Teacher Poem

I had no one to turn to or talk to and I found that trust with my teacher and this is a poem to her. I don't know if it is good. I still haven't made up my mind if I like it or not.

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This is an absolutely amazing poem. It’s very beautiful. I’ve just finished my 10th grade year. In 9th grade I met one of the BEST people in my life: my math teacher. He’s not just a teacher...

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Not Just A Teacher But A Friend

© more by Darby

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

I had nowhere to turn, had nowhere to go.
This is just something I think you need to know.
I don't know what made me trust you.
I still remember the day when I told you what I've been through.
I thought I should run away, go hide in a hole,
but then you really brought out my true soul.

As each day grew longer,
our trust became stronger.
Each time I wanted to cry,
you stayed there right by my side.

Then I moved to the next grade.
Boy, was I afraid
that our trust would slowly fade,
but I was wrong;
we are still strong.

Even though sometimes you don't have time,
you at least ask me if I am fine.
Even though sometimes I am not,
I feel like I have just been shot,
I smile and say yes I'm alright.
Then I walk away and you're out of sight.
I'll just have to wait.
I still have my fate.

I am so glad
that you were there when I was sad
and this is what makes you
not just my 7th grade teacher but also my friend.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Vaishnavi Bissa by Vaishnavi Bissa
  • 5 years ago

Amazing poem. I was so shaken after reading it that it reminded me of my present teacher, Mrs. Santosh Chauhan. She teaches me math. She knows everything about me and even helps me to get on the right path. I've always needed a teacher like her. Teachers are the ones who shape our lives. Don't make fun of any teacher. Even though at this age we all like to do it, but they are like angels for us. This is a beautiful poem! Love to all the teachers out there.

  • Ashley Marilynne Wong by Ashley Marilynne Wong
  • 6 years ago

Great poem. When I was reading it, I relived the first time I broke down and told a very special teacher some of the most painful experiences I went through as a student in primary and secondary school. I didn't have the privilege to have good teachers then; my experiences with my school teachers were traumatic. Because of those experiences, I had some sort of culture shock when I started university, especially when I met the special teacher highlighted who was my university lecturer. I graduated from university in July this year, but we're still really close. She's my surrogate mum, best friend, spiritual soulmate, and my greatest inspiration. <3

  • Sakshi Kanwar by Sakshi Kanwar
  • 6 years ago

This is an absolutely amazing poem. It’s very beautiful. I’ve just finished my 10th grade year. In 9th grade I met one of the BEST people in my life: my math teacher. He’s not just a teacher but a guide, mentor, and friend. He taught us math, but he also always made sure we all had a smile on our faces. He was, is, and will be the best teacher ever. I can’t express my gratitude toward him in words nor define our very special teacher/student bond. I just want to say, “Sir, never change. Be the same forever. Thank you very much for everything!” I could relate to each and every line of this poem. We will always look up to him.

  • Mosaic1229 by Mosaic1229, Toronto, Ontario
  • 6 years ago

I have a favorite teacher at school, and I can tell her everything, like my feelings or when I'm feeling sad and she talks to me and helps me out. She is the best teacher anyone could have ever have! I hope I have her as a teacher at my new school next year, but if I can't, I hope to have her as a tutor someday. I always wish for this day to happen and someday it might since I can feel it in my brain that I know we will have a super long conversation one day and just sit somewhere and talk and talk.

  • Audreyl by Audreyl, Hong Kong , China
  • 6 years ago

This poem is great, beautifully written. It reminded me of my year 10 English teacher, Ms. Louise Keeping. She is my hero and a lifesaver. She's also my friend and a mentor. She was always there for me when I needed to talk about stuff. She supported me when I was sad.

  • Shay Hayden by Shay Hayden
  • 7 years ago

I had a teacher who filled my heart with joy. When next year comes my heart will break.

  • Easha by Easha
  • 8 years ago

I love this poem. My teacher is leaving and I wanted to make a card for her so she could see how much time I put into it. After reading this poem I hope she remembers us.

