Brother Death Poem

In loving memory of my brother, Don.
May your sweetest dreams be realized and may you forever rest in peace.

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Miah, your comment touched my soul; I was searching for a poem fitting for my brother's funeral. I am not quite as eloquent as you to put into words how deeply I feel pain from his passing,...

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A Wish And A Prayer


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2010 with permission of the Author.

May your spirit soar in freedom
From the fears that gripped so tight.
May you find the peace you searched for
As you wandered, lost, in the night.

May your tortured mind be clear and calm
And your tender heart be warm.
May you have no need for strength now.
May there ne'er be another storm.

May the music of the angels
Be the sweet sounds that you hear.
As you're rocked in Heaven's cradle
May you ne'er shed another tear.

I'll wear your memory proudly,
My only true friend.
May my love for you reach Heaven above
Until we meet again.


  • Stories 61
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  • Rating 4.47
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Miah Lily by Miah Lily
  • 5 years ago

My older brother meant the world to me. I love him more than words can describe. We are three years apart, and 1 year ago, on March 25, 2018, he died due to misadventure. He was sixteen at the time, and I was 13. This broke my heart in ways I will never be able to explain. It physically hurts me every single day. I am not sure what to do without him and would do anything to take his place. At his funeral, I refused to say goodbye and stayed sitting down when everyone else was doing so because I promised to never say goodbye, as I feel like that marks the end of being his little sister and I could never do that. I'm 14 now and still struggling with it every day. I don't know what my future holds and sometimes feel as though I'm on the edge, but through all this I know I have him, and this poem really helps put into words the words how I feel.

  • Tammy Taylor by Tammy Taylor
  • 3 years ago

Miah, your comment touched my soul; I was searching for a poem fitting for my brother's funeral. I am not quite as eloquent as you to put into words how deeply I feel pain from his passing, but this poem rang true with every sentence. My brother is much older and had different circumstances of his death, but still very close to every word you wrote. My brother died a natural death at 62, but his mental illness took him long before his body gave way. He is at rest and in peace now. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Kelly Kirke by Kelly Kirke
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem. It was so apt for my brother who tried to commit suicide and died from sepsis, but he suffered from PTSD prior to that. I looked for a poem to read at his funeral and found this, which I fell in love with right away and couldn't stop crying reading it. It's the most beautiful and heartfelt poem I've read. Thank you to whoever wrote it; you captured everything I wanted to say.

  • Zelda Bovian by Zelda Bovian
  • 8 years ago

In loving memory of my brother Woodrow Bovan Jr. Sunrise July 14,1957-Sunset July 19,2016, may he always be remembered in the hearts of our family may he be remembered for his loving kindness as a gentle giant and my big hero. Someday I'll see you again as you're smiling down from heavens light. May your soul rest in peace on this starry night, love you big brother, your sister Zelda.

  • Jessica K. Wichita by Jessica K. Wichita, KS
  • 10 years ago

I'm sorry for your loss and appreciate the words you've shared about your loss. It was 2 years ago this month I got the phone call that they had found my little brothers body. He was only 24 years old when he took his life. He left behind 2 beautiful children, a brother and sister (myself), mother and father and too many friends to count! I still don't understand, nor will I ever, the amount of pain and emptiness he must have been feeling to take this road. Whatever it was...must have been so unimaginably painful for him...and as you said

"May you find the peace you
searched for
As you wandered, lost, in the night
May your tortured mind be
clear and calm
And your tender heart be warm."

We may never get the answers or explanations we so desperately search for. But I pray for all of us who grieve over the confusing act of suicide, may we be comforted to know our loved one is no longer trapped in his own mind nor bound by the chains of hopelessness that I imagine were too tight to bear.

Again, thank you for sharing your story. 2 years later and I am just beginning to share my story...and I won't stop telling of my brother and offer support to anyone who shares this pain.

