugs and was drunk. I miss him so much he died 3-4 years ago, and I was only 10 when he died it has destroyed our family and friends.

  • Roy Mccready by Roy Mccready, Midlands England
  • 13 years ago

I wanted to write a poem with regards to losing my brother and looked on this site for inspiration and the words I would have chose would have been this poem to portray my feelings thank you for writing and sharing this lovely heartfelt poem

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