  • Raegan, USA by Raegan, USA
  • 8 years ago

My fourth grade teacher Mrs. Maria Sparks has taught me through the years about life and family. She is not only my former teacher, but a dear friend, mentor, and sister in faith. I consider her dear because she always listened when I needed an ear and gave advice when I needed it. She told me when I was getting too big for my britches and lead me to want to have a good life. Now that she has moved to another school far away, she is missed by my class. We will never forget you and The Great Paper War.

  • Karen by Karen, Canada
  • 9 years ago

I just finished grade 10, and this reminds me of a teacher in my school, and although I didn't have him as my own teacher, he was still amazing. I was harassed by so many students, and he was there for me the whole time, and I look up to him so much. At one point, I was too terrified to even talk to anyone, and I sat down in the hallway and just stared off into space. He got me to look him in the eye, and he asked if everything was okay. I lied and said yes, then kicked myself mentally for a week, wishing I had told him. So I went back, and I told him. He listened. And I received the help I needed, because of him.
I went to see him at the very end of the school year, and he told me that he was proud of me, because even though I had a bumpy year, I still had made gains. He is an absolute lifesaver, and I hope I get to see him again. If I don't, I wish him all the best, and I thank him from the very depths of my heart.

  • Monea by Monea
  • 10 years ago

I had a teacher this year, she was awesome and was always there for me when I had problems or when I felt like I couldn't do something .I love her but am really sad she's moving because she's like my mother.

  • Maria by Maria, California
  • 10 years ago

My third grade teacher was very nice. She supported me at all times even when I was sad. I love her.

  • Yoogan by Yoogan
  • 10 years ago

I have a teacher. My grade 13 science class teacher who has supported me so much through my subjects, difficulties, personal matters I mean everything.

  • Cape Town by Cape Town
  • 11 years ago

I have a teacher, my grade 12 English class teacher who has supported me so much through my subjects, difficulties, personal matters I mean everything. She is just the very best woman you can find in the whole world to talk too. She's kind, caring and supportive. I respect and love you Ms. Penxe from M.G.M.H.S

  • Rosismita by Rosismita
  • 11 years ago

It's just a very true poem. I've been in contact with a teacher like this since class VIII, actually he is my tutor. In a very true sense if it is expressed then till now I've come across many teachers like this, who care for me & my future as well as make my present better! I heartily respect them a lot. Actually it's in my schooling period but I'm afraid whether I'll get such teachers during my college time! It's a common question in every student's mind!!!!!!!!!!

  • Zulqarnain Haider by Zulqarnain Haider, Pakistan
  • 11 years ago

This poem is so nice. Really nice tribute to that teacher who change my life forever. My 5th grade science teacher, he not only help me in solving science problems but also told me the way how to live in life like a good man. I shell always remember him in my prayers through out life.

  • Abbie Jessice Lorenzo by Abbie Jessice Lorenzo, Philippines
  • 11 years ago

Have a teacher like that on this time as a grade 8 student, she is my math teacher, she is always there for me. She supports me in my plans and she makes me feel strong when I am alone or I have a problem I really really love her. I respect her as mother.

  • Kathleen by Kathleen, Chelsea
  • 11 years ago

I was like everybody else I guess, in the same boat, same class, not knowing what's going on around me and I trusted them and before I knew it I was their friend and our trust came strong and true and I think meeting each other for the first time really made it a lot easier for me to understand my life ahead of me is very very important for me.

  • Jade M. Cayley by Jade M. Cayley
  • 11 years ago

I have a teacher like that. Eight grade English teacher :) but I'm afraid that when I go to high school we won't be friends anymore..

  • Jennifer Lemus by Jennifer Lemus
  • 12 years ago

Well I had a teacher that was like that to me when I was in 5th grade. She was always the for me and still is when I go visit her sometimes but ya.......

  • Sara by Sara
  • 13 years ago

First the poem is really amazing thank you for it ... My 8th grade English teacher is my hero I really respect her respect the way she got through every thing she lost her son but she was able to stay strong and keep believing .. So I really would like to thank her for this amazing and touching lesson ..

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