  • Yolanda Lopez by Yolanda Lopez, California
  • 10 years ago

My loving and only brother took his life a year ago this month. He was 36 years old, a firefighter paramedic and in immense mental pain the weeks leading to his last.
Life has gotten difficult and emotionally draining, and for the first time in my life I pray that there's an afterlife so that my brother can live happily and at peace...and so I know we will definitely meet again. Thank you for your poem.

  • Tim by Tim, Fairfeild Ohio
  • 10 years ago

I want to say "I am sorry." 14 years ago I attempted suicide because I have schizophrenia. I now know by the grace of God that I must keep fighting. It's God's love that now keeps me going. I wish to extend my arms of love and hope to you and I want you to find peace as your love ones would want. God bless you and may he fill your sorrow with joy of a new beginning as I do every day.

  • Hannah by Hannah, NSW
  • 10 years ago

I am so sorry for your loss. This poem expressed exactly how I've been feeling since my big brother took his own life on the 3rd of March 2013. The pain that my family and I have felt since this horrible occurrence is unbearable and at times, we just want to give up. But we all live for him now, I know that he has found the peace that he truly needed and I know that he will forever be my guardian angel. He was my bestfriend and he is my hero. I am blessed to have my two sisters and my parents that I love so dearly, but our family will always have a missing piece that can never be replaced. I wish that he would have told us earlier, I hate that he suffered in silence for so long. But I will always have a smile on my face in his memory because I know that he is smiling looking down on my family and I. I am sincerely sorry for all of your losses, heaven has gained many beautiful angels, may they all rest in peace.

  • Shelly by Shelly, Spencer
  • 10 years ago

My 59 year old brother just passed away on 4/1/2014. Our parents passed years ago so it was just him and myself. He had schizophrenia since the age of 19. I have looked for hours for something to put on the funeral card and this is perfect. It also touched me deeply to read all the other comments. Lauren, thank you for this beautiful poem that has touched so many of us.

  • Patricia. Springdale AR by Patricia. Springdale AR
  • 11 years ago

My brother took his life, due to marital issues. It was a year ago January 21, 2013. He loved life. He loved his daughter. It doesn't seem to get better with time. No goodbyes, no answers, nothing. Grief, sadness, anger, anxiety, depression. Nobody to talk to. I keep looking for words on here. I feel sick at my stomach and headaches every day. How do people learn to put it in a place where they can function as they used to?

  • Matthew White by Matthew White, New Haven
  • 11 years ago

My brother died last week. We have not yet learned of the cause, but regardless of the immediate cause, I am pretty sure the underlying cause was alcoholism. We didn't always see eye-to-eye, but he was always there for my parents when I couldn't always be. If I think I can hold it together, I may read this poem at the funeral,

  • Emma. Aberdeen by Emma. Aberdeen
  • 11 years ago

A beautiful poem and the words fits the death of my brother perfectly. It's coming up for a year since my big brother died out of the blue and i wish I could say it gets easier. He struggled in life with addiction and I only hope he is at peace now. Miss him more every day. RIP. Thank you for the comforting words.

  • Kim Miller by Kim Miller
  • 11 years ago

My brother was 26 when he decided to take his own life. He died 12/6/12. He was the life of the party, and always wore a smile no matter how he was feeling. I don't know why he did what he did, his death was the 3rd suicide in my family. I was looking for a poem to help me express how I'm feeling and this page has helped a lot. Thanks

  • Kecia Littlejohn by Kecia Littlejohn
  • 11 years ago

I will read this poem at my brother Ben Forrester's funeral. He was a veteran that was injured serving our country and the pain he suffered as a result was unbearable for him, but he kept fighting. His suffering ended on November 16th when he took a nap and left this world. He was a wonderful brother and a proud American and I am honored to say I was his little sister.

  • Laura by Laura, Dundee
  • 11 years ago

My big brother Derek was 49, pancreatic cancer took him in only 3 short weeks. It was only a few weeks ago, I found your wonderful poem by accident, it describes my brother perfectly. I am so glad to have found your comforting words and read from others who feel the same. Thank you

  • Paul by Paul
  • 11 years ago

To my brother Fernando. You were loved. May God take away your pain. I'm sorry if I never told you that I love you.

  • Marie by Marie, Pennsylvania
  • 11 years ago

My brother decided to take his life on June 10, 2011 instead of living with pain. This poem is amazing and truly hit the spot. I became very depressed after it happened. The depression has subsided but in the past 2 weeks, I have cried every night because I miss him so much! Thank you

  • Deb by Deb, Pennsylvania
  • 11 years ago

My only brother took his life less than a month ago. I was so touched by this poem, I had it printed on the prayer cards for his memorial. It really helped describe how he was and how I was feeling. My brother suffered with bi-polar disorder and this life was just too much for him. Thank you for writing such a beautiful poem

  • Karen by Karen, New Hampshire
  • 12 years ago

I can relate to many of the stories that have been posted. My brother just passed away recently and I was looking for something to read at his memorial service. I will be reading it at his memorial service tomorrow. The words have truly touched my heart. Thank you Laurie for writing this poem - as one can read, it has touched a lot of people's hearts.

  • Laura by Laura, Indiana
  • 12 years ago

My baby brother Joey took his life on January 5th, 2010. He was an amazing brother, son, uncle, friend. At the age of 18 he began showing signs of schizophrenia and by 21 his mental illness had taken control of his mind and body. We tried so hard to help him but in the end the disease won. I truly believe my brother ended his life because he didn't want to hurt anyone because he loved life and his family but the "voices" were controlling his thoughts and actions. He was afraid of losing control and gave his life to save others. He told me in the days before his death he was sorry for the pain he was causing but he has nothing to be sorry for. We love you Joe and only now I am beginning to accept that you felt you had no choice and I believe you are in heaven looking down on us and guiding us on the right path. Watch over my son Mason and help us through the pain. I will miss you until the day I die and I look forward to holding you close once again.

  • Deonna Tucker by Deonna Tucker, Maple Falls Wa.
  • 12 years ago

My brother went missing early in AM on December 1st, 2 weeks ago, he was recently found, on the 9th in the water, 200' from the Canyon Creek Falls in Granite Falls. He was in the dark and lost, hearing voices in his head, he fell, got up, and fell again over the falls. The voices have stopped now and he not lost anymore but a big part of me was lost when he left.

  • Isa Sorber by Isa Sorber
  • 12 years ago

I lost my only brother to cancer August 3, 2010. He was only 38 years old. I have been told that time will ease the pain, but for me there is no change. I cry for him every day. This poem is very lovely and it touched me, reminded me of so many of my own feelings and my sorrow over his loss. It helps to know I'm not alone, and on the other hand, I feel worse knowing so many other people bear the same scars and pain that I do. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend his last two months of life at his side, nursing him and caring for him until he took his last breath, looking right into my eyes. It was the worst moment of my life and it still haunts me, but I know he is free now, free from the pain and the anxiety and the fear that twisted and tore him in his last days, and I know he is gone home to be with our Lord in Heaven. I feel him around me at times, I see signs from him to remind me of how much he loved me. Yet, until we meet again, I will never get over his loss.

  • Chris Canard by Chris Canard
  • 12 years ago

I just lost my brother a week ago and just had his funeral. This poem touched me so much that when I have my tattoo done of me and him ... I will write at the top "I wear your memory proudly my only brother, my true friend". Amazing writing. Thank you for sharing your talent and helping me in my brothers un-timely death. :*(

  • Pamela Waby by Pamela Waby, Lincolnshire Uk
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 44 year old brother 24th October 2010. After losing my mum the previous year 4th October 2009. It was all too much for him to bare. He was grief stricken more than any of us could have known, my heart aches because I wish we could have done something to stop him slipping into a deep depression and destroying himself with alcohol...Our lives will never be the same, and I don't think he realized how much he was so so loved...God bless you bro xxxxxx This poem is beautiful and so reminds me of my wonderful brother...........

  • Sharon Jarvis by Sharon Jarvis, Runcorn
  • 12 years ago

I lost my 39 year old brother on the 20th July 2012 very suddenly and this verse said everything I was feeling at the time. Ronald was Aspergers and deeply confused and troubled. I really wish he knew how many people he has touched in his short life.

  • Kim by Kim, Middletown NJ
  • 12 years ago

I lost my wonderful brother, Ed to suicide on July 15th, 2012. I cannot begin to tell you the grief and utter devastation I feel at this moment. Why? Why did he choose to do this final act?...I will miss him terribly...yet I know in my heart that he is now free from the torment and sadness he struggled with...I know he is in the arms of God and truly take comfort in that. I just wish he could give me a sign that he is indeed ok.....

  • Phoenix.Az by Phoenix.Az
  • 12 years ago

My little brother and best friend took his like on July 14 2012. We didn't find him for 3 days. Thank you for this poem. My grief will last a life time but I believe he with God and has no more pain. I love you James.

  • Irene by Irene, Newbold UK
  • 12 years ago

I lost my big bro Lofty on Tuesday the 17th of July 2012 and this poem has helped me grieve for him. When we finally lay him to rest I will read this poem to him to tell him how much he will be missed by me and his other 4 brothers and 5 sisters he leaves behind and his wife and 7 children. Thank you for this poem it means a lot to me, bless you all, Irene

  • Uk by Uk
  • 12 years ago

My younger brother took his life on 20th January 2011 and it would have been his birthday today. I read your poem and it really expressed how I felt.

  • Bibi by Bibi
  • 12 years ago

My brother is on life support at the moment struggling for his life. I am torn, confused, and struggling with his contemplation. I am hoping he will pull through. Will update !!!!!

  • Judy McDermott by Judy McDermott, Australia
  • 12 years ago

Hi all, I too lost my brother to suicide, 16.06.2012
He was the baby, well I helped raise Jamie and I don't know how to get through life anymore - I'm so lost and I see so many people have lost a brother to suicide. Id like to try and have a day of memory for especially those left after suicide - I just am sick of people saying negative things - suicide isn't easy for the one who took their own life - I just would like some acknowledgment for all of us who are left - thanking you all

  • Nicole by Nicole, Nc
  • 12 years ago

My brother died 12/3/2011. He was 27. I didn't know our last hug was just that. Joe had a lot of struggles in his life, and although his death was an accident, I trust that it had to be that way, to spare him so much more suffering; maybe to let his spirit go free before he became someone he wouldn't know or be able to live with. Joefus, I love & miss you. You know that. I hope God has been hugging you for me. Love you brofus.

  • Cheryl by Cheryl
  • 12 years ago

Lost my only brother and sibling on March 20, 2012 at the age of 54. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Found your poem and it has brought me such peace that I say this to him as a wish and a prayer every day. Thank you so much!

  • Wendy Spencer by Wendy Spencer
  • 12 years ago

I lost my brother in October 2011. He suffered from mental illness and lost the battle. This poem touched my heart so much. Thank you so much for writing this.

  • Jennifer Laman by Jennifer Laman
  • 12 years ago

My big brother left on the wings of an Angel 10 days ago, on 4/2/12, so it would be four years to the day that you lost your brother. This poem has the words that I have been wanting to say. Chris (Preach) Cannon wasn't just my brother, but my best friend. He was only 30 and his death was very unexpected, so it's hard to even believe that he is gone. I don't know what I am going to do without him for me to call when I have a problem or just to hear his voice. I know that he is now looking down on me and his pain and sorrows are gone, but it doesn't stop the pain of not knowing when we'll meet again. Thank you for your words, and I pray that you and all the others on here that have lost their brother or another loved one are surrounded by God's love and comfort. May you all be Blessed!

  • Kim Massengill by Kim Massengill
  • 13 years ago

We just lost our brother on Nov 6th 2011, it wasn't an expected death...he was sick but no one knew how sick he was till the last three week's of his life. For as long as I can remember I was Jimmy's shadow we did everything together growing up..and I took for granted that we'd grow old together he was 51 and I'm turning 50 this month...I cannot grasp the real facts that I'll never get his awesome hugs and re-assurance when I need him, a best friend for as long as I can remember...dearly missed by so many people.

  • Joan by Joan, Cambridge
  • 13 years ago

My brother, who had severe schizophrenia, just died. This poem will be ready at his burial. Thank you so very much for such beautiful words.

  • Michele by Michele, PA
  • 13 years ago

I lost my little brother a year ago today and this poem really expressed how I feel. I wish all these things and more.....until we meet again.

  • Dianna by Dianna, Maryland
  • 13 years ago

I lost my only brother on December 3, 2009 from lung cancer. He was only 49 years old. He was my big brother and I was devastated. I thought that by now the pain would be better, but it's not. I only find comfort in knowing that he is no longer suffering. He was so brave and strong through the whole thing - he only worried about how this was affecting me and our parents. Thank you for the beautiful poem; I am going to share it with my mom and dad.

  • Chantal by Chantal, Virginia
  • 13 years ago

This poem is beautiful! My big brother took his own life 3 years ago. He was only 20 and never got the chance to meet his daughter. I am blessed to have a piece of him still in this world. Thank you for this beautiful poem.

  • Bobbie by Bobbie
  • 13 years ago

I lost my brother to a drug overdose, he struggled with drugs for many years before it took his life away from us. He died July 6th 2008. He died before h got to see his baby boy that was born September 26th 2008. He was 23 years old. I miss him everyday. I love him and your poem is how I am feeling every day. Thank you for your words

  • Baguio City Philippines by Baguio City Philippines
  • 13 years ago

My student died last night because of leukemia. I can't explain the emotion that I'm having right now..he wasn't able to attend school because of his condition but he was officially enrolled. He was diagnosed last March of this year, and was given two years to live. We visited him in the hospital last month, we let him feel that the world is outside is waiting for him especially his classmates and teachers so he has to get well. I never thought that it will happen this fast, because yesterday his parents inform the principal that he wants to come to school and see his classmates. But in my surprise, our assistant principal informed me that he already passed away last night. Pietro was very eager to come to school in spite of his condition, he has the passion for education...I'm so inspired by him. I can't avoid myself to compare him to other students who are very healthy, lucky and have all the chances to learn but they are not mindful of the chances that God is giving them...Thank you for your poem..., I was able to search one for him

  • Maria by Maria, Phoenix
  • 13 years ago

My brother passed away July 13, 2011. He was 51. the best hairdresser I'll ever know. He was intelligent, he knew history. He died alone, we believe it was alcoholism and depression. Depression is very serious, I will help anyone with depression however I can. I will tell my siblings about this poem.

  • Tony by Tony, California
  • 13 years ago

My brother took his life this Father's Day. He has been in pain for the last 10 years due to a back injury at work. He is my only sibling and it feels like a part of me is dead but, I must press on. I have a wife and son that need me. I was trying to find something to say at his service and this is to the point and seems perfect for what I want to say. Thank you to the person who wrote this poem

  • Rita by Rita, Las Vegas
  • 13 years ago

My Brother died on Sunday, April 3rd, 2011 and this morning I came across your poem. It made me weep for your loss as well as my own. It seems as though God has to break our hearts to prove to us that he only takes the very best. Thank you to Lauren for writing such a beautiful poem and such a wonderful tribute.

  • Elberton by Elberton, Ga
  • 13 years ago

My husband just lost a lifelong friend to Alzheimer's disease, he was 70 years young. They became friends in college and were as close as brothers. This is such a terrible and painful disease for the family as well as the patient. The words in this poem seem to speak to the affects it displays. My husband is having this poem read in his friends honor during his memorial service. I feel it very appropriate and want to thank Lauren for writing it! It was truly a beautiful tribute to her brother! Carole, GA

  • Kim by Kim, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

I lost my only brother 2 days ago. I was looking for ideas for something to say at his service and found this. I hope you don't mind if I borrow it? It seemed perfect for what I need to say.

  • Connor Dea by Connor Dea
  • 14 years ago

My brother passed away a week ago of chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), he had one of the worst cases in the world, the worst part was he was only 12 and hadn't had much of a life spending most of it in hospitals and away from home. I'm now left with mom dad on my own and all I can do is watch them cry. It hurts so much but not much I can do at age 16. Your poem made me think, thank it helped

  • R. Ohmart by R. Ohmart
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother 22 years ago today. He killed himself and the pain is still with me daily. It never really goes away. I miss him so much:(

  • Tam by Tam, Houston
  • 14 years ago

Yesterday I lost my only brother I hardly knew. Though I may never understand how and why his life has been taken, reading this poem has taken the words right out of my mouth. May his troubled painful soul be at peace forever and ever. I love you always have and Miss you already Charlie Brown. Peace and Love to you My Bro!!!! Tam what am.....

  • Carolyn by Carolyn, England
  • 14 years ago

A beautiful poem thank you for expressing the words I can't I lost my sister in February and thought my world had ended and then my brother took his own life in July he called me and I missed his call by three seconds, time I would give my life to have back. If they knew the devastation they leave behind they wouldn't do it. God rest all their souls and may they find the peace they never found on earth x

  • Christina by Christina, England
  • 14 years ago

This poem really touched me to. My brother died last Sunday at 40, this Thursday we will have his funeral. he was my best friend, don't know how I will ever get over this pain :( R.I.P my sweet brother xxx

  • Jennifer Quinney/Bogatay by Jennifer Quinney/Bogatay
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother Matt on March 18, '09. I will never forget the 1st phone call that morning that made me drop to my knees & changed my life forever. It's so hard not having a real explanation of why he's gone or what really happened. All I am left with is memories, & lots of questions. I will never forget you & I promise to remind your little girls every time I see them what an awesome person their daddy was. RIP Matthew Scott Bogatay 7-10-76 to 3-18-09. See you on the other side bro:)

  • Shendy by Shendy, England
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother last year to the same thing as Jackie above. It was the worst day of my life as he was my friend too and I miss him more than words can ever say.
I love you Johnny xxxxx

  • Ruth Nathan by Ruth Nathan, Kuala Lumpur
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me in a very special way. My youngest brother Terry died on 2 July 2010 at the of age of 41. He was the youngest of 5 children. He was ill yet loved life and lived it to the full. He was a hair stylist & excellent in his skill. My grief is so deep and I miss him terribly. There are no words only emptiness and sadness.

  • Breanna by Breanna
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother 2 weeks ago and your poem really moved me. It made me realize that my brother is in a better place right now.

  • George by George, Alexandria Louisiana
  • 14 years ago

I lost my little brother 6 years ago Sunday it was all my fault that he died thanks this site really helped

  • Debie by Debie, CA
  • 14 years ago

This is exactly how I feel and you have nailed it. My younger brother ended his life after an argument with his wife. Whatever was said was enough for him to feel that he could not continue. It has left our family with a forever hole in our hearts, yet I understand that he had to do what was best for him. We will miss him forever!
Thank you for writing what I am feeling!! May others who have experienced a loss be touched by this poem you have shared with us all.

  • Jackie by Jackie, Cliffside Park NJ
  • 14 years ago

I lost my brother less than 24 hrs. ago. He was an alcoholic and in the end he suffered from liver disease, COPD, Hep C,
He began drinking at a very early age and passed today at age 54. I felt as if this poem was written for him.

  • Cindy by Cindy, Bristol
  • 14 years ago

My younger brother took his life less than 48 hours ago. I was looking for something in words to help express what I am feeling this helped so much , Thank you

  • Joshua by Joshua, California
  • 14 years ago

I was moved by your poem. on March 29, 2010 my littler brother took his life own life. It has been hard for me but little by little I am trying to be at peace with it. My mind cannot understand a world where my brother would do such a thing, but I hope like never before that if there is an after life for him to be there.